• 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5][Vanilla]✎100% ⓋⒶⓃⒾⓁⓁⒶ ⓂⒾⓃⒺⒸⓇⒶⒻⓉ
    1. In-game Name - SilentTheif
    2. In-real life Name(optional) - Well, no harm in not telling you. Marc Gault
    3. Age - I'm 13 years old.
    4. Why you should be accepted - Well, I have been running my own server that is 100% vanilla just like yours. But that has nothing to do with why I want to join your server. I think it would be great for me to get out of my server and go check out whats happening on other small whitelisting server. (Mine is small too, trust me.) I have been striving for a nice dose of Vanilla with other players, I've been pretty lonely in my boring server so far. So I want to join this server and have some fun with some people.
    5. What do you like best about minecraft - Well I like everything about minecraft, especially the redstone and the enchanting system they implemented into the game.
    6. Skype Username(needed to communicate easier) - SilentTheif123 (There was someone who took SilentTheif)
    7. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment in Minecraft? Why?
    If you are a new player, what do you plan to do in Minecraft? Why? - My biggest accomplishment is probably build a 500x500 space ship with fully customized features inside. Took me about 4 months.
    8. Why are you interested in playing on a Vanilla SMP server? -
    I've always been interested in vanilla since I started minecraft. And mostly because of the MindCrack server.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    Come on and apply, inspired by Mindcrack!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    My server has inspired me to do my best in this game. Not just slack on the server, but actully get somewhere in this game once in a lifetime. So come on and apply, its very fun here!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    LordZeal117 you are whitelisted!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    Please send ALL applications to me!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    I will change back to 100% vanilla.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    The new server awaits everyone!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    Well, there we are, the reconstructed server!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on BUKKIT 1.4.2 ADDED! ZUMACRAFT SURVIVAL SERVER
    I miss you guys.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    Quote from Luckyzin

    Can you reserve a slot to me when you're going to accept?

    Well sir. I will be accepting when I get everything sorted out.
    Everything is very confusing right now with the topic of making a server like mindcrack.
    Its very difficult to do by yourself, make everything perfect so everyone is happy.
    Some people don't like the idea of having a /home and /sethome commands so you can get home quicker.
    Some people don't like that beds don't work 100% perfectly.
    Its just very annoying.
    I might just stop doing this and just make a regular bukkit server with permissions and ranks and stuff like that.
    With no whitelisting, so everyone is happy.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    Quote from TheLordx7

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?:

    I wanna join a server like that,I love vannila servers,and I wanna be a part of that community.I plan on making LP(Let's plays).

    This server(TimeCrack) will be the best experience for me,growing a small channel on youtube.

    Will you abide by the simple rules?:

    Yes,I will.

    Do you have skype?:

    Yes, I have.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?:I think since 1.5 Beta.

    Denied: Please don't post these horrible applications again!

    Quote from Boxhead6616

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?: In my opinion, Vanilla Minecraft is the best form in the game, and the Mindcrack team is the best! I would LOVE to be with a community of people that will have fun, build awesome stuff, and possibly prank others from time to time Posted Image It's hard to find a good server with awesome people on it. Almost all other servers that I've tryed to play on were stupid with annoying people. This server seems to be very well put together, and you seem to be choosing good people to join it. I hope to be a part of this AWESOME community!

    Will you abide by the simple rules?: The rules seem very clear to me, and I wouldn't want to do anything to make other people mad or possibly get myself kicked out of the server completely. I just want to have fun!!! Greifing is stupid. I don't know how to hack. Spamming is annoying. Trolling isn't funny. I don't know what side-by-side client is :)

    Do you have skype?: Unfortunatly, no, sorry Posted Image The server chat is still cool with me though!

    Age: 17, and mature Posted Image

    IGN: Boxhead6616 (NOT blockhead6616)

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: I have been playing since Beta version 1.3, so about a year. I know the basics very well, because pretty much all I do in Minecraft is play either Vanilla servers or play Singleplayer. Redstone is still tricky, though :)

    Accepted: Thanks for your great application, hope to see you on the server!

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?:

    well i would really like to be a part of a good community again and have fun with some nice people on a good server :D

    Will you abide by the simple rules?:

    of course i will!!

    Do you have skype?:

    i do!!


    i am 15 turning 16

    IGN: thedontom

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: since beta 1.7

    Denied: Horrible application!

