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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED][1.6.4][Forge] Apex 0.10.0
    1. Add Recipes for new tools.
    2. Create textures for tools, ores, and ingots.
    3. Add a few interesting mobs.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED][1.6.4][Forge] Apex 0.10.0
    0.9.0 source code and assets are out on GitHub, will be releasing the compiled version on DropBox after I am finished with the new textures.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.4] Raxpack Modpack - updated: 20/4/2014
    Don't think this is the correct section.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED][1.6.4][Forge] Apex 0.10.0
    Quote from bobfrapples49
    Can you post some screenshots of the lamps? I'm excited to see what they will look like!
    I changed the textures for the lamps, I will upload them in a moment and post them.
    Sneak Peak (Lamp Textures):

    These will be introduced in the 0.9.0 update.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED][1.6.4][Forge] Apex 0.10.0

    This mod will be discontinued, and not updated for awhile.

    Apex is a mod that adds Blocks, Items, Mobs, World Generation, tools, and much more. Getting to the point, Apex is a mod that just adds a bunch of fun to the game, the mod is currently in Alpha! And will be released to beta when it feels appropriate. The mod will be 100% open source, hosted on GitHub. Links are bellow.

    About the Mod:
    First off, the mod adds a lot of aesthetic blocks, for building. The mod also adds some tools, weapons, world generation (ores, tree's, etc). The main point of the mod is to make the game funner, at the time there are no mobs added, they will be added in a later date, there will also be some technical aspects in the mod. Remember, the mod is in alpha. At the time, when you get in-game, you will notice two new ores, Magic Ore, and Steel Ore. Steel Ore is used to make tools and a weapon, Magic Ore drops 8 different dusts, each used to make lamps.

    I highly recommend using chicken bones NEI for this mod, along with Waila.


    Minecraft Forge

    Source Code:
    Apex - GitHub


    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on The Twilight Forest (v2.3.5: Wrecking Block)
    Awesome mod! :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MCI Craft 1.0.7
    Looks like a really interesting mod, a couple suggestions:
    1. Improve on the textures, look a tad "dull" atm.
    2. Make a few tutorials on how everything works (Spotlight, etc.)

    Also, the base of this mod is redstone related, but then you have two blocks that don't really mix in. Those are:
    1. Mole
    2. TnT

    I feel as if those two are very randomly added to the mod.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Alchemical Reactions - Make all the things!
    You asked if there was a way to turn class files back into java files, well, there is. Pretty easy also:

    Download that and put the src files inside, then save the project, and then the class files are now java files. :P
    De-Compilers are amazing.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MagiCraft
    This adds ores and tools? Where's the magic exactly? Anyways, the textures looks quite nice, along with the particle effects.

    PS: A little more information couldn't hurt.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on My Dislikes & Suggestions
    Hello everyone, I'd like to share my current dislikes of Minecraft with everyone, they are little things, but noticeable, at-least for me. Here is a list:

    - Render Distance (New Feature)
    This is quite annoying because I have no idea what to put it at for my computer, I would've liked it to stay at the old style, because I usually ran it on Normal Render Distance.

    - Super Secret Settings
    When you click the super secret settings, it usually lags your game, and most of the time you can never find the correct setting...this is an annoyance.

    - MipMap Level
    No idea what this does, don't know if it affects my performance or if it increases it.

    - Anisotropic Filtering
    I don't know if this makes my performance better or worse.


    #1: Revert the change back to the old style (my opinion)

    #2: Display what setting you're on, so you can find the normal setting.

    #3: When you hover over it, it should say what it does for you, if it increases your performance or decreases if you enable/disable.

    #4: Same thing as #3, except explain what it does exactly.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Power Melons Mod! (MINECRAFT FORGE)
    Small, but neat mod. As Tylor said, please add screenshots/video.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED][1.6.X][Forge][WIP] Better Blocks [v0.2.0]
    The first release is out, there's about 5 blocks atm, going to add tons more today. [v0.2.0 atm]
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED][1.6.X][Forge][WIP] Better Blocks [v0.2.0]
    Quote from Jbyoda

    need a mod review?

    Would be helpful, but allow me to release the mod before doing any of that. Added a few more blocks.

    Edit: It seems there's a bug with the BBCode...along with that when I backspace it puts the line I am on, on the next line (forum bugs).
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED][1.6.X][Forge][WIP] Better Blocks [v0.2.0]

    Hello everyone, I am currently developing a mod called Better Blocks! Better Blocks is a mod that adds a load of crafting recipes, smelting recipes, and blocks of course! The mod is 100% based around blocks, almost 100% of the blocks can be made out of the vanilla minecraft blocks. This mod is about aesthetic blocks. As this mod develops, the version will go up one increment at a time, when the version hits 1.0.0, it will be released and there will be an official version. This will be open source, so anyone can contribute with their own code, textures, etc.



    [v0.2.0][Beta]Better Blocks - Mediafire
    You will also need MCForge for 1.6.X.

    Current Blocks:

    - Smooth Stone
    - Ender Stone
    - Mossy Grass
    - White Lamp
    - Quartz Bricks


    • Added White Lamp
    • Added Quartz Bricks
    • Added recipes for the blocks.
    • Cleaned the code a bit.
    • Added Ender Stone
    • Added Smooth Stone
    • Added Mossy Grass

    Extra Information:
    All blocks have their own custom damage values, it may be hard, it may be soft! They each have their own sounds also (vanilla sounds). If there is no downloads yet, don't worry, there will be! All I have to do is get at-least 15 blocks in the mod, and then I will release it.

    • Contribute by sending me textures for blocks.
    • Contribute by sending me ideas for new blocks.
    • Contribute by forking and pushing commits on GitHub. (Source code will be given when first alpha release is out!
    • Contribute by commenting (I always enjoy feedback!)
    Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy the mod! :)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.4] Enhanced Spawners (Beta)
    Amazing, even though this is an END GAME mod. Otherwise, it looks fantastic so far. Open Source would be even better. ;)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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