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    posted a message on [Request] Steampunk OC Skin

    A long time ago, someone drew me a steampunk OC...

    Handsome devil, ain't he?

    Recently, I've been playing with some modpacks where I thought I'd like to revive this guy as my Minecraft skin.


    1. He's a ginger.
    2. Green eyes.
    3. Pale complexion.
    4. The pants are plaid.
    5. Red vest over a white shirt.
    6. Armbands should be black.
    7. Brass accents.
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on trident recipie

    Based on their coloration and lightning-conducting properties, tridents are made of copper.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on BetterBeginnings Mod Reborn

    By chance, I was reminded of BB today. I'd like to give my thoughts, for whatever they're worth.

    1. I understand the reasoning on not wanting to force people to add recipes for BB stations, but I think that in removing that element, it fails somewhat in what I originally set out to accomplish. To put simply, 90% of the mod ceases to change anything. All that's left is needing a tool, and tools taking slightly longer to get...if you didn't find one in a box.
    2. I'm not sure a comparison to GregTech is necessarily a bad thing either. BB was originally conceptualized as a difficulty/balance tweak. At its core, the goal is to make things at least slightly harder. That's a necessary element to extending the early game. You have to slow progression somehow, which means making it take more work. Sure, that's going to appeal to some players and not others, but there's nothing wrong with that, and the popularity of packs like Sevtech Ages shows that there is a demand for that kind of gameplay. Indeed, a lot of mods have adopted what was once their hardcore/expert mode as the default, either because of demand, or simply realizing that the simple modes' progression was substantially easier than they thought.
    3. Having the three variant furnaces as upgrades to the Vanilla leaves very little reason to use them. Perhaps in a situation where the only tech comes from BB they could see some value, but in any kind of modpack that doesn't force their use, they'd be completely outclassed, and completely skippable. The only way I can see to eliminate that issue while still letting players have access to the Vanilla furnace is to make the Vanilla model vastly less efficient than it is now, so that you need them to get up to previous Vanilla crafting levels (which so far as I know can't really be done without creating the same problems as removing the furnace in the first place).

    TL;DR - I think that Better Beginnings has always been more of a "hardcore lite" sort of mod. Certainly not "Better Than Wolves", but definitely on the opposite of the spectrum from the likes of "Tinkers Construct". It would be better, I feel, to embrace that. At least through a configuration setting. It might take time to set up other mods to work with changes to core gameplay, but if the alternative is for the mod to lose its purpose, is it really worth it to make things easier? What's the point of having a mod that's super easy to add to any modpack, if there's no modpack in which it adds anything to the experience?

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on BetterBeginnings Mod Reborn

    My help has always been more on the design, planning, and promotion side, which it doesn't seem like you need much of right now. But if my coding skills get up to snuff, believe me, BB is on the top of my list for priorities.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on BetterBeginnings Mod Reborn
    Quote from Daomephsta»

    I just found something neat, and I thought I'd share it. If you use the mods Animania, PrimalCore or Survivalist, a player named Lorddan1989 has made some JSON recipe packs to add a bit of compatibility. I've made a page on the wiki for user-created compatibility, you can find the links there. If you've made a JSON recipe or MT/CT script pack to add compat between BB and another mod, which you'd like to share, send me a PM with a link and I'll add it to the wiki page.

    Apparently, this is part of integration for the Banished 2 modpack...which is really, really cool.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on BetterBeginnings Mod Reborn
    Quote from Daomephsta»

    I've built several mods for 1.10.x and 1.9.x, hence I am aware of the ease of updating. The most significant change will be the 1.9 combat changes. As 1.9 made skeletons far more dangerous, we may have to rethink the use of bones in BB.

    I've always said that animals dropping bones should be the default (maybe with an adjustable setting for drop chance rather than an outright toggle). More dangerous skeletons might make for the perfect time to finally implement that. Though, in fairness, you can still just hide out until the sun rises and then collect bones in an open field when the skeletons burn up. It just requires making more tactical choices in how you play.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Illogical; Will make you think, Played By Logdotzip, over 2000 downloads!