    Quote from TheManToBeat

    Re-Post Edited Version
    Application Format:

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?: Love Mindcrack and looking for fun and good people to talk to I really was hoping to find a community server like this in its early stages so i could help build and make it better and just love playing mincraft with other people. I am not a redstone guru so dont come talking to me about snorlaxes or whatever they are called however i can build some pretty sweet abonded cities or an underground atlantis if thats your cup of tea. I want to make this one of those servers that the voxel box goes "How did they build that" and also would like to find someone else on the server thats like me and wants to make the server as crazy awesome as i do.
    Will you abide by the simple rules?:Option C. No of course i will.

    Do you have skype?:Yes send me a pm or whatever you like and i will send you my info.

    Age:156 months old or 13 years.


    How long have you been playing Minecraft?:Since a few days before Beta came out.

    Sorry for the first time i think if you reword the first question to What will you do for the Timecrack server and why do you want to join?Or add a second one that says What will you provide for our community? Would be a lot more clear.Thank you if you read this again and sorry for wasting your time if you don't accept me.

    Could be better, but accepted, hope to see you on the timecrack server!

    Quote from wayfielder101

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?: i have been looking for a mind crack or hermit craft inspired servers for ages. this one looks incredibly organized very dedicated. i want a average sized kind community in which we are all connected to a neither hub in some sort. this is because i just started a youtube channel and want to add an online playlist. i love the idea of prank wars and have always been interested in a server that can i handel it. i would also like a serve that is safe to know that i can go to sleep and wakeup with all my stuff still there. i want to finally build my huge base i have planned especially in a server where i fell safe doing so. i love to trade and interact with people either by Skype of to visit them in game. i love caving with other people but stripp mining i like doing on my own. i would love to participate in community build and games. i watch all the mindcrackers and hermitcrafters and i want to be able to work together with people like them. i also find it fun to visit other fellow players anf find there style of building.

    Will you abide by the simple rules?: yes i respect people just how i like to be respected. i treat people like i want to be treated. i installed a fresh client just for this server.

    Do you have skype?: yes feel free to add me: [email protected]

    Age: 15 fun player can be very mature but most of the time im like vintage beef. i respect other players
    IGN: wayfielder101

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: i have been playing for 2 years and have not gotten bored of the game at all

    (i hope u dont mind me adding this) EXTRA: i have been banned before because of a game i used to play with a friend to go on a random server and see how fast i could get banned. i know this might make u reluctant to accept me but dont worry once i get going im a friendly guy who respects people and all of there rules.

    Accepted, welcome!

    Quote from insane88

    hy do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?: i would like to join because the server i usually play on has been shut down and it would be awesome to find a new one soon

    Will you abide by the simple rules?: definitively

    Do you have skype?:Yes (andrew.yee3)



    how long have you been playing minecraft?: i have been playing since alpha 1.2_01

    Denied: Never post this again!

    Quote from PokeMeIDareU

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?:

    I came across this thread whilst perusing through the server forums. What caught my attention is that this server is a vanilla based server. I love vanilla servers and their entirety because there is no annoying plug-ins. Also, the people of vanilla servers tend to be more fun and outgoing because they are not constantly abiding to the plug-ins set in by the creator.

    I can feel that I would enjoy TimeCrack because at has my ideal attributes. And in return, I would provide the community a new, talkative, funny, sarcastic type of player. Posted Image

    Will you abide by the simple rules?: Yes. Being an admin of two servers (one being discontinued because the creator left to college, the other I had took a break from to focus on school), I believe the rules of a server is the up most importance for the server to able to strive and prosper to its players.

    Do you have skype?: Shocknawe69

    Age: 16

    IGN: PokeMeIDareU

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft/Minecraft multiplayer since Beta 1.6


    Quote from Davheedw

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?:

    Well, i haven't played on a lot of servers (only one actually) but i really enjoyed it, and since mindcrack is awsome, this server will be even more awsome, but then we need to work together. at that working together part is where i will have the most fun. making new MC addicted friends to play with. together we gan make really neat buildings and contraptions

    Will you abide by the simple rules?:

    Most simple rules i've ever seen, should not be hard to abide them at all.

    Do you have skype?:

    Yes i do, just send me a pm to ask me (i don't like giving it away to the world)


    im 15 years old.



    How long have you been playing Minecraft?:

    Since 1.4 Beta, have got a lot of experience since then

    i hope you like my application

    -Davheedw Out

    Denied: Please add more information!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    Quote from LordZeal117

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?: I think joining a small community like this would be a awesome experience to me and aswell for others. I honestly hate high populated servers because I feel ignored and excluded. I think that playing Vanilla minecraft is the most fun you can have on minecraft. I think knowing that your builds are legit (No spawning in blocks) makes it even better knowing that you did it without cheating. Also, I like how there are no "Game changing" plugins that would interfere with the gameplay.

