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    posted a message on ~Colonizing Kapita! A close knit community looking to expand!~
    Quote from asdfboat»

    Best server 2015 10/10 would recommend to anyone.





    Join Valera

    We all know Anovia is the best :P

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ~Colonizing Kapita! A close knit community looking to expand!~

    IP: mc.colonizingkapita.com

    Hello, Minecrafters! I, Amarigen, bring you "Colonizing Kapita", a casual towny economy server. This server has been around for about 4 years now, and we have just launched a new map!

    Colonizing Kapita is a towns based server! In the Land of Kapita, players spawn in at our hub, from there you will choose 2 professions, and a town you would like to live in. Currently, there are 2 towns, Anovia and Valera; each town has its own theme. Once you've chosen your town, players can buy or build a house, from there its all up to you, start a business, go on adventures, pretty much do whatever!

    Here is a youtuber that plays on our server regularly! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8-m-RbsY48cvpHy-jwQDw

    He does videos that showcases the server! If you want to see how the server looks, check him out and watch the Colonizing Kapita videos!


    ~Before we go any further, let me give an example of how this server works:~

    Dirt, sand, and gravel can be dug by anyone who needs to flatten out an area for their profession, so farmers can move dirt or sand to make flat fields and water irrigation alleys.

    So if you were a farmer and wanted to dig a patch of dirt to farm on, that is ok. A farmer would not be able to mine the rock, if he managed to hit it, which would be the miners job. the farmer would also not be able to build anything on the farm other than his field to plant crops in (A farmer can also buy a bucket from a blacksmith to carry water and irrigate crops).

    A farmer would need to then pay a builder to build the farmhouse, barn, fences, etc. The builder would need to get the rock & wood needed to build from the miners and woodcutters who would sell it to him. Then a person could travel to the other towns, and sell the wood to the people there for 3 gold. Then the builder would charge 2 gold to use the wood to make a fence around the farmers field and 8 gold to build a small home for the farmer.

    It is my hope that this will bring a fun new economy to this minecraft server. But remember we will be monitoring this and any cheaters will be punished, as Iprofessions cannot deter all the cheaters. Also keep in mind that those values given for prices were only guesses, everyone sets their own prices, and determines the economy that way. Dont sell for too low, or you wont make much money.


    ~Here are some FAQ's that we get. We treat these apart of our server rules.~

    1.) Whats the currency? – The currency is gold, such as gold nuggets (gn), gold ingots (gi), and gold blocks (gb).

    2.) What happens when I die and lose all my stuff? – Sorry about that, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again.

    3.) Can I change my professions? – Your first professions change will cost 15gi, your second profession change will be 30gi, and your third 50gi. After the third you are no longer allowed to change professions. Contact an Admin to conduct the change, or email us if none are online

    4.) Do I have to live in town? – Yes.

    5.) Can I dig dirt or sand up? - Dirt, Sand, and Gravel can be dug by anyone who needs to flatten out an area for their profession. That does not mean that anyone can go dig a massive pits (this includes ‘quarries’, or the sides of mountains.), be reasonable, or you will be punished

    6.) I think I did something bad, but it’s not listed on the rules, so it must be ok, right? - What do you think? Of course not, and even if it’s not specifically listed on the rules in bold and underlined text does not mean that you can go ahead and do it anyway.

    7.) I encounter glitches or bugs on the server - Ok, send an email at [email protected]. Do not spam in-game chat with issues like these.

    8.) I'm planning on making a town, so is it ok to start building it even though I don't have the money? No, you are allowed to only survey the land.

    9.) I don't want to live in a town, and I don't want to make one, is it ok to go live out in the wild? Or go make an island just for me?- This one goes with number 5 and 15, so no you may not go live out in the wild, nor go make an island home.

    10.) I have the money to make my own town! Is it ok for me to go make one up in the sky?- Short answer, sorry you can't. All townships must be made in the normal world (so no nether/end) and on the natural land

    10.)B) So is it ok to make a town out in the middle of the ocean?- For this one it is both a yes and no. You may not go out in the ocean and make a bunch of connecting platforms with no "natural land". If you find an island however, it is natural land, so you would then be able to make a town on that.

    11.) My Question is not here! - Send us an email at [email protected]! Or even hang around the site and ask a mod/admin.


    ~Here are the core rules of our server!~

    1.) No breaking the rules above

    2.) No greifing

    3.) No disrespecting other players or the admin/mods. If an admin/mod tells you not to do something, don’t do it.

    4.) No cheats/hacks.