    I played this. I think it's fake. There is no puzzle. There are no hints. Thanks for wasting my time.

    Edit: That was meant to be more joking than it probably comes off, sorry. In all seriousness, though, there are some huge roadblocks in this. I know it's called "Illogical", but the conveyance really is awful. Even getting started is easy to miss since of the first two things you have to do, one isn't something you'd have any reason to do, and the other doesn't always work, even if you're clicking in the right spot. And then you get an item whose description led me to believe I needed to destroy it on a cactus the first time around...

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on BetterBeginnings Mod Reborn

    Not sure why, but the campfire recipe currently seems to be accepting leaf blocks only if they're acacia, and saplings only if they're oak.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [REQ/IDEA]Slime Rancher Mod
    Quote from iced78»

    Me Too.

    Villagers Are Just A Pain In The Ass.

    This is the best reason I can think of to use a villager. Convenience is boring, and boring means giving up sooner. However, perhaps a compromise. Expensive machine(s) that can be crafted - but is/are sold at a better value than their individual components by a special villager... or, in the case of the Trade Station in particular, you can craft a machine version, but it has higher costs and a delivery time, VS cheaper and instant "pain in the ass" villagers.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on BetterBeginnings Mod Reborn
    Quote from Dalfio»

    Well I can't light the campfire.

    Make sure that you've stocked it with a wooden fuel in the bottom slot, an item you want to cook in the top slot, and use a firestarter on it. If it still doesn't work, then let us know.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on The World Explorer Mod

    I hope that you'll support Antique Atlas and similar things. Personally, I detest minimap mods. They're a big cheat (personal opinion) and make Vanilla mapping useless (not an opinion).

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on BetterBeginnings Mod Reborn
    Quote from WhydldH»

    Hella there ! Just to say that this mod is awsome and getting fairly well with zombieawarness while playing hardcore mode...

    I know, I love hearting myslef !

    Haha. I'd say. That sounds punishing to me, and I came up with most of the hardcore features in BB!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Fruit Trees & Thirst Bar [Bug Images Fixed 06/02] [Hydratation Revised] [New Images] [New Table Explanatory]
    Quote from Jhonter»

    It's a promising idea, but has some points if you combine too much food so logically you would have a great increase in the bar, but if u ever been with a little crowded bar and the "Meal" gave him more than necessary? It would be a waste of resource. And it would be required to to use: drink + food? or it could be drink + drink or food + food?

    I would say only Drink + Food, and only one of each. Yes, there would be some risk of waste, but that's a resource management task. Balancing out how to get the most benefit for the least expense of materials is something best left to the player. For some people, it will be more worth it not to combine so they can get the most out of each consumable, others will throw things together to save on time/space at the expense of efficiency, and still others will end up stocking up the very best foods and drinks to combine into a Meal that can be saved until the very last possible moment to use. It's a matter of play style and available resources...which is as it should be.

    Ideally, good game mechanics don't just create a problem and then offer a solution, but rather create a situation where the player is given a set of tools, and a challenge to use those tools as well as they can to achieve an outcome they deem favourable.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Forgotten Nature [1.7.19] A Natural Addition to MC: Trees,Crops,Fruit,Flowers,etc...

    Let's have a toast to celebrate this mod's return! I've missed it!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Fruit Trees & Thirst Bar [Bug Images Fixed 06/02] [Hydratation Revised] [New Images] [New Table Explanatory]

    I had a thought today about the issue of extra space in the hotbar and added time to fill two bars as opposed to one. What I came up with is a single additional item - the "Meal". You can make a Meal by crafting any drink item and any food item. It would list the ingredients that went into it, and have restoration values equal to the sum of its parts (probably using metadata). Meals stack with other Meals using the same ingredients. Thus, you can save time and inventory space.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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