You open your eyes and take a look at your surroundings. You're leaning up against a large, stone wall and you appear to be inside of some town. You don't know why you were asleep outside, and for some strange reason, you can't seem to remember anything that's happened in the past few weeks.
A)Get up
B)Go back to Sleep
"How much did you have in mind?"
A)"___ Copper Coins!"
B)"Actually, I forget where the place is..."
C)"I don't think I want to tell you anyways."
D)"Nevermind, I'll tell you where it is for free."
Neo Jackson:
A)Leave the Shop
B)Look Around
C)Speak with the Shopowner
"I haven't figured out their reason for doing so, but the forces of E.V.I.L seem to want you out of the picture, or something of the sort. I've spotted a group of them searching the forest for you, it probably won't be long until they find us here."
The spawn is in a large, pretty flat area. There's a double chest full of almost every block. (Excluding a couple, like Tilled Dirt.) You've also got a portal to the Nether, and some Diamond Tools, Armor, a Bow, and Flint and Steel. I only gave one of each of those, because you basically have 9 double-chests of diamonds and Iron. (One Double Chest of Iron Blocks, and another of Diamond Blocks.)
Have fun.
(Oh, and there are probably some extra blocks of some things lying around that I dropped because there was no room left in the chest. I also STARTED placing signs, but decided that would end up taking too long. :tongue.gif:)
Hm, The spawn is in a very large, pretty flat area too, so it'll definitely be easy to build whatever it is you want to. :tongue.gif: Not done yet though.
Hm, I was thinking of doing something new (Besides Bold Text) for the top of the Player Options, sort of like this.
Player: Experience: 1337/9001 Current Location: Valenfall Forest Health: 42/50 Arrows: 17 You wake up somewhere, you don't know where you are. A)Save the Damsel in Distress B)Go Back to Sleep C)Dance
To fancy things up a bit. Maybe give people a choice as to what to display, maybe have their current level instead of remaining Ammunition, or their Current Weapon, empty inventory spaces, what kind of blocks are used. ( Instead of for example.) Etc. And I'd save people's personal... Whatever this would be called ^ Along with their inventory.
how about taking the 'terrain.png' and making every block clear with a gray outline, except the lava/water and the diamond blocks?
that way, you could literally look straight down on the map, see what you need, go harvest all the diamonds you want, and then switch back the 'terrain.png' with the original one. easy enough! :smile.gif:
The problem with that is you can't actually see through dirt and stone and such and see other blocks, unless they're in an empty space like a cave underground, even if you do make their textures transparent. You'd only see diamonds inside caves, or under lava/water underground.
Or at least, the last time I checked that's how it works. :tongue.gif:
Are you ready to play?
You open your eyes and take a look at your surroundings. You're leaning up against a large, stone wall and you appear to be inside of some town. You don't know why you were asleep outside, and for some strange reason, you can't seem to remember anything that's happened in the past few weeks.
A)Get up
B)Go back to Sleep
"How much did you have in mind?"
A)"___ Copper Coins!"
B)"Actually, I forget where the place is..."
C)"I don't think I want to tell you anyways."
D)"Nevermind, I'll tell you where it is for free."
Neo Jackson:
A)Leave the Shop
B)Look Around
C)Speak with the Shopowner
Are you ready to play?
Tyraki Stormshadow:
"I haven't figured out their reason for doing so, but the forces of E.V.I.L seem to want you out of the picture, or something of the sort. I've spotted a group of them searching the forest for you, it probably won't be long until they find us here."
A)<Insert Text/Action Here>
The spawn is in a large, pretty flat area. There's a double chest full of almost every block. (Excluding a couple, like Tilled Dirt.) You've also got a portal to the Nether, and some Diamond Tools, Armor, a Bow, and Flint and Steel. I only gave one of each of those, because you basically have 9 double-chests of diamonds and Iron. (One Double Chest of Iron Blocks, and another of Diamond Blocks.)
Have fun.
(Oh, and there are probably some extra blocks of some things lying around that I dropped because there was no room left in the chest. I also STARTED placing signs, but decided that would end up taking too long. :tongue.gif:)
To fancy things up a bit. Maybe give people a choice as to what to display, maybe have their current level instead of remaining Ammunition, or their Current Weapon, empty inventory spaces, what kind of blocks are used. (
Any thoughts on that?
I was going to mention that. :tongue.gif:
Fast Key Repeat Rate: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Slow Key Repeat Rate: oooo
Somewhere in-between: oooooooooooo
^ Those were the o key all held down for the same time, just for different repeat rates. :tongue.gif:
Neo Jackson:
You Have 7 Copper Coins
Red Apple (+2 Health): 3 Copper Coins
Bread(+4 Health): 6 Copper Coins
Cabbage(+3 Health): 4 Copper Coins
Knife(+1 Damage): 8 Copper Coins
Copper Hatchet(+2 Damage): 18 Copper Coins
Copper Pickaxe(+2 Damage): 18 Copper Coins
Copper Hammer(+1 Damage): 12 Copper Coins
Dwarvern Wrench(+1 Damage): 20 Copper Coins
Coil of Rope: 14 Copper Coins
A)Buy ____
B)I Want to Sell Instead.
C)Can I Trade you for Something?
"Well, of course. Feel free to take a look around to get yourself familiarized with this place. You may be spending a long time training here."
B)"One more thing... "Insert Text Here""
He means non-zombie pigmen, Normal Pigmen.
We will have regular pigmen, why do you think there's a skin for them? :tongue.gif:
And stop yelling.
The problem with that is you can't actually see through dirt and stone and such and see other blocks, unless they're in an empty space like a cave underground, even if you do make their textures transparent. You'd only see diamonds inside caves, or under lava/water underground.
Or at least, the last time I checked that's how it works. :tongue.gif: