Other developers let their community know whats happening with the development of their games. I think you're just trying to argue for the sake of arguing now. I have made a few very valid points, about why people may be angry.
Your points are boring, unoriginal, and old. They will probably have no effect on anything except to have wasted your time. You might want to avoid these sorts of posts in the future.
Best of luck
Hello leaveittosteven,
Your methods of trolling are boring, unoriginal, and old. They will probably have no effect on anything except to have wasted your time. You might want to avoid these sorts of posts in the future.
Cool, but I reckon there will be problems if you allow external scripts to be executed here....
If you want to cover you ass legally in the meantime:
Minecraft Forum users agree that the forum operators (add your legal entity) may expressly allow other forum users to collect your internet protocol address for purposes not expressly included in the forum conditions including cross-matching with Minecraft.net usernames that are the property of Mojang Specifications SVRL(sic) Ltd.
Please tell me how you expect the people that use status scripts will act?
Also, just for you, I'm implementing a new feature in my status script called "session id gui interface in visual basic".
I see lots of stuff on what they are going to be doing and what they are currently in the middle of working on.
Righto captain derp.
Hello leaveittosteven,
Your methods of trolling are boring, unoriginal, and old. They will probably have no effect on anything except to have wasted your time. You might want to avoid these sorts of posts in the future.
Best of luck
Clearly part of McMyAdmin and clearly doesn't work on anything other than smp.
The most dangerous things that could happen from dynamic images could also happen from static images.
(Referring to your signature)
Also, I wouldn't mind helping you make this if you want any assistance.
Please tell me how you expect the people that use status scripts will act?
Also, just for you, I'm implementing a new feature in my status script called "session id gui interface in visual basic".
Also it's in python.
No, sorry. I don't have the uncompiled version with me, and the compiled version is compiled.
1: it's in python
2: that would require logging in.
I take all the credit.
Why is there no body attached to it sir.