    Will you abide by the simple rules?: Yes, I will abide the rules. I think they are clear and not misunderstood by me

    Do you have skype?: Yes, I have skype ,but my mic recently was chewed up by my dog (R.I.P Mic)



    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: I've been playing minecraft since early Pre-Alpha stages of the game.

    Very well done sir! I haven't seen an application like this on here yet!
    Congratulations! (Whitelisted!)
    Also thanks for the colors!

    Quote from Javacado42

    After reading other applications, i deduced that mine would be rejected due to the lack of content. So, let me start again.

    Why do i want to join?
    After watching Mindcrack videos by most of the people on the Mindcrack server, I have felt a longing to join that server or one based on it. I have looked everywhere and everytime, something is wrong with the server. Sometimes their are greifers or just plain annoying people. This server sounds promising, and after a tiring journey, it would be nice to finally settle down.

    Yes i will abide to the rules.

    I have a skype: Javacado43

    IGN: Javacado (I like to use the same name for everything)

    Thank You for your consideration.

    Denied: Due to lack of information!

    Quote from Dmorr84

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?: Ever since I saw my first Mindcrack video I knew I wanted to join a server that was 100% vanilla with a few active players that actually interacted. Also, I want to find a server I can stick to because all of the other servers i've been on either got shut down or something happend to me like I got griefed or something else like that.

    Will you abide by the simple rules?: Of course and i agree with all those rules 100%

    Do you have skype?: Yuup. my skype name is dmorr84

    Age: 15

    IGN: Gslice24

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: About a year now, since beta 1.6

    Thanks for your consideration, I hope to make it onto the server 8)

    Nice Job!

    Quote from vathinas

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?

    I'm just looking for a nice survival server to become a part of, always been a fan of the Mindcrack server so it would be nice to play on a server similar to it.

    Will you abide by the simple rules?:

    Of course.

    Do you have skype?:

    Yes I do.





    How long have you been playing Minecraft?

    Early alpha, couldn't tell you the exact patch.

    Denied: Due to lack of information!

    Quote from TheManToBeat

    Application Format:

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?: Love Mindcrack and looking for fun and good people to talk to I really was hoping to find a community server like this in its early stages so i could help build and make it better and just love playing mincraft with other people.

    Will you abide by the simple rules?:Option C. No of course i will.

    Do you have skype?:Yes send me a pm or whatever you like and i will send you my info.

    Age:156 months old or 13 years.


    How long have you been playing Minecraft?:Since a few days before Beta came out.

    Your application did not really tell me what you wanted to do "for" the server or in it....

    Quote from wayfielder101

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?: i have been looking for a mind crack or hermit craft inspired servers for ages. this one looks incredibly organized very dedicated. i want a average sized kind community in which we are all connected to a neither hub in some sort. this is because i just started a youtube channel and want to add an online playlist.

    Will you abide by the simple rules?: yes i will

    Do you have skype?: y wayfielder101 [email protected]

    Age:15 but dont worry i am mature and have the occasional syndicate moment

    IGN: wayfielder101

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: i have been playing for 2 years and have not gotten bored of the game at all

    (i hope u dont mind me adding this) EXTRA: i have been banned before because of a game i used to play with a friend to go on a random server and see how fast i could get banned. i know this might make u reluctant to accept me but dont worry once i get going im a friendly guy who respects people and all of there rules.

    Denied: I do too want to join the MindCrack server, but we all don't get what we want, do we? And please add more information to this about this server, not MindCrack in general!

    Quote from Davheed

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?:

    I want to join the TimeCrack server because i think i can make a lot of friends on the server and build nice projects together. As it is inspired by the MindCrack server, that should be no problem

    Will you abide by the simple rules?:

    Well, as you say yourself, Simple. those rules are not really rules... They are simple manners. Should be no problem for anyone that is not just wanting to join to troll people

    Do you have skype?:

    Yes i do, Davheedw


    I'm 15 years old



    How long have you been playing Minecraft?:

    I've been playing minecraft since 1.5 Beta, But i don't think this matters, but maybe u started playing from 1.0.0 and know more of minecraft than anyone else (just my opinion).

    Thanks for reading this, i hope you like my application.


    Thanks for adding that you will build great stuff on the server and make friends!

    Quote from mollrops

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?: I would love to play on an active vanilla server with cool (mature!) guys. Just to have fun and build. I really like the way the mindcrack server works out with all those great people there and I hope to find a similar server for myself.