    5.) No Traps.

    6.) Cut down trees all the way, clean up structures you use to get around, and keep the world looking nice.

    7.) Construct nether portals in the towns only. (1 per town.)


    ~The Server Administrator are~

    Cam246 (Server Owner)

    Amarigen (Admin)

    Frank7697 (Mod)

    AtomicLego429 (Mod)

    PianoLover1234 (Mod)

    In order to join the server, you need to sign up on our website, www.colonizingkapita.com, and register. Upon registering, look for the "Join Website" button at the top, or center of the page. Once you've clicked it, you will automatically be white-listed, and you may then play on our server. Remember if you have any questions and/or concerns do not hesitate to get into contact with us! Our support email is [email protected] . Thank you all and have a wonderful day/night :)

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Colonizing Kapita
    Come join the server for a wonderful small knit community! Everyone is super friendly, and we want to expand our ever growing family! :D
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Ringscraft: The Conquest of Eriador - 50 Slots | 24/7 | Hardcore RP | LotR Based Server | Whitelisted | Heroes | New 4th Age Lor
    I actually really like the lore you guys have devised, it gives the same proper feeling of being within Tolkien's world while at the same time giving more freedom to the player by adding a lot more variation to the story. I cannot wait to see this server released, I think it is going to be great!!!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Islands of Panzaria (survival/faction with a twist)
    While this is not an RP server, there is somewhat of a story line to be followed, so no metagaming. What is metagaming? Metagaming to me is is kinda like being able to read something out of character, and then trying to use it in-character. So I suppose I would say it is the act of combining ooc and ic.

    How old are you? 18

    Have you ever been banned? If yes, please explain. Please do note though that having a previous ban does not disqualify you from joining our server: I have never been banned

    What do we have a zero tolerance policy for? Bigotry!

    What is one rule from the staff rules list?: Never ignore any staff or player if they ask you a question, always answer them polity and to the best of your knowledge.

    What is one rule from the server rules list?: Stealing is allowed from other nations/islands as long as they don’t catch you.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Ringscraft: The Conquest of Eriador - 50 Slots | 24/7 | Hardcore RP | LotR Based Server | Whitelisted | Heroes | New 4th Age Lor
    IGN (In game name): amarigen

    Roleplaying experience: I have roleplayed on Lotro for about 4-5 years, rped on Gw2 for almost a year now, and have rped on a few servers here and there on mc.

    Country/Time zone: Mountain standard time

    How old are you?: 18

    Where did you find us?: On the minecraft forums via searching.

    Why do you want to join us? ( Please be a bit detailed): Being a huge fan of Tolkiens works, I always wanted to see how it would be if taken into the minecraft game. After searching for a bit I found this one, so I'm actually very excited for when this server will be released and hopefully be able to play on it

    Time you can give to this server (Everyday, or per week): Mainly weekdays is my gaming time

    Who in our new lore destroyed Minas Tirith? The combined forces of the Haradrim and Easterlings

    Which Captain of Rohan survived until the end of the battle? Captain Goman III

    Have you read the rules?: I have, 32, and Pippin.

    What is RolePlaying for you?: Roleplaying to me is genuinely an escapist, and an creative output, to become someone else and to enjoy it

    What is MetaGaming in your words?: hmm metagaming to me, is kinda like being able to read something out of character, and then trying to use it in-character. So I suppose I would say it is the act of combining ooc and ic.

    What is PowerGaming in your words?: Powergaming to me is kind of like when having an rp fight one rper might disregard the actions of another, like suddenly becoming this invincible killing machine that likes to jump on the walls like Yoda, and stab like Ezio.

    In Character(IC) INFO:

    Name: Amairgen Aesir

    Race: A Male, and of the Men of Dale.

    Age: near 27

    Professional Class: Farmer

    Combat Class: Healer

    Character Backstory
    Growing up on a farm for Amairgen taught him many things, primarily about life and death. Even though he had only stayed at his family farm for about 14 years. The reason for his leaving started when his mother was going into labour, his mom died in the process of giving birth to him and this twin brother, though his brother died only a few days later. His dad then became a hazardous drunk to soothe his woes yet in that process he would beat Amairgen from time to time, blaming him for the outcomes of his wife. His dad's drunkeness had rendered him "useless" as Amair would say, because he would be unable to do the regular farm work, so he made Amairgen do it in his stead. Due to the repeating beatings of his father Amairgen learned how to fend for himself, he also taught himself natural herb-lore so he could learn how to dress his wounds.

