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    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!

    Alex skins should work, just make sure it's set up on your vanilla minecraft.net skin and it should apply to your HD skin as well.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!
    Quote from Drexl»

    I downloaded the 1.7.10 mod using the link on the main post, put it in my mods folder, and uploaded my skin (with verification code) on your website. I still see my normal skin. What did I do wrong?

    Are you using any other mods?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!
    Quote from Shaynecraft»

    what do you use for a web host?

    Godaddy for the web parts, still using Amazon for the skins.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!
    Quote from 0willabusta0»

    I've been waiting for one of these forever and as soon as i see this i break down. this is exactly why im mooving away from minecraft. The version shift is horrible for the modding community and most of my favorite mods are stuck in 1.7.10 and will never update or will go strait to 1.9....

    there are also almost no reliable tech mods for 1.8 and vanilla is just not fun. other modded games donot have to deal with this crap!!! I and many others feel this way and it sucks because the only ones who can do anything are mojang(who are unresponsive) or the modders(collectively staying on one version...)

    In fairness to the other Minecraft modders, most other modded games don't have to deal with large chunks of the game engine being rewritten years after the game's launch. Just like when single player was changed to be a local server, modders will eventually figure out the new engine again but it might take a while.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!
    Quote from Shaynecraft»

    mod crashes my game when i connect to server/load singleplayer with 1.8, not 1.8.8 just 1.8 forge recommended

    Do you have a crash report?

    Also, for everyone asking for 1.7.10:

    [Download 1.7.10]

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!

    Main post updated, uploads now working, new download in main post, ignore previous one. It's good to be back :)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!

    What's this? An update to the mod? Surely not...

    Oh wait, that's exactly what it is! http://hdmcs.co/HDSkins.zip

    If you happen to be following me on twitter, you may have seen me posting about updating the mod, and for now up to the minute news will be there.. hint hint...

    What you need to know:

    • It's for 1.8!
    • You need Forge!
    • It's a beta! Some things don't work 100% yet!

    Also, since 1.8 caches skins, there is some setup required!

    You will need to go into your .minecraft folder, go to assets/skins and DELETE EVERYTHING. If you don't, you will only see your old skin!

    Also important: Unless you had an HD skin in an old version you won't have now. The skin server is running an old backup, which is displaying any existing skins, but not allowing new uploads. I'll try to get that fixed ASAP, but for now, just be aware.

    When the site is fixed and allowing uploads again, I'll update the main post in this thread. That will probably be sometime tomorrow though, as it's already after 2AM here.

    Oh! almost forgot screenshots! There's one attached now!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!
    Quote from derpalpha»

    where can i download this

    Unfortunately, nowhere right now. I've lost the majority of the original code, so I have to start over from the beginning. That's not a bad thing though, as I have learned quite a lot about programming and web design since I started this back in 2012. I'm not going to put a time-frame on a release this time, considering that last time I said "next week" was over a year ago. I'd like it to be as soon as possible, but I can't guarantee anything.

    I loved working on this mod, and the community that built up around it was fantastic. Sadly though, circumstances in my life right now aren't leaving me with much free time to work on this (or anything else really).

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Looking for a vanilla server, with mature players
    So, yeah, as the title suggests, I'm looking for a vanilla server to play on. I hate to use the term "mindcrack style" but, that's just about the easiest way to describe what I'm looking for. A server with a fairly small community, something like 15-20 players. Somewhere without a lot of PVP. Pranks should be okay, but nothing like replacing someone's house with lava.

    I've been looking for something like this for a while, after the last server that I played like that closed. It seems like every time I think I've found one, it shuts down within a week because of drama between the server owner and another server owner, claiming they were 'hacked' or they 'stole their idea', so the owner ragequits, and shuts everything down. So, mature players/owners are a must.

    Anyone out there have a server like this I could join?
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on New 100% Vanilla-Survival Mindcrack-like Server (Mature)
    1.Minecraft Name: AngryKhan

    2.Age (20+ with exceptions of mature individuals): 24

    3.Skype will be asked for upon interview: PM for skype

    4.How often are you motivated to play minecraft: On the days I do play, I play 2-3 hours. So, about 3-8 hours per week.

    5.Describe your best talent in minecraft e.g. building, redstone, etc: Nice looking buildings that are still practical to build/use in survival.

