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    posted a message on [Collection] Mithey's Maps ~ Terra Restore and More!

    Thank you for letting us know! Just played through the first chapter, it's amazing! I just love the unique mechanics Mithey has in his maps, and they just keep on getting better and better ^_^ This kind of makes me worry that Mithey's forgotten his MC Forum password though.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Collection] Mithey's Maps ~ Terra Restore and More!

    I hope he is doing alright, he is amazing 🙏

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on lk

    Am I doing something wrong? I have all the required mods, and I can see all the items such as pearls and clams. But all the structures are empty. I tried looking in creative inventory, no blocks. I tried crafting it with the recipe, nothing. Where are the lucky blocks? I have other lucky blocks installed and they work fine.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Update Opinion Thread

    The new features are great - until the crafting thing came out! For me, it just kill a lot of fun to crafting. What's the point of dragging and dropping when all you need to do is to click a button? The old way of crafting was one of those thing that made Minecraft unique, and I will sure to miss it! I understand that it will help the new players to have a better idea of what to do before they have to check a thousand pages of wiki, and old players that just can't remember what's the recipe. And yes, the old crafting grid is still there, you can still drag and drop, blah blah blah. But seriously, who will appreciate the old way of crafting with this new update?

    The other features are again, brilliant! I know most people didn't like the combat change in 1.9, but I thought it was a great change. And now, here I am, opposing an update that most people like. Maybe something is wrong with the way I think. Hm...

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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