Does anyone know how to specify a certain type of timber from this mod, using MineTweaker3? I'm trying to add a custom recipe for logs from Biomes O Plenty, and I can get "Any Timber" but I really just want it to always give Oak Timber. Right now, it looks like this:
recipes.addShaped( * 4, [[], []]);
Since it doesn't appear the metadata for the timber is different for the types of timber, I'm struggling to find what to put instead minefantasy2:MF_Com_plank in order to get the timber that I want.
unlike ingots, planks were harder to make compatible. first off, a material needs to be added (look at the material lists, its list a line of code). if the plank block has an ore dictionary as "planksX" it should work, but other mods don't do that, so it's not as easy.
AP, which method i should use to add MF tools/armor?
I registered new custom material with getOrAddMaterial method, MF create bars/hunks/etc, but not armor or tools
UPD: Fail, all exist, but unregistred in creative tabs
materials should be pretty easy to register, just need to know what to set the traits to. they only appear in tabs if their material has a corresponding "ingot" item though.
to adress the first question with the goblins and orcs thing, I kind of filled that roll with minotaurs in dwarven strongholds. but not really going to add too much, best off if another mod took care of that.
add forged horse armors with all metals, add NPCs, Hostile mobs,Passive or tameable mobs and new dungeons or NPC structures
can't currently the horse armour is pretty unmoddable, it's just three prefixed skins and a direct reference to vanilla items for each, the armour items themselves serve no purpose, it's all the horse mob just changing its own skin and traits.
Ah yes, forges are a lot hotter now by 10x normal, just made more sense for the metalworking side of things. but that nolonger makes then capable of cooking. firepit is still the same as usual, but cannot bake things properly. Anyway a new fuel source will be added that has a low burning temperature, designed for cooking. so in the future, baking requires a forge with this new fuel, while a firepit can still take care of standard frying things.
Could you perhaps make a template for costum mobs in your mod? like you have for armour, weapons and others.
not really. each mob works on its own and vary greatly on how they work.
what I do when making a new mob, is start simple (such as a zombie or spider copy) and one-by-one add features.
AP, you are forgot to validate furnace output. I test it only with furnace, but, think, it work with any tileentity
To reproduce:
1) Place 4 raw ore's (e.g.: gold) into furnace and smelt them into bars
2) Don't take bars from output slots
3) Just add any ore (e.g tin)
4) You are will smelt more bar's of the first metal (gold)
I think you are don't look, how to works compare methods, example:
areItemStackTagsEqual - checks only NBT tags
areItemStacksEqual - checks ItemStacks NBT, ID and meta data (item count also, i think)
isItemEqual - checks only ITEM (not ItemStack) ID ant meta data
Please, check all calls of isItemEqual methods and fix them, that bug brokes gameplay. Also, after fix, please, publish new version.
Also, sorry for my english, i have no time to learn basics =\
hm, yeh before the bars thing, that didn't matter, it's just about finding where they were.
nope. Different entity registry though. turns out the old system causes problems with some mods (especially in big modpacks). anyway it's pretty much not required. entity spawn eggs don't work so their gone though, have to make my own.
Thanks! I have one more question. How do the damage types apply to non-MF armors? Are they rendered useless? Or do they just defend against each equally?
they work just as normal. the cutting/piercing/blunt damages are just means of calculating what it may be depending on the source. when it comes down to it, its all the same. non-mf armours will just reduce it the same as normal.
add some factions or kingdoms, and some Mythological beings
yeh certainally out of the mods scope (for which is too large if anything). there's other mods that do the kingdom thing kind of well.
mythological beings: kind of doing it, probably good not to do too many though.
Are there any incompatibilities with this crafting system and Tinker's Construct?
two different systems yeh. I've seen it done before though, not sure how it works. but if you want, I can allow some of the TC metal tiers be used in MF crafting, just need their name, basic stats in general and it may work.
How exactly does the armour list in the item registry work? Does it give armors ratings to different damage types?
nah armour rating can only apply to MF items, has to be hardwired to the item. the config changes other things like the armour weight (light/medium/heavy).
that just makes no sense.. id have to look at that.
So get this: both classes are in the same file and yet one doesn't seem to think the other exists, as well as that, i've not changed anything in there recently.
I have a little issue, i used the latest version on a world where i had all the artificing research, and now most of my research is unlearned however i can still make high-tier material weapons and armour without their researches and i can't re-research them, what do you think may be causing this? and if you know no way to fix it should i delete my research file and start over again with researching?
probably the packet when the client reads the server's stats. what it does is tries unlocking it so it can be displayed, but it may be prevented.
