Minecon tickets CANNOT be resold, anyone that is claiming to have tickets for sale is lying, anyone that tries to purchase resold tickets will get scammed. You will lose your money and be denied entry to Minecon.
Mojang have stated they are working hard to prevent reselling of tickets (see here: LydiaWinters on Twitter).
- AnUnknownMiner
- Registered Member
Member for 12 years and 4 days
Last active Mon, Nov, 9 2020 17:38:02
- 1,629 Total Posts
- 139 Thanks
citricsquid posted a message on You CANNOT sell tickets, DO NOT try and sell tickets herePosted in: Minecon -
The_Pastmaster posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)Hello there fellow Bronies of MCF and a warm welcome to the brand new MLP thread.Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
This is a fresh start because of lacklustre rules and chatting going on in the last one.
Lots of rumours and out of context made quotes about me closing this permanently has been false. I first look at a problem, identifying the issue and resolving said issue. In this case I believe the issue to be vague rules and thus I'm clarifying them here.- No NSFW stuff EVER.
- Chatting is to be kept in the Chat Thread.
- All global rules apply, naturally.
So with that in mind, have fun talking about all things pony.If you wish to discuss the changes here then make a thread, or use a thread if it exists already, in Forum Discussion & Information. Do not discuss it here.
Post #2 will be the container for all relevant FAQs, server details etc. so ownership might change.
Thank you for your patronage and have a nice day now.
The Pastmaster -
GravCat posted a message on Post Your Desktop WallpaperPosted in: Computer Science and Technology -
The_Pastmaster posted a message on Staff BirthdaysPosted in: Off topic, testing and misc. chatAny problems then feel free to add them. NO GUESSING, FACTS ONLY!
Any firings then you're off the list.
Animator, 4th
NorthAntrim, 5th
Portadiam, 7th
Fangride, 12th
Blaziken584, 20th
Opeth, 24th
Rogue, 26th
BadPrenup, 27th
Ms_Britten, 28th
The_Pastmaster, 30th
Nex12, 2nd
Calibrix, 3rd
Jefe, 7th
interbrink, 12th
StealthBravo, 15th
Nodachi216, 16th
Zeus, 16th
Sirius, 24th
Samiboula, 24th
'Khooplah, 26th
M4WL, 27th
MineEngineer, 2nd
Freddy, 6th
Hunter, 11th
Valtiel, 18th
Nouish, 20th
Kovu, 23rd
Lynx, 24th
Izraili, 11th
Kyron, 17th
Rmarmorstein, 18th
spudmonkee, TehKitty, 19th
AYF, 20th
foldagerdk, 21st
Death_Rider21, 29th
SteelFeathers, 1st
SkeletonRuler, 7th
Gkardos, 13th
Lilariel, 15th
FM87, 17th
Real, 19th
Geforce, 3rd
LightWarriorK, 5th
Muserae, 8th
Mac, 16th
CentrallyProcessed, 17th
Mac', 18th
SossiMC, 18th
RotomGuy, 25th
jbond98, 26th
RSMDelons, 29th
MineDefine, 5th
Elystus, 6th
sparkyo19, 10th
Darkmiles, 11th
Hazali, 15th
LuisAdeur, 16th
Neodymius, 23rd
Fiskav, 24th
Kubik, 24th
Nentify, 24th
Prince_Deity, 27th
Pika, 2nd
rolandostar, 2nd
Chimeratech, 2nd
AliStarr, 3rd
AdduxP, 8th
JohnTheRipper, 8th
Coleman12, 11th
Megaloneus, Kokkuri 12th
Kokkuri, 12th
Gestankfaust, 13th
Koumus, 14th
tyteen4a03, 15th
Ivy, 18th
NobodyCare, 20th
Syfaro, 24th
Herogx, 27th
Theevilpplz, 30th
