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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Now recruiting programmers, modelers, and texture designers/creators.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Update 1.8.0a:
    - Added the Spaceship Locker Tile Entity (Chest)
    This tile entity will not be able to be broken, even in creative mode.
    This is still a WIP block/tile entity.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Currently I am working on the currency system (pixels). When mobs die, they drop a certain amount of pixels, depending on the mods level, and what level of planet you're on.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Update 1.7.1a:
    - Some quick fixes and what not.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Update 1.6.0a:
    - IProxy
    - ServerProxy
    - TileEntityMB
    - GuiHandler
    - Reference Files

    This update is basically all technical and does really nothing in-game, just yet. I added a reference file for the proxys, name, version, etc. This also corresponds with IProxy and ServerProxy.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Update 1.5.0a:
    - Re-Write in Progress
    - Deleted some random gradle files that were conflicting with windows git.
    - Added a creative tab called Minebound, this stores all of the items in the mod.
    - Created pixels (not the currency system just yet)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    I am holding off on the mod for a bit, until I gather my barrings.

    Future Plans:
    1. Re-Writing the mod entirely.
    2. Gathering a new developer team.
    3. Getting the base mod coded.

    We do not need texturers or modelers at the start of the project, we need to get the base of the mod down first before we go into anything to far.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Quote from Pennysworth

    I have an Idea make this mod compatible with galacticcraft when you have installed with this you can use some of the items in galacticcraft to make items in this mod through crafting

    Once this mod is finished, I wouldn't recommend using any mods with it, that adds items, blocks, generation, etc. It could conflict with the current planet generation, spaceship generation, etc.

    This mod will have it's own API, and we won't be using any other API's, unless we have to.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Update 1.3.0:
    Did package sorting. Also with adding the High-Tech Chest. Will do the generation later, along with the "rare-items", that should appear in the chests.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Quote from Sarzael

    About the dimensions part, that was what I was suggesting, using a single dimension composed of islands (Planets) that you have to use ship to acess.

    That was my original plan. :)
    I am not that far yet, working on items, blocks, tile entitys, generator, etc, then the dimensions, and space travel, the temperature system, etc.

    Hello, I know it says PM, but I've had trouble with PMs lately. I would like to try to help in the coding/modeling department. Here is my youtube showcasing my current work:


    Here is a mod I completed in one week:


    Hope I can help. :)

    I will check it out later, a tad busy at the moment, will PM you with any updates to you being hired. :)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Quote from Sarzael

    Think about it this way: A larger and probably more experienced team, with more resources, took over a year to complete JUST the beta version of the game, and you expect to make a mod so large, over a base that isnt supposed to be such, while losing work every time there is a update, and having to deal with Minecraft messed code and large computer resources comsumption?

    Seems fair to me. Also, you gotta think, while the Starbound team seems nice and all, and I think they would allow without ploblem you modding some features based on their game, they would probably have to take actions if someone decided to copy their whole game.

    There are many more reasons this just cant work, but I wont say them because my intention is not to lower yours or your team moral, just to make sure to no one loses time without knowing what they are doing.

    As proof, here is a suggestion about how you could manage the Infinite Planet System, if you didnt do already.
    Instead of making a dimension for every planet, which would create intense lag at less powerful computers, revamp terrain generator so it generates large islands of a single biome, and using the spaceship would simply move you over to another island.

    Also, sorry for doubting your modding skills, considering your 14 years old (Or atleast it says so in your profile) I dont think im the only one that does.
    And your mods seem kinda weak, atleast compared to the duty you are apparently triying to achieve.

    I have over three years of Java knowledge, as it it my main language.
    I am actually going to make only one dimension, that'd be space, and inside of "space" there will be all of the planets that are generated, they wont each be a new dimension. :P

    MCF makes it so easy for someone to make a mod, and implementing Starbound will be very easy, since everything you need to do so, is already in MCF.

    Trust me, this mod will be finished in the next few months hopefully. And there will be most if not all aspects of Starbound, in this mod.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Quote from Sarzael

    *Bring every single aspect of Starbound to Minecraft*

    Impossible. Do you even have a mod experience to begin with?
    Minecraft base would never work for a game such as Starbound, atleast as it is now, so unless Notch made some radical changes to the game, impossible.

    There isnt even a half decent Terraria mod, and yet you expect to make Starbound, a way more complex game? I see no ploblem for triying, but wont work.

    I do think it is possible for a few stuff to be brought, like biomes, but whole game?

    Oh, and yes, I have plenty of "mod experience".

    I do expect to bring every aspect of Starbound into Minecraft. After thinking it over, I have came up with a plan, and yes, it is possible, and the reason why there isn't a half decent terraria mod, is because no one applys themselves and dedicates themselves to mods like that.

    Anyways, guess we will just have to wait and see.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Quote from Drakoflame

    I hate to do this... but do you think we could see some pictures of completed things? (doesn't even need to be in-game stuff, just an image of the block models and items and stuff) please? I'm also really interested in this, can't wait to see what comes out!

    Edit: are there going to be a choice for your race? and if so, will they be a 3D (with things like head decoration objects) or would they be like a regular MC skin with a "hat" for the head decors?

    Yes, there is going to be a choice to pick your race! I will actually be implementing a "character creation" system, for the visual styles of your character.

    Also, sorry for being inactive on this, computer broke recently, and just got it fixed! :)

    Thanks for the support so far.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    Update 1.1.0:
    + Added a tile entity called "Campfire" (from starbound)

    Working on the matter manipulator, some custom methods are going to be implemented, may take some tips from the Thaumcraft "Wand of Destruction".
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.x] Minebound - Starbound in Minecraft! v2.4.0a
    1.0.0 is live on GitHub.

    Mainly created the GUIHandler, along with a Tile Entity that uses a GUI.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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