    At the age of 13 just 4 days away from his birthday, Amairgen was out in the woods looking for some plants he had found earlier,
    that helps relieve the pain in his wounds, when he happend to stumble upon a tombstone with a shovel laying on top of it.
    Never knowing what had happend to his mother and brother once they had died, he natural curiosity seemed to have struck him with great power that day. He took the shovel and started to dig, he dug for a few minutes and he found a chest, a chest laying ontop of two skeletons. Ignoring the dead he heaved up the chest, which was quite heavy, once he had opened it he found it was full of gold,
    two sets of clothing that were apparently to big for him and a letter, it was adressed to his mother, from his dad.
    Amairgen found out that day that apparently in his fathers drunken stupor he had gathered up all the money he had saved and buried it with is mom and brother. Thinking luck was with him he quickly took all that he could carry.
    Went to the nearest town and bought about two horses to help him carry more of the gold and set out from his homeland.

    To this day Amairgen has never looked back and still calls it mere luck that he was able to leave his home,
    he is often seen with his shovel at his side, a memory of his freedom....and out by graveyards,
    still digging up treasure from time to time,

    Roleplay Example:
    Upon entering the Tavern, a man with a shovel and what looks to be nice robes, now ripped and torn around the bottom with dirt here and there around him, He sets his eyes on the barman. With a smirk set on his face he starts walking towards him, using his shovel as if it were a cane.
    Amairgen sets down a few coins on the counter. "Hello there, I would like one of them ales."

    The barman picks up the coins before stuffing them in his pocket and turns to fill up the mug he was cleaning with just the right amount of ale, then sets it back on the counter. "Say friend, whats with the shovel?"

    Amairgen grabs the mug and brings it close to his nose, taking in the scent giving him a grin "What this old thing? oh its nothing, you see I'm a farmer, its hard work digging up them corpes' er i mean crops!" and with that he turns on his heel towards the door, chuckleing he waves

    Personality traits:

    Physical description(needed. eg what his face looks like) and/or image of skin?: Amairgen Aesir stands at about 5'9 with light blue eyes and blond hair which he likes to keep nice and neat, as well as a clean shaven face at almost all times (picture Jesse Spencer). Even though Amair is fascinated with graves and the dead who reside in it, he is sort of a germaphobe, he can almost always be seen with gloves on whenever he has to actually touch anything.

    Skills: As a lover of growing things, as well as growing up on a farm, Amairgen has a green thumb for growing things, this facade he uses is his way of getting people to lower their guard around him, enabling him to get bits of information out of them, for curiosity sake that is.

    Weakness: Amairgens greatest weakness is his strong sense curiosity, and can usually be heard saying "curiosity killed the cat.." before doing things.

    What is his/her ultimate goal? Amairgen doesn't really have a ultimate goal, he just settles for going with the flow of the moment and accepting that which may come.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on 24/7 - CASUAL RPG SERVER >COLONIZING KAPITA< [1.4.5] [SMP] [FRIENDLY MODS]
    Quote from kickbut622

    I would like to try this again, so I am going to repost my old application, with some changes...

    1) Name IGN: Kickbut622 RP name: Kalel Birch
    2) Age since he started counting again, 89.
    3) Minecraft History (Have you be banned, What other servers have you been on, etc.) I am just going to be truthful in saying i have no idea. I have attempted to join to many servers for me to remember.
    4) Why you want to join! Its rp isnt it. I really like the idea of having people have to help eachother to survive.
    5) Profession you would want if selected & Town you would like to live in. Crazy old wizard/adventurer and AIUR.
    6) Other Important Info you want us to know. no, not really

    7) Feel free to include a back story. It is not required, but shows us you really want to join! Okay ill do my best.

    Kalel is a crazy old wizard who has been around for many many years due to many experiments back when the empire was just a small village. Even then, kalel was old. However, like many old men, kalel was looking for a way out. A way that he could trick death into not finding him. Most men fail, but kalel was not like most men, oh no. He was a wizard. One of the only ones in the small town. Due to many experiments with potions, and brews, he had managed a way to slow down his ageing so an hour aged him a second. However, this required him to constantly consume a special brew that required fresh blood. And the town was running out of people. So Kalel had begun to look elsewhere. He looked into a black, burned book one of the hunters had brought back from one of his hunts. It spoke of evil, evil things not meant to be tried by any man, woman, or child. But Kalel was no ordinary man.