HugTheZombies, 31st
UltimateBudgie, 2nd
Duco232, 3rd
Toofifty, 5th
'LadyPashta, 6th
Basic, 19th
Fre3bie, 21st
jax, 21st
8bitben, SpencerWencer, 26th
Alexia, 27th
citricsquid, 28th
CyborgDragon, 28th
Btrpo, 29th
Nimphina, 30th
Skua, 1st
Xetron, 1st
Quinck, 2nd
DanielleStarr, 3rd
CyberFlux, 6th
Jesonomi, 10th
eftj, 10th
deathmaul51, 12th
ocomobock, 14th
Damien4004, 17th
Muttonhawk, 18th
cestislife, 20th
PixelDrum, 23rd
Graph, 28th
AMLup, 29th
Xeadin, 29th
Cuuldude, 30th
KioriBug, 31st
webrosc, 31st
m3Zz, 31st
notrodash, 5th
Fabby, 8th
CaduceusGUILT, 10th
Skyblu10, 10th
13thMurder, 13th
jakeob22, 20th
Crafterguy3x3, 21st
MultiDarkShadow777, 22nd
mesmashh, 24th
Tehpillowstar, 25th
Beltir, 28th
Natalaray, 29th
PuyoDead, 1st
baggerboot, 4th
Lord_Ralex, 4th
Archis, 4th
corner_g, 4th
Flambe, 9th
Chad, 11th
Meredy, 12th
William, 13th
bl4ckscor3, 19th
Blacklands, 19th
Unorthodox, 14th
Ic3Cr34m, 22nd
Kaval, 29th
Telshin, 31st
Birthdayless People
Piratebay -
jefe posted a message on Current member title listPuyo, you're my hero! I love these new updated ranksPosted in: Forum Discussion & Info
EDIT: hate you Pasta for ruining my glory -
Eruraion posted a message on [Ichun hats][Hats] Millinery v1.6, Happy Halloween!Posted in: Minecraft ModsMillinery v1.6A Addon for ichun's hat mod!For those of you who dont know the hats mod, by ichun, allows the player to gather a large amount of cosmetic "hats" for the sole purpose of decoration.But some of us get bored with only 78 hats to chose from... *insert sarcasm*So here you go horders of hats!HatsI'm not going to post pictures of all the hats, much more satisfying to find out on your own!However to not leave you entirely in the dark here is the list of added hats:1.0
Bass cannon
Blood elf ears
Do you have something for me?
Gas Mask
HoneyDew Helmet
Imp Wings
Night Elf Ears
Orc Tusks
pac Man
Quest Giver
Roman Centurion
Steampunk Gogles
Storm Trooper
Tf2 Soldier
Warfstash XL
Witch King Helmet1.1 A touch of festivities
Christmas Wreath*
Elf Hat
Milk and Cookies*
My two front teeth
New Years Hat
Santa cap
Tree topper
Your head roasting in an open fire1.2 More Festive!
Xl Christmas tree*
1.3 Mostly random, predominately magic some how with 3 mage themed hats
Black Mage hat
Finish the stables patrick
Guy fawks mask
Rather Spiffing
SteamPunk Engineer
Your a Wizard!
1.4 Pokemon!
Zapdos1.5 Assassins!Assassin's CreedBull hornsCybermanDarkbrotherhoodHatty hattingtonHattinton (nonmagic)OmgWhalerWheatley*WtfWtf (with mask)1.6 Happy Halloween!AlienBloody EyeBonnieChikaFreddyGrimFishbowlEyepatchRabiteWraithHallowed HatCurrent Total: 73!!!* Although it is a hat, in conjunction with a hat stand, it makes a lovely decoration.Requests?Have An Idea? Great! Post your idea down below and if i like the idea (as in 1. its creative, or 2. its original) It will be added in the next version Every time i have around 10 or so hats a new version will be released.Download/Installation1)Download the correct version of forge
2)Download Ichun's hat mod from Here
NOTE:This is an addon for HIS mod, meaning it is compatible with all versions, and will update when he does.