What i'll do is change that a bit so it unlocks without needing to check prerequisites, meaning if the server has it unlocked for the player it will go straight to clients.
its great those villagers now do something than stand there and look creepy, zombies smashing doors are a damn good idea, it'd be great if they could break windows and such(though most servers might turn it off) and rare mobdrops should be fair, but not too good. i can see lots of people asking for something too valuable. records would be goodinstall by drag-dropping contents in minecraft.jar, its best to delete everything from the jar first
The "Steed" was planned. be best done when I can separate MF into smaller modular mods though. lessen the clutter and all that.
hm, my free time is dying down again, but I'm sure this can be open sourced and maintained in one way or another.
what sirse said. the fact their just blank, empty items allows for them to be anything, provided a server has a mod/plugin for it.
unlike ingots, planks were harder to make compatible. first off, a material needs to be added (look at the material lists, its list a line of code). if the plank block has an ore dictionary as "planksX" it should work, but other mods don't do that, so it's not as easy.
It kind of has, never really got to adding the stuff back though.
you mean in regular vanilla tabs or in the NEI tab? I know the latter registers funny but vanilla one worked fine i thought.
materials should be pretty easy to register, just need to know what to set the traits to. they only appear in tabs if their material has a corresponding "ingot" item though.
not really worth the effort for that, horses are kind of lame anyway.
output slot, just place one crest there.
to adress the first question with the goblins and orcs thing, I kind of filled that roll with minotaurs in dwarven strongholds. but not really going to add too much, best off if another mod took care of that.
can't currently the horse armour is pretty unmoddable, it's just three prefixed skins and a direct reference to vanilla items for each, the armour items themselves serve no purpose, it's all the horse mob just changing its own skin and traits.
Thanks, not sure how pull requests work though.
yeh, I'm making coal dust burn at 180*, might add some other fuels designed for cooking.
we can work that in later, the API may be chunky, but it allows a lot of stuff be worked in.
but if the duneripper is "worthy" enough it may be added, I like to give a quality over quantity approach to mobs.
Ah yes, forges are a lot hotter now by 10x normal, just made more sense for the metalworking side of things. but that nolonger makes then capable of cooking. firepit is still the same as usual, but cannot bake things properly. Anyway a new fuel source will be added that has a low burning temperature, designed for cooking. so in the future, baking requires a forge with this new fuel, while a firepit can still take care of standard frying things.
not really. each mob works on its own and vary greatly on how they work.
what I do when making a new mob, is start simple (such as a zombie or spider copy) and one-by-one add features.
lower the heat.
anything else?
what NBT bug fixes?
eh, no biggie. might just look about anyway, probably possible as is.
hm, yeh before the bars thing, that didn't matter, it's just about finding where they were.
nope. Different entity registry though. turns out the old system causes problems with some mods (especially in big modpacks). anyway it's pretty much not required. entity spawn eggs don't work so their gone though, have to make my own.
they work just as normal. the cutting/piercing/blunt damages are just means of calculating what it may be depending on the source. when it comes down to it, its all the same. non-mf armours will just reduce it the same as normal.
yeh certainally out of the mods scope (for which is too large if anything). there's other mods that do the kingdom thing kind of well.
mythological beings: kind of doing it, probably good not to do too many though.
two different systems yeh. I've seen it done before though, not sure how it works. but if you want, I can allow some of the TC metal tiers be used in MF crafting, just need their name, basic stats in general and it may work.
put a single ornate crest in the output slot of an anvil and craft something.
nah armour rating can only apply to MF items, has to be hardwired to the item. the config changes other things like the armour weight (light/medium/heavy).
it's difficult, hard to really get it working. hardly noticeable considering their usually at such a far distance.
that just makes no sense.. id have to look at that.
So get this: both classes are in the same file and yet one doesn't seem to think the other exists, as well as that, i've not changed anything in there recently.
Link in OP should work now.
2.8.11 now out with all the fixes so far, and new item styles.
*also research is nolonger required to make bars.
Do you have "Iron Smithing" unlocked?
probably the packet when the client reads the server's stats. what it does is tries unlocking it so it can be displayed, but it may be prevented.
What i'll do is change that a bit so it unlocks without needing to check prerequisites, meaning if the server has it unlocked for the player it will go straight to clients.