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    posted a message on Do You Support Minecraft Username Changing?
    Thanks to everyone who is supporting this! It really helps the cause.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [3.1.3] Kosmos Tekkit | Strict White-List | 10 Slots | Lag Free | 2GB RAM | IRC | Forums |
    Quote from rycad98

    Oh! and one quick question. Is this server hosted on a dedicated computer or a personal computer?

    Personal computer, soon to be hosted via vps.

    Will be adding more slots to the server (10)
    There are four people that are whitelisted on the server at the moment!
    Will be looking through applications later today!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [3.1.3] Kosmos Tekkit | Strict White-List | 10 Slots | Lag Free | 2GB RAM | IRC | Forums |
    Quote from MasterOfAll

    The "Hope that suits your needs!" wasn't necessary and a bit immature...but anyways i will Pm you too see what i did wrong and how i can improve my apply if you even allow a *retry* for a apply.

    Actually sir, the "I hope that suites your needs" isn't pointed negatively when someone gets denied.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [3.1.3] Kosmos Tekkit | Strict White-List | 10 Slots | Lag Free | 2GB RAM | IRC | Forums |
    Quote from MasterOfAll


    IGN: MasterOfAll

    Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned:Yes on a normal vanilla minecraft server for using X-ray

    Why do you think you should join this server (5-6 Sentences):I m sick and tired of finding horrible servers... im just trying too find a decent server that can hold its self without going too complete Sh*t­ ya know? Anyways, im just trying to have some fun and build some really cool stuff. Who noes i might just learn some things i didn't know about the mod.

    Why should we except you to this server (5-6 Sentences): i can help others, i can build amazing structures, i know allot about the mod, and maby i can help YOU. As in like being a admin or something, if its needed of course but i would rather just play non admin just saying if your in need of help i could do something like that

    Have you read and studied the rules: yes i read them all.

    What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences) the real question is what cant i do? god im so good at this mod...lol no but really i can do some pretty amazing builds. Not too mention that i have just about mastered all the mods except computer craft... it just herts my head what can i say?

    Denied, hope that suites your needs!
    Quote from Humbling

    Application For ShakeCraft
    Age: I am 15 years old.

    IGN: Tweewi

    Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned: To be honest, I've never really played that many servers. So no

    Why do you think you should join this server: First of all, I LOVE Tekkit. I played for hours at a friend's house. I love figuring out new recipes and things, instead of going to the wiki and looking them up, like what i do for buttons, books, and levers. I like things that are different from normal Minecraft. Things that are new, like new updates. But do updates last long? No they don't. But Tekkit lasts long. It takes forever to figure things out, which is what i like. Tekkit has figuring new stuff out, adventure, and building not just structures, but things to transport things, or to filter things, or to make more things, or to make more... etc. I've never been able to figure out how to install mods, which i don't like.

    Why should we accept you to this server: I'm very helpful. When i was a noob, i would watch tutorials and be very grateful to that person who spent their time to help people they don't even know. I don't grief because i know what it feels like. I don't like building some awesome thing, or getting diamonds, and end up with someone blowing my house to smithereens. I am also very creative. I know how to build things with things people don't normally use. I make my house not out of cobble and wood, but brick. I make it have a pointed roof. I make towns(then i cheat to get one thing then get mad at myself for cheating and delete the world)

    Have you read and studied the rules: Yes. I have read all of them.

    What will you do for this server: I *could* become an admin. After like 937 years(when i learn everything about Tekkit) i can help all of the new people. If this server has to pay a rent, I could donate to it. I could help design and build many things. But I really think that I could help by giving things to people that need something. I remember whenever i was a noob on a server, watching these people in full diamond armor, asking them for some food or wood, and they would always say NO. They thought they could just keep it, and not share. I know that when i share how it makes people feel.

    Accepted! Will be PMed with the information!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [3.1.3] Kosmos Tekkit | Strict White-List | 10 Slots | Lag Free | 2GB RAM | IRC | Forums |
    If you are having trouble getting on the server, go to the options and click on "lastest build" update your game and it will work!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [3.1.3] Kosmos Tekkit | Strict White-List | 10 Slots | Lag Free | 2GB RAM | IRC | Forums |
    Quote from Silverwolf77

    Age: 16

    IGN: Silverwolf77

    Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned: Nope.