3)Download the hat pack below
4) Un-zip the pack with 7-zip or win-rar
5) Copy the contents of the zip into your .minecraft
6) Some other step
7) I just wanted to have 7 steps, cool number right? -
Markillion posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]We no longer use the MCF.Posted in: PC Servers -
Rogue posted a message on Permissions GuideHow Permissions Works, and YAML configurationPosted in: Server Support and Administration
All permission plugins use a file format called YAML. This file format is very good since it allows for coders to be able to get the information they need fairly quicky, but also means it is more sensitive to issues when writing the file. There are a few key issues that you must be aware of with these files
- Tabs will break the file
YAML files do not support tabs at all in the file. If the yaml scanners find a tab, they will cause the file to not be readable, thus causing your permission plugin to break. This means you cannot use a tab at all in the file. 2 spaces are like a tab, and so if you use a program like Notepad++, make sure you change the settings so that if you press tab, it will use 2 spaces instead.
- Spacing is key
The point of the spaces is, quite literally, to organize the information. Most use a 2-space hierarchy (that is, the difference is 2 spaces for a category). If you've ever looked at a windows file branch, it is very much a similar thing:
Happen to see a similarity? That's right, the colons after the words in YAML are typically the designation of a new category. In this case, category = folder in windows (with a couple extra features). Now then, there's a few things you can do with this. To understand this, you really need to look at it a whole new way
Example one:
Guest: permissions: prefix: suffix: info:
You can contain other "categories" within them. This allows for adding new attributes to the category, which you can further describe.
Example two:
You can simply list the attributes of a category, or the properties that are contained within it. In permissions, this is most commonly seen when listing perm nodes, or groups that are inherited. One thing to note is that the dash must line up directly with the first letter of category's name (as seen above), and a space put after it.permissions: - derp.node.1 - derp.node.2 - -denied.node inheritance (or groups): - user - moderater
Example three: - Link
permissions: - -denied.pex.node - ^denied.bperms.node - -denied.gm.node - denied.permbukkit.node: false
Negation is another thing, which isn't native to yaml. for that reason, it's different for each permissions plugin, as they must create a character in which to negate the attribute. For each perm plugin, these are:
PEX: a '-'
bPerms: a '^'
Group Manager: a '-'
Permbukkit: using a 'perm.node: false'
Example four:
The third and final bit to yaml in permissions is similar to the listing of attributes, but when there is only one (Groups and perm nodes do not do this however). You can pretty much just put the value of the category entirely directly after the word, wrapped in single quotes.Moderator: prefix: '&9[Mod] &f' suffix: '&9' options: rank: 200 rank-ladder: 'staff'
- Using apostrophes (The ' key)
When you have something that is suppose to be read as text, be sure to surround it with apostrophes. This will tell the readers that this is a line of words, and to read it as is. Sometimes a file needs these since YAML uses some characters to represent things, so an apostrophe in front and at the end will tell it to ignore the characters as special and to just use them.
- Giving Wildcard nodes
Wildcard nodes are nodes that summarizes or cover a subcategory of all the permissions inside of it. Each category (or, we'll use "folder" again) has a list of permissions inside of it. Say we have these four nodes:
- essentials.msg - essentials.signs.use.mail - essentials.signs.use.heal - essentials.afk
(pretending there's only these perms in this plugin.)
You could simplify this into three perms like so:
- essentials.msg - essentials.signs.use.* - essentials.afk
Or even more simplified into:
Note that when you assign a wildcard node that in order to deny something that falls under the wildcard node's category, you must deny before the wildcard node itself. Java reads files from top to bottom, and as soon as it finds a match it will use that.
The '*' node
This is a node that exists only in PermissionsEx. It is a node that is derived using reflection, which breaks bukkit API. To a normal everyday user, this isn't too bad, and might just harm a few things like certain perm nodes or the ability to /reload. What it does is grant all permissions for every plugin. You must assign it wrapped in single quotes, like so:
- '*'
The different Permissions Plugins
bPermissions - A simple, yet stable plugin. Good for beginners.