    Kalel read the book, and it talked of a way to make a portal to the land of death. However, since this was dark art, it was shunned upon. So he had a builder dig a very deep basement underneath Kalel's house. Then, in secret, kalel made a passage that lead into the in. Kalel then created an alter, with the portal behind it. Every night, kalel would sneak into the inn and take one traveler a night. He would bring them down to the alter, and impale them on an iron spike that erected from the alter. The blood would then drain into a pool at the base of the portal frame. Kalel would then cut out the heart of the victim, place it into the pool of blood and chant. "Iksnu Vlanksa kalie maru. Shavi maop pivka shanlo." Kalel would repeat over and over again for an hour. The portal would then open. Kalel would then take the body into the realm of what the ancients called the nether, and sacrifice it to the White Gods. Once they had fed, they would gift kalel of their tears. Kalel would then leave the nether and eat the tears of his gods. This gave him immense magical power and even more life. While in the nether, his body would suck up the gas, and the souls of the dead, and turn those into years that he could live. However, people were getting suspicious. So kalel decided it was time to test his new powers. He saw a hunter that was traveling into town. He claimed that he had heard rumors of a town that was cursed, and he came to help. Kalel came up to him, and made him an offer. "The power to Create an empire. To be able to crush any kingdom, any foe that stands in your way. The power to make you king."

    The young hunter, being raised as a poor boy, jumped at the offer. There was just one condition that kalel had for him. "On your son's twentieth birthday, when he is old enough to rule the kingdom, I shall take you, and you shall die. When your grandchild reaches the age to rule the kingdom, I shall take your son. I shall continue this so long as your clan remains on the throne." The hunter believed that twenty years with his son would be enough, and, guaranteeing a good life for his child, the hunter shook Kalel's Old worn hand. With the deal struck, soon an empire was born.

    Kalel was able to continue on like this for quite some time. As the world aged around him, he stayed the same. Always serving over the emperors left shoulder, harvesting their soul as soon as their first born child reached the age of twenty. However, he was getting bored. So he convinced The emperor to set sail to new lands. To expand the empire. He told the emperor that he would sail with one of the ships. The emperor halfheartedly agreed. However, the emperor was ageing, and he had not had a child yet. By the time the emperor had died, and a new one took its place, the deal was broken. Kalel, now living in Lyndel was able to convinced a young man named Fredrick that he had the power to unite the cities of Kapita under his rule and fight of the two empires. All he asked was one simple price. Once he defeated the empires, Kalel was to be given the city of Lyndel. The boy had thought that it would be a small price to pay to become a king, so he accepted. It had been twenty years since the town had started, and the High king had risen. The empires that once controlled the Kapita soon fell, and Kalel got his reward. Everyone had heard about what happened. The entire city of Lyndel had been Annihilation overnight. No one knew how this could have happened, something had. Kalel knew that people would be wary for some time, fearing that the same tragedy would overcome them, so Kalel began to travel, only acting as a lowly wizard. He helped towns, slept in taverns, and began to spread rumors that Lyndel was not annihilated over night, it was merely abandoned. He traveled the land, spreading myths of why everyone would leave a town overnight. After twenty years of this, He decided it was time to begin to settle down again. He then found the jungle town of Airu, where he decided it was time to begin again.

    Ah! Hullo there! this thread here is actually very very old, and as such the Server along with everyone have progressed. I would like to welcome you to join us on our site at www.colonizingkapita.enjin.com and become a part of our ever-growing family. Once you join our site you will be automatically white-listed to enter the server. All the server info you may need is also on that site, if you have any further questions and/or concerns please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected] it is through this email that an admin will be able to answer any and all questions you may have. I hope to see you very soon both on the site and on the server! Have a wonderful day/night!! :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Ancient Civilizations/Mythology Fantasy. [Survival-Role Play] 1.5
    What is your In-game name?: amarigen

    What is your role-play name?: Amairgen Aesir

    How old are you?: 18

    What timezone do you live in?: MST

    Do you have a microphone?: I do not

    Do you have an appropriately themed skin?: I believe I do

    What do you know about classical antiquity?: I believe that was the time period between the Archaic age up to around the time the Roman Empire spilt into the western and eastern Empires

    Do you already have a nation you'll be joining?: No, but I'm thinking of the Norse Confederation

    What is your roleplay experience?: Ah, well first I roleplayed for some time (about 3 years) on Lotro, then some more (almost a year now) on Gw2, I also spent some time here and there on other mc rp servers.