    Why do you think you should join this server (5-6 Sentences): Well I want to join this server because it looks like a good experience to have. I have been in beta test before. I want to meet new people to play tekkit with. I love tekkit a lot it is amazing, I am learning many things and I want to spread my knowledge and learn from others. I also want to be able to see a server progress from the start not just join from the middle of it.

    Why should we *accept* you to this server (5-6 Sentences): You should pick me to join this server because, I am a trustworthy person. I know my way around a joke. I love tekkit. I have been an admin before so I know to follow the rules after I have had to enforce them. I am nice to anyone I can be. I usually never am in a bad mood. I also can help you progress the server.

    Have you read and studied the rules:I have read the rules and understand them. Very simple really.

    What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences): Well I can give you advice for I have been head admin of a server before. I also can help build things for looks for I am a good builder. I also have had experience in building a server map before. I can promise I will make sure no one griefs and causes problems. I also can help anyone with anything needed like how to build things and how to make them work.

    Side Note: Don't mean to sound rude or anything but the question as to why you should accept me into the server and why I should join the server are technically the same thing so it was kind of difficult to think of two different sentences for them, I mean I'm not complaining just saying that an application like that will make people discouraged and not even bother applying. Just saying.

    On the side note, Why should I accept it is not the same as Why do you want to join the server, look closely and think about it. :)
    Second, thank you for not lying about not getting banned ever, http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result
    Congratulations, you are accepted, welcome to the server.
    Quote from jbaker96

    Age: 16
    IGN: jbaker96
    Banned?: only once because I greifed someone for griefing me
    Why I should join: I love starting out on completely new and relatively untouched worlds. It leaves lots of room to expand and test new things. Also there is alot about tekkit that I still don't know and a new world helps alot. When I join a new server it also leaves me the opportunity to help out any new players entering the server. Lastly, in new worlds there is plenty of room to build factories and other such helpful buildings to the community.
    Why you should accept me: I am a great community leader once I have established myself. I try to be nice to everyone I meet and help them along the way should they need it. I am great at building structures such as power plants and factories to help the server grow. If I give you my word about something, it's good as gold because to me, my reputation means alot, so you can trust me with just about anything. I can help monitor the server even if I'm not an admin, so if someone is doing something they shouldn't, I can and will let you know about it.
    Read the rules?: yes
    What will I do for the server?: I like to start new towns in new worlds. I am great and building infrastructure for everyone to use. I can provide services to anyone who needs help building something. I can build small houses to help any new players get started. Also, I can help build a spawn or any other starter buildings since this is a new server.

    Welcome to the server!
    Thank you for not lying about you ever getting banned!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] [Alpha] Out of The Cage:-SSP Release
    This thread is discontinued, I would appreciate it if a moderator could delete or close the thread.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [1.4] The Land of Winter - MindCrack Inspired Server: [100% Vanilla][Mature Community][Non-Bukkit][Dedicated Hosting][Lag Free][
    I am not currently opening white-lists just yet. I need approval from Heartyy first.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.4] The Land of Winter - MindCrack Inspired Server: [100% Vanilla][Mature Community][Non-Bukkit][Dedicated Hosting][Lag Free][
    Quote from 3pepis

    Why am I no longer on the whitelist? Is something being done on the server?

    We have deleted inactive whitelists. Haven't seen you on in awhile.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.4] The Land of Winter - MindCrack Inspired Server: [100% Vanilla][Mature Community][Non-Bukkit][Dedicated Hosting][Lag Free][
    Updated, no more applications will be accepted/denied. If you have already applied and not accepted/denied, sorry for the inconvenience. But, make sure to follow us on twitter/facebook.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.4] The Land of Winter - MindCrack Inspired Server: [100% Vanilla][Mature Community][Non-Bukkit][Dedicated Hosting][Lag Free][
    Not accepting at the moment, seems as if there's a diamond thief. If anyone has any information on who it could be, please tell us and it will get us back to white-listing people.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on BUKKIT 1.4.2 ADDED! ZUMACRAFT SURVIVAL SERVER
    Neat. :P
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.4] The Land of Winter - MindCrack Inspired Server: [100% Vanilla][Mature Community][Non-Bukkit][Dedicated Hosting][Lag Free][

    You are all accepted! Everyone else above this post is denied!
    The people that are accepted, please wait for a PM.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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