PermissionsEx - This is the most versatile user-end plugin, used by many server admins. (For 1.4.6 users: Use the latest dev build found here.)
Privileges - Fast, simple, and clean. Does not have fancy features.
TotalPermissions - A new permissions plugin being developed by Lord_Ralex and myself.
More to come, but the I really don't recommend using any others atm.
Finding the errors yourself
Because you really want to do this yourself and become adept at it, there's a handy-dandy YAML parser online that will find errors in your file for you. Simply head on over to http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ and paste your file into it. Read it for the line number where your mistake is and ta-da, you can fix 99% of common errors
A bit of an explanation of different errors:
This error, defined by the “/t”, means that there is a tab in the file. The parser is good enough to tell you where the tab is in the file by giving you a line number. To fix this error, just delete the tab.
This error means that you have forgotten to add a : where it was needed. Like the others, this will tell you where the : is missing, so all you have to do is add the : in the correct spot, usually at the end of the line.
This error means that you forgot to close a String, or a line. Basically, you have a ' in a line and forgot to add a ' at the end of it. The parser will usually give you the line that this happens on, but sometimes it will not. You just need to add the ' to the line that has a ' in it already.
How to receive help here
- Post your yaml configuration in either tags or http://pastie.org and leave a link. Example for tags:
This is your yaml file [/code]
- We currently can't use tags, just use pastebin.
- Post relevant info, including which plugin you are using
- Explain your issue, and the steps you've taken
- Don't use obnoxious fonts or colours. We are all perfectly capable of reading things.
WorldWideWicket posted a message on minigame plugin helpYou might find more help on the bukkit page for that particular plugin. There are dozens of mini game plugins and it's impossible for us to help you here without knowing which one you are using.Posted in: Server Support and Administration -
BlueFireFarian posted a message on ALL the secret Skype smiley'sI'm bored, so that's why i used an hour to find literally ALL the Secret Skype smiley's.Posted in: General Off Topic
Here is the list. I just felt like sharing
(oliver) Some smart guy, it looks like... With a hat.
(zilmer) Take a picture... Cheese!
(mooning) Hate a contact in your list? Use this.
(toivo) I don't even know what to say here. Just... A dude...
(flag:NL) Make a flag! The NL isn't the only flag. You can also do others like NO or EN.
(skype) It's teh skype icon.
(swear) An angry man screaming "%@#$!!!!"
(punch) Punch ya in DA FACE!
(ph) It's an ipod! No, an iphone! No wait...
(movie) 3, 2, 1, action!
(finger) Don't type this to your frineds.. I'm not kidding here...
(bug) Turtle bug FTW!
(t) I'm talking on the phone.
(talk) Blah, Blah, Blah...
(e) Send me mail!
(u) Now your just somebody that i used to know... Get it?
(time) A clock, really...
(headbang) Use this when angry at your self.
(fubar) I don't know what this smiley is saying, sorry.
A cat smiley. How to: Hold 3 letters for example GHL. Wait 1 second and boom!
(drunk) You had to drink 10l beer...
(rock) Uh, yeah! Uh Uh Uh Yo Yo Man Oh Yeh!
(wfh) Working From Home. Ok? A computer house-ish thing?
(hollest) A lady walking. Sorta.
(soccer) Do you like football? I don't.
(smoking) Smokin'...
(poolparty) Funny thing.. That's all XD
So, those were all of them. (at least i think...)
If you know ones that i didn't mention please tell me. - To post a comment, please login.
I think you misunderstood what I said. MCF is their job, they are responsible for maintaining and keeping it running. Unlike them, I have to attend school, work at my job, talk with family, etc. And I don't always have time to moderate MCF.
These hosts have to be approved by this beast, All hosters in the Minecraft Hosting section have proved themselves to be thriving and legitimate businesses that won't get into the situation that Hexic is in.
I warned you!
Isn't that why Rogue made him?
We are not allowed to do that. Not only would it not be fair to everyone else, but it would create a ungodly amount of spam in our inbox.