Piston Door Tutorial - (optional lock)
Here is what you'll need: 4 Sticky Pistons, 8 Redstone Torches, 4 Stone Pressure Plates,16 Redstone Dust, and a material of your choosing for the door.
STEP 1 - Place your Sticky Pistons and door material like so.
STEP 2 - Place a block, preferably Stone or Cobblestone, on the back of the top Sticky Piston like shown below.
Step 3 - Now, place a Redstone Torch directly under the block you just place on the back of the Sticky Piston. This will activate the PIston Door. Note that the block above the Redstone Torch is important because it carries the Redstone Signal to the top Sticky Piston. Without that block, the top Sticky Piston would not function.
Step 4 - Now, go down two blocks directly below the Redstone Torch from the previous step and place another Redstone Torch. Do this to both sides under each Redstone Torch. This will deactivate the Piston Door.
Step 5 - Now, we will make a Redstone Inverter. This is a little harder to explain so I'll keep it simple and tell you to just look at the picture below to get the idea. Do exactly as the picture shows, to both sides like before and to each side of the door. Not just left and right, but front and back.. As you can see, it will invert the signal, reactivating the Piston Door again.
So it should look like this on both sides.
Step 6 - Now, place Redstone Dust (Wire) between each of the Inverter Torches, so that they are in between the Pistons. Again, do this for both sides, like the wiring for the Redstone Inverter.
Step 7 - Now, you are going to need to make a connection from one side of the wiring to the other. This can be accomplished by connecting the wire laid in Step 6, with wire going directly underneath the door as shown below.
Step 8 - Now, go up two blocks from the Redstone placed in Step 6, and put down two blocks, that are located two blocks from the door. Then put Stone Pressure Plates on those blocks like shown below. Do this to both sides of the door.
Step 9 - Make sure that both sides are working by stepping on the Stone Pressure Plates. The Sticky Pistons should pull the blocks apart, creating a doorway. If they don't, go back and retrace the steps to make sure you didn't miss anything.
Step 10 - Optional Lock - Now that you have it all set up, you can add a simple locking system. I did this pretty fast so it's not the most elegant locking mechanism ever. Just a simple, uncomplicated lock. Just make the Redstone path shown in the picture below and you have a locking system. Please note the this must be done to both the left and right sides of the pistons otherwise only half of the door will lock. Also, you'll need one inside if you want to lock it from the inside.
Minecart Piston Rail Door
Here is what you'll need: 3 Sticky Pistons, 3 Redstone Torches, 2 Redstone Repeaters, 2 Detector Rails, 1 Pressure Plate, 15 Redstone Dust (Wire) and your choice of material for the door.
Step 1 - Place your Sticky Pistons like so. A stack of two on the left, three spaces in between, and then one on the right.
Step 2 - Now, from the center block between the pistons, dig a 9 long, 2 deep, and 1 wide trench. It must be 4 in front and 5 in the back like shown. The Diamond blocks are the front (4) and the Gold is the back (5) Diamond and Gold are just for demonstration.
Step 3 - Now, make a 2 wide, 3 long, and 2 deep hole next to the stack of pistons (shown on the left). Then, make a 1 wide, 3 long, 2 deep hole next to the single piston on the right. (NOTE: that these must be in front of the pistons where the original trench is only 4 long. aka the diamond side in step 2)
Step 4 - Remove the blocks shown as Diamond Blocks exactly as shown in the picture below.
Step 5 - Now, go to the single piston side. Underneath it, where you knocked out the blcoks shown in Step 4, place 2 Redstone Torches and 1 Redstone Repeater exactly like they're pictured below. Make sure the Redstone Repeater is on 1 click.
Step 6 - Go underneath the two stacked pistons, and place 1 Redstone Torch and 3 Redstone Dust (Wire) shown exactly like below. Do not forget to put 1 Redstone Dust (Wire) on the top of the block behind the top piston.
Step 7 - Now, to the left of the stacked pistons in the hole, place 3 Redstone Dust (Wire) and 1 Redstone Repeater like their shown in the picture below.
