My Vote: Yes
1. There could be UIDS assigned to accounts.
2. There could be "nicknames".
3. The usernames could be searched up on server and see their original username.
4. There could be small username fixes instead of full username changes.
My Vote For Fees: No
1. Minecraft is a 1 time pay only.
2. This would count as a DLC? So alpha members would get it free?
Sorry for not updating in a bit, have been a bit busy. Will get back on schedule now.
I will message you.
+ Added Gradle Files
+ Added Matter Manipulator
+ Added Planetary Travel Base (Not Completed)
+ Added Spaceship Spawn Generation
+ Added Spaceship Locker (Storage Unit)
0.5.0 is pushed to GitHub.
I just started the mod, so basically nothing, I do have world generation added, so I will be making Plant Fibre generate like vines but in caves. I also am currently developing the currency system (pixels.)
0.3.0 is pushed to GitHub.
Currently debating on how the coldness system is going to work.
Yea, which is weird, just no items.
Reinstalled Forge Gradle and now it's working properly, guess debug mode messes with it.
No error messages oddly enough, I know it's prompting the classes because it's reading the textures. But no items...very odd.
Seems that forge isn't working properly for me. I opened the client in debug mode and everything loaded fine, the items, and everything, closed the client, reopened it in debugging mode again, and there was no items or anything...
What exactly do you want to have a connected texture? Glass, an ore, block, etc?
That says that you have to make 47 different textures...
Electric Cable model is kinda broken.
No idea how to do connected textures, but I can learn.
TC has an interesting way:
Or, I could check out the code for stained glass.
The code that was already in the transparentAluminumBlock class, will work, don't need to change that. All we need at the moment is the aluminum ore texture/block texture and set the opacity to 50%.
Example One:
Example Two:
Just set the opacity to 50% in photoshop and it was fine.
Interesting idea, I guess I could add that into the mod.
Or make a whole separate starbound mod....hmmm.
Thanks for the spotlight, but not needed since it's a W.I.P mod, once the mod is officially released, which will be in a few weeks, feel free to make an official spotlight.
0.10.0 will be out in 10 minutes.
Version 0.10.0 is live. Hosted on DropBox, pushed a commit for 0.10.0, the update is a WIP at the moment, spawn the mob with caution.
PM Me.