    Give some background on your character:

    Growing up on a farm for Amairgen taught him many things, primarily about life and death.
    Even though he had only stayed at his family farm for about 14 years.
    The reason for his leaving started when his mother was going into labour,
    his mom died in the process of giving birth to him and this twin brother, though his brother died only a few days later.
    His dad then became a hazardous drunk to soothe his woes yet in that process he would beat amairgen from time to time, blaming him for the outcomes of his wife.
    His dad's drunkeness had rendered him "useless" as Amair would say, because he would be unable to do the regular farm work, so he made Amairgen do it in his stead.
    due to the repeating beatings of his father amairgen learned how to fend for himself,
    he also taught himself natural herb-lore so he could learn how to dress his wounds.

    At the age of 13 just 4 days away from his birthday, Amairgen was out in the woods looking for some plants he had found earlier,
    that helps relieve the pain in his wounds, when he happend to stumble upon a tombstone with a shovel laying on top of it.
    Never knowing what had happend to his mother and brother once they had died, he natural curiosity seemed to have struck him with great power that day.
    He took the shovel and started to dig, he dug for a few minutes and he found a chest, a chest laying ontop of two skeletons.
    Ignoring the dead he heaved up the chest, which was quite heavy, once he had opened it he found it was full of gold,
    two sets of clothing that were apparently to big for him and a letter, it was adressed to his mother, from his dad.
    Amairgen found out that day that apparently in his fathers drunken stupor he had gathered up all the money he had saved and buried it with is mom and brother.
    Thinking luck was with him he quickly took all that he could carry.
    Went to the nearest town and bought about two horses to help him carry more of the gold and set out from his homeland.

    To this day Amairgen has never looked back and still calls it mere luck that he was able to leave his home,
    he is often seen with his shovel at his side, a memory of his freedom....and out by graveyards,
    still digging up treasure from time to time,

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on 24/7 - CASUAL RPG SERVER >COLONIZING KAPITA< [1.4.5] [SMP] [FRIENDLY MODS]
    Also please take note that there is no whitelist on this server!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on 24/7 - CASUAL RPG SERVER >COLONIZING KAPITA< [1.4.5] [SMP] [FRIENDLY MODS]
    Quote from camgullo

    I just updated the server to 1.4.5
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on 24/7 - CASUAL RPG SERVER >COLONIZING KAPITA< [1.4.5] [SMP] [FRIENDLY MODS]
    Be sure to also visit the site at www.colonizingkapita.enjin.com to further meet people on the server and to get more info on specific towns :) I hope to see all of you on the server soon! Have a wonderful day.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Colonizing Kapita's 1.4 server
    Now that the Colonizing Kapita main server has been updated to 1.4 this temporary one will be going off now. If you had fun, met enjoyable people, or just wish to take an adventure on Kapita then please go here http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1528280-247-casual-rpg-server-colonizing-kapita-14-smp-white-list-friendly-mods/ and fill out an application to be whitelisted.

    Thank you for your time, I do hope to see you all very soon on the main server, have a wonderful day.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Colonizing Kapita's 1.4 server
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Colonizing Kapita's 1.4 server
    Quote from sirp12

    hey this is my app for admin/mod
    adminXP:i have been oped on a server that had 20-25 people a day
    BuildingXP:i have built towns for server, xp farms, I did a spawn once, i can do redstone
    more info: I am very friendly, i follow all the rules.
    thanks for look at this

    as stated before on the server, thank you for taking an interest in a admin position however, we have no need for more at this time. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Colonizing Kapita's 1.4 server

    IP: cam246.dyndns.org:25566

    1) No greifing
    2) No disrespecting other players or admins. If an admin tells you not to do something, don’t do it.
    3) Swearing is ok, just don’t get to colorful, this is an adult atmosphere.
    4) No cheats/hacks
    5) No TNT.
    6) No Lava buckets for anything other than power.
    7) No Traps.
    8) Have Fun; Follow the rules, Everyone Has Fun!
    9) No Chat spamming
    10) No Stealing from other players.
    Other Info:
    1) There is no whitelist!
    2) This is going to be just a fun little server where people may enjoy themeselves with the comfort of others
    3) We have a healthy amount of players from the main server, who are all waiting for the bukkit update.
    4.) If this server starts getting griefers, the whitelist will be placed into effect with an application to join.
    5.) Have some fun and be social! :)
    6.) Also join us on our forums to get more info about things and to join our ever growing family





    Please note! If you were banned for some reason and you feel as if you were done wrong you may appeal the ban here, just post below the misunderstanding, when you were banned and if possible by whom. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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