Step 8 - Now fill the center trench from one end to the other with 9 Redstone Dust (Wire) like shown below. Make sure the Redstone Repeater is on a full 4 clicks.
Step 9 - Now place 3 blocks exactly where the Diamond Blocks are in the picture below. 2 on each end of the center trench, and then one in the center between the pistons.
Step 10 - Now, it's time to practice with it and make sure it works. Place a Pressure Plate on the block in front of the pistons at the end of the center trench. then place your choice of blocks to be used by the Sticky Pistons as the wall/door. Also, place a rail down for the right piston to push and pull to replace the wall/door. Step on the Pressure Plate to make sure the pistons open up correctly like below.
Step 11 - If everything works correctly, carefully cover up all of the wiring and pistons. Make sure you don't break anything while covering it up. Once it's all said and done, it should look like this.
Step 12 - PROFIT!
I know this tutorial is early, but I figured that people should get a heads up on one of the most widely used practices with Pistons. I really hope it helps and that it isn't too confusing. I tried to make it as straight forward as possible. Please let me know if there is anything I can clarify.
I am here in this forum specifically because I discovered that it is the Lily Lurkers that is causing my horrible lag issues with the BeyondReality modpack on ATLauncher. My only solution was to remove the Primitive Mobs .jar from the modpack manually. This definitely needs to be fixed ASAP. Thanks.
I spawned a new world, no Lily Lurkers in the swamp, and no lag. After mining nearby for a half-hour, the Lily Lurkers had grown to such numbers (hundreds of them!!) that my game bogged down to like 1 tick per second in that area.
Here's my suggestion: don't allow Lily Lurkers to grow in number, that is a disaster waiting to happen. They should spawn when the chunks initially load for the first time... and that's it. We don't need a thousand lily lurkers!!!!!!! Or even a hundred - just a couple of them are fine, thank you very much.
I'm assuming there's a good reason for not doing so, curious about what it might be tho.
In the comments of sethbling's video, someone wrote
"If the device on the chunk (no matter where it is located) is being powered by a comparator clock/pulser running a constant testfor with a radius of 1200000 it will work and it will power a piston on and off (in range/out of range). I have already confirmed this to be a fact and I suggest you do the same before replying. testfor @p[r=1200000]"Also I think this video might be helpful too but I'm just watching it now.
He just said early in the video that this method is no good for survival mode since you need a command block. I need survival mode long distance redstone...
People who are happy with the changes don't bother showing up just to say "I have no complaints!"
Therefore, there's a bias on an message board towards the negative. Just the way life works I guess.
I use a Silk Touch enchantment on my diamond pickaxe. I don't mine emeralds, I mine the emerald ore and save them. When I need emerald, then I use a Fortune III enchanted pickaxe on the ore to get more emeralds than normal.
Within one week I had a full stack (64) of emerald ore. Using Fortune III will give me at least TWO full stacks of emeralds, if not more.
So yeah, I have a lot of emeralds now. But I spend a lot of my time mining.
I also have 3 full stacks of diamond ore now, which will turn into about 8-9 full stacks of diamonds when I use Fortune III pickaxe on them! Life is good!
The "pens" are simple fences.
Sheep NEVER die, and NEVER escape. Same for chickens.
Cows ALWAYS escape. Pigs ALWAYS escape.
After much research I found out what the problem is. When you restart your world from a save point, the cows and pigs are placed at random. Since they are apparently 2-blocks wide, sometimes one of their blocks is the same location as a fence. At that point, the game has to make a decision where to move the animal, because it can't spawn IN a fence!! So sometimes the game puts them inside the pen.... but other times the game puts them OUTSIDE the pen... and they have now "escaped".
I fixed my pens by using dirt blocks for the boundary instead of fences. I don't know why it works, but it does. Now my animals never spawn outside their pens.
But I say again - my sheep NEVER had this problem. Or my chickens. My understanding is, this behavior is because both sheep and chickens are "one block" animals, not "two-block". So the game never has the "indecision problem" that it has with cows and pigs when starting up a saved game.
Honestly, not every lily pad breaks the boat, but if you hit a few then the boat is def gone.