    6.Details about yourself that you believe can help you be recruited to the server: I tend to have a fairly relaxed attitude toward Minecraft, and games in general. I'm not all about being the best at everything or taking the game far too seriously. For me, Minecraft is all just about hanging out with some friends, doinging a little building, and generally having a good time.

    7.How mature do you believe you act: About as mature as someone my age can be expected to act. I'm not going to lie and say I don't occaisionally make an immature comment. But, if you can't laugh at a fart joke from time to time, then what can you laugh at?

    8.Do you have a Youtube Channel: Yes, but I haven't uploaded any videos for a long time. I do stream on twitch.tv though.

    If yes: Would you be able to make videos on the server?: Possibly, but I think I would do more live streams than youtube videos.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!
    Alright, I've finally got some free time now, so here's a quick update on things.
    • The official domain for the mod is now HDMCS.co
    • Domain has been transferred to the new servers
    • Skins, capes, accounts, everything has been wiped
    There are multiple reasons for the wipe, main being security. Until now, anyone could set a skin for any user by creating an account in their name. You will now need to verify that you own/have access to the account before creating an account. More on that will be posted closer to release.

    HDMCS.co is now the official domain for the mod. I had mentioned a long time ago that this would eventually happen, now it is done. This is mostly just a convenience thing, because it's easier to type hdmcs.co than hdminecraftskins.com.

    There a also a few other points I'd like to cover, both of which are reasons that I won't be working on this mod as much I have in the past. First, and probably the biggest reason, I once again have a job. So, that cuts out quite a bit of the free time that I used to work on this in. The second, I have a new project, RPG.gs, which if successful, will mean that I can finally be a full-time web developer and not need that real-life job anymore. So I'm putting a lot of time into that.

    So, yeah, that's the current status of things. If everything goes well, the website and mod should be available again by this time next week.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!
    Quote from RealYoshi_man987

    The Website is Down D: :steve_tearful:
    will be back up very soon?

    It will be back as soon as I get enough money to renew the account. To be able to redirect the domains to the new servers, I need access to the old control panel. I tried redirecting them, but they said the domains "cannot be moved or redirected at this time" because I have sub-domains attached to them.

    Sadly, this also means that until I get this working again the older versions of the mod won't work either. To improve the performance of the mod, checking whether a skin should be HD or not was handled on the server instead of the client.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!
    Good news!

    1.7.2/4 Support is coming soon! The website is coming back soon too!

    Quote from biomadd

    Who's charging you to host files? You're gettin' swindled, man. Just use mediafire or something.
    Amazon, that's who's charging. I use AWS S3 for the skin files, just like Mojang. Something like Mediafire might work for the mod files, but not the skin files or website.

    Since I need a website for the skin manager, I have to have an account with a host that supports PHP. So, the website is currently hosted by JustHost. Although it is going to be moved to a different host before I make the skin manager available again.

    I can't host the skin files with the website because they cause too much traffic. Even "Unlimited" hosts get a bit upset when a site on one of their "cheap" (not dedicated server) plans gets 14.5 million requests in a month.

    (For those of you that don't believe 14.5 million, this is from one of my AWS statements)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on HD Player Skins | It's back!
    From the Nazuka.net terms of service:
      We do not allow any kind applications to be hosted here.
      Applications such as proxy scripts, shell scripts, online gaming scripts, file/image sharing scripts, chat scripts, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, buxto, and torrent scripts cannot be hosted here. Account will be suspended and you will have to request permission to reactivate it. If a violation occurs again, the account will be closed.

    The back-end of my site is technically a file/image sharing script.

    Additionally, the system tends to generate large amounts of traffic with skins being downloaded to Minecraft clients. Most free hosts consider that amount of traffic "disruptive to the service or other users".
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Simple request to all mod developers
    I never have, and never will use adf.ly for my mod. I did have advertisements on my website and accepted donations, and all of that was used to cover hosting costs. I got far more through donations than advertisements.

    Considering that adfly only gives a fraction of the ad money to the person setting up the link and keep the rest for theirself, I don't see how anyone but adfly is making money from it.

    As for IE, it's not the horrible monster everyone thinks it is. When most people think of how bad IE is, they're thinking of IE6. IE11 is far safer and more compatible than the older versions. and before anyone calls out it's lack of full support of HTML5, remember that Chrome and Firefox don't have full support yet either.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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