My Vote: Yes
1. There could be UIDS assigned to accounts.
2. There could be "nicknames".
3. The usernames could be searched up on server and see their original username.
4. There could be small username fixes instead of full username changes.
My Vote For Fees: No
1. Minecraft is a 1 time pay only.
2. This would count as a DLC? So alpha members would get it free?
2. In-real life Name(optional) - Well, no harm in not telling you. Marc Gault
3. Age - I'm 13 years old.
4. Why you should be accepted - Well, I have been running my own server that is 100% vanilla just like yours. But that has nothing to do with why I want to join your server. I think it would be great for me to get out of my server and go check out whats happening on other small whitelisting server. (Mine is small too, trust me.) I have been striving for a nice dose of Vanilla with other players, I've been pretty lonely in my boring server so far. So I want to join this server and have some fun with some people.
5. What do you like best about minecraft - Well I like everything about minecraft, especially the redstone and the enchanting system they implemented into the game.
6. Skype Username(needed to communicate easier) - SilentTheif123 (There was someone who took SilentTheif)
7. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment in Minecraft? Why?
If you are a new player, what do you plan to do in Minecraft? Why? - My biggest accomplishment is probably build a 500x500 space ship with fully customized features inside. Took me about 4 months.
8. Why are you interested in playing on a Vanilla SMP server? - I've always been interested in vanilla since I started minecraft. And mostly because of the MindCrack server.
Well sir. I will be accepting when I get everything sorted out.
Everything is very confusing right now with the topic of making a server like mindcrack.
Its very difficult to do by yourself, make everything perfect so everyone is happy.
Some people don't like the idea of having a /home and /sethome commands so you can get home quicker.
Some people don't like that beds don't work 100% perfectly.
Its just very annoying.
I might just stop doing this and just make a regular bukkit server with permissions and ranks and stuff like that.
With no whitelisting, so everyone is happy.
Denied: Please don't post these horrible applications again!
Accepted: Thanks for your great application, hope to see you on the server!
Denied: Horrible application!
Could be better, but accepted, hope to see you on the timecrack server!
Accepted, welcome!
Denied: Never post this again!
Denied: Please add more information!
Very well done sir! I haven't seen an application like this on here yet!
Congratulations! (Whitelisted!)
Also thanks for the colors!
Denied: Due to lack of information!
Nice Job!
Denied: Due to lack of information!
Your application did not really tell me what you wanted to do "for" the server or in it....
Denied: I do too want to join the MindCrack server, but we all don't get what we want, do we? And please add more information to this about this server, not MindCrack in general!
Thanks for adding that you will build great stuff on the server and make friends!
Denied: Due to lack of information, quit adding stuff about mindcrack! Just because this server is inspired by it!
Outstanding, you are now part of the TimeCrack Community!
- Welcome to the TimeCrack server! (Whitelisted!)
Outstanding, you are now part of the TimeCrack Community!
- Welcome to the TimeCrack server! (Whitelisted!)
Denied: Due to lack of information! Please revise and edit this application and give it some more detail and color while your at it. Thanks and hope you can understand why you got declined.
Denied: Due to lack of information! Please revise and edit this application and give it some more detail and color while your at it. Thanks and hope you can understand why you got declined.
Denied: Due to lack of information! Please revise and edit this application and give it some more detail and color while your at it. Thanks and hope you can understand why you got declined.
Edit: @IGN:TLGGH0sT - Whitlisting Revoked: My amount of applications excepted have exceded the limit that I am doing a day. For that I will be re-reading your application tomorrow!
Edit: @IGN:Blockhead6616 - Whitlisting Revoked: My amount of applications excepted have exceded the limit that I am doing a day. For that I will be re-reading your application tomorrow!