    Will you abide by the simple rules?: Of course. But who would say no anyway? ;)

    Do you have skype?: Nope, and not really planning to get it. For playing games, I like to use VoIP services that are designed for games, like TS.

    Age: 20

    IGN: mollrops

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Started just before beta 1.7.3 I think.

    Denied: Due to lack of information, quit adding stuff about mindcrack! Just because this server is inspired by it!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    Quote from TLGGh0sT

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?:

    I would like to join the TimeCrack Server because I think it would be exciting to be able to have a server to go onto everyday and know that there would be no griefers or hackers there.

    Will you abide by the simple rules?:

    Yes, I am a rule follower that always follows the rules

    Do you have skype?:

    Yes, w.johnson123




    TLGGh0sT (the o is a zero)

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?:

    I've been playing Minecraft for about two years now.

    I enjoy building nice houses and going caviing with people who will not be douchebags (for a better term) and kill me and take all of my things. I have been waiting for a server like the MindCrack server to open up and I am excited about applying for it. I watch most of the guys on the MindCrack server and I would really like to join a server like the one I watch on YouTube.

    Outstanding, you are now part of the TimeCrack Community!
    - Welcome to the TimeCrack server! (Whitelisted!)

    Quote from Jocky

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?:

    I want to join the TimeCrack server because i've been looking for a server like this, almost similar to Mindcrack/Hermitcraft. Where a bunch of people play in a small community. I can see all the fun they have in their videos and i want to experience that fun too! Played a few 'BIG' servers and realised its getting to competitive, Minecraft is a place where i have laid-back fun, so i left the servers. Hopefully, this type of servers are the one for me. :)

    Will you abide by the simple rules?:

    No doubt! I used to have REI's Minimap, but after the 1.2.5 updates, it's all vanilla on my client.

    Do you have skype?:

    I do have skype, but i hardly use it. If it's a must to use skype when playing, i think i'll have to compromise and use it.





    How long have you been playing Minecraft?:

    I've been playing Minecraft for a year and a half. So i'm pretty familiar with how things work in the game, except Redstone :P

    Outstanding, you are now part of the TimeCrack Community!
    - Welcome to the TimeCrack server! (Whitelisted!)

    Quote from Boxhead6616

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?: In my opinion, Vanilla Minecraft is the best form in the game, and the Mindcrack team is the best! I would LOVE to be with a community of people that will have fun, build awesome stuff, and possibly prank others from time to time :)

    Will you abide by the simple rules?: The rules seem very clear to me, and I wouldn't want to do anything to make other people mad or possibly get myself kicked out of the server completely. I just want to have fun!!!

    Do you have skype?: Unfortunatly, no, sorry :(

    Age: 17, and mature ;)

    IGN: Boxhead6616

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: I have been playing since Beta version 1.3, so about a year.

    Denied: Due to lack of information! Please revise and edit this application and give it some more detail and color while your at it. Thanks and hope you can understand why you got declined.

    Quote from Dosie

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?:Because i love watching mindcrack and think this will be as much fun

    Will you abide by the simple rules?:Yes

    Do you have skype?:Yes (DosieLP)



    Also I will do a LP on the server

    Denied: Due to lack of information! Please revise and edit this application and give it some more detail and color while your at it. Thanks and hope you can understand why you got declined.

    Quote from DJRenzo

    Why do you want to join the TimeCrack Server?:Because i love vanilla servers, with a small community ;D. Also i love watching Mindcrack, i watch etho, boo, guude,beef, pause and anderZel

    Will you abide by the simple rules?:Yes ofc. You can count on me ;D

    Do you have skype?:Yes: didierdirks



    Also i play Minecraft since Beta 1.3.

    Denied: Due to lack of information! Please revise and edit this application and give it some more detail and color while your at it. Thanks and hope you can understand why you got declined.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ♔ [24/7] [1.3.1] TimeCrack - Inspired By MindCrack ♔ **Accepting Whitelist Applications**
    Edit: @IGN:VertexIon - Whitlisting Revoked: My amount of applications excepted have exceded the limit that I am doing a day. For that I will be re-reading your application tomorrow!

    Edit: @IGN:TLGGH0sT - Whitlisting Revoked: My amount of applications excepted have exceded the limit that I am doing a day. For that I will be re-reading your application tomorrow!

    Edit: @IGN:Blockhead6616 - Whitlisting Revoked: My amount of applications excepted have exceded the limit that I am doing a day. For that I will be re-reading your application tomorrow!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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