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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    Quote from Sedridor»

    Because of legality reasons.

    Thanks for the information. I didn't realize that Colossus is not a new modpack, it's a very old one. It's asking me to download other older mods that do not even exist, so it's not Optifine's fault or problem, it's AT Launcher's and the fault of all these older modpacks on the various sites.

    And so it goes in our "legal" world. Bah, humbug, I don't like lawyers at all.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)

    WTF, Colossus modpack on AT Launcher sent me to Optifine website to download the mod... but it's a 1.6.4 minecraft version modpack, and Optifine has apparently removed the 1.6.4 versions from their download page? Why?

    EDIT: I was able to get the 1.6.4 Optifine via this forum thread, so thank you! However, there's no indication on the actual Optifine download page that the 1.6.4 version even exists anymore, there's no link to any "older versions".

    I highly suggest a link be added for those playing older-version-based modpacks like Colossus.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on JourneyMap 5.5.x: Realtime mapping in-game or in a web browser as you explore
    Quote from techbrew»

    Try deleting .minecraft/journeymap/colorpalette.json and restarting. Revisit the blackout area. Stop Minecraft and save a copy of the journeymap.log file. If the problem recurs after a restart, save the new log file and send me both in a ticket: http://tinyurl.com/jmticket

    As for the biome data, it's a matter of not saving it to a file. I have plans to do so, though, in an upcoming version.

    Thanks, that seems to have fixed it so I won't send you the logs but if it does happen again I will repeat this solution. Much obliged for the quick response!

    And thanks for acknowledging the Biome data issue. It's something I've never understood, since it would appear to be trivial to show the Biome info for any previously explored coordinate on the map. But maybe it isn't as trivial as it seems. I hope you can "get er done"!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on JourneyMap 5.5.x: Realtime mapping in-game or in a web browser as you explore
    I'm playing Beyond Reality modpack on ATLauncher (I don't think it matters but I'll mention it anyways), they appear to be using JourneyMap v5.0.1 Unlimited.

    Why do I get random "blacked out" areas every time I re-start my game? I obviously have a large area explored around my base, but every time I restart there is a part of this area that has reverted back to "unexplored" - which is why it is shown as blacked-out on my map.

    For the obsessive compulsive people who play Minecraft (and I think there are a lot of us), this is game-breaking. The first thing I have to do every time is go "re-explore" that area of the map, so it isn't blacked-out anymore. It really bothers me!! But I waste so much time re-exploring areas distant from my base.

    Please help. Not my OCD (nobody can help that, it's just who I am I guess), but all you need to do is fix whatever problem is occurring. I'd greatly appreciate it. LOL Thanks.

    By the way, I forgot to mention it but I should... I think JourneyMap is the best mapping mod in all of Minecraft, and I'm not trying to blow smoke. I've tried most map mods and its not even close.

    I'd also like to ask a question, something I've always wondered about. How come map mods cannot "remember" the Biome? Why can't the Biome info be stored for reference so I can "mouse-over" and see what the Biomes are? Why does every map mod do the same thing (forget the Biome info)? Thanks again!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Primitive Mobs v1.1beta - Last Updated 01/01/2018 - 1.12 beta version available!
    Quote from leonelmegaman»
    just turn their spawn rates to 0

    Quote from MoridinIshamael »
    But Lily Lurkers are awesome. Turning their spawn rate to 0 would be like getting rid of a pimple by cutting off your head.

    Yeah, that's what the modpack designer did, turned the spawn rate way down, but it's def not the ideal solution. For me, my solution was to just remove the PM.jar file altogether (no more TNT-deranged creepers blowing up my base thinking its a joke or something LOL), but I'm sure that's not what the mod developer wants to hear. :) Once this gets resolved all will be good again.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Primitive Mobs v1.1beta - Last Updated 01/01/2018 - 1.12 beta version available!
    Quote from AMPPL50»
    I have found that Lily Lurkers cannot despawn at all because the game considers them to be passive mobs, which causes them to, among other problems, be unable to despawn in Peaceful (Althrough they become harmless, they can get to ridiculous levels).

    I am here in this forum specifically because I discovered that it is the Lily Lurkers that is causing my horrible lag issues with the BeyondReality modpack on ATLauncher. My only solution was to remove the Primitive Mobs .jar from the modpack manually. This definitely needs to be fixed ASAP. Thanks.

    I spawned a new world, no Lily Lurkers in the swamp, and no lag. After mining nearby for a half-hour, the Lily Lurkers had grown to such numbers (hundreds of them!!) that my game bogged down to like 1 tick per second in that area.

    Here's my suggestion: don't allow Lily Lurkers to grow in number, that is a disaster waiting to happen. They should spawn when the chunks initially load for the first time... and that's it. We don't need a thousand lily lurkers!!!!!!! Or even a hundred - just a couple of them are fine, thank you very much.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Applied Energistics 2 - Open Source
    Thanks MauveCloud for finding that in the changelogs.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Applied Energistics 2 - Open Source
    Did the method to calculate space on the ME hard drives change in a recent update? I'm playing Direwolf 1.7 FTB modpack and when they updated yesterday, AE2 went from "rv1-stable-1" to "rv2-alpha-17", I noticed that all the storage numbers on my hard drives suddenly changed dramatically. One 64k drive which previously was at 63 items and 50k went to 63 items and 85k after the update!!!! 85k stored on a 64k drive? Nice trick. :D I was able to offload the excess via the ME IO Port without any loss of materials... but all 10 of my 64k drives increased the storage (or said another way, decreased the available space) drastically. Most drives only had 2k-3k of materials on them before the update, afterwards they now all have 30k or so... same number of items, but the drive space taken up by those items increased a lot.

    I'm trying to figure out if this was an old bug that is being fixed, or if it is a new bug that shouldn't be happening.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Extra Utilities v1.1.0k
    Quote from Swaffer»
    Am I missing something here?

    I just upgraded to Beyond Reality modpack 2.1.7d which has the latest version of Extra Utilities and there are no upgrades for the transfer nodes,

    no stacks upgrade, no world interaction upgrade/mining upgrade, and no speed upgrade

    Is this a bug or is there a new way to do things?

    Any help much appreciated

    BR is a customized modpack, so it could be that the upgrades aren't available for balance or something along those lines (but I doubt that, they don't seem overpowered reading your list). I'm not involved in the modpack, I'm simply guessing, so don't quote me!! I do play BR myself and trying to learn the 1.7 mods, but haven't used transfer nodes yet (barely out of Bronze Age). As I'm sure you know the modpack is still in "beta" and a lot is changing all the time. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it is just an error on BR's behalf, and they will fix it in the next update. Again, my guess would be it will turn out to be a problem with BR rather than a problem with Extra Utilities. The forum for the modpack isn't very active so you'll probably just have to wait for 2.1.8 and see what happens I guess...
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MapWriter - An open source mini-map!
    Okay thanks, "Next mode" wasn't very intuitive and yes, I don't think it's mapped to a unique key (to play modded minecraft we need an extra keyboard lol) so I'll have to go and remedy that. Appreciate the tip.

    And biome information is certainly known, it shows up when you're in the biome on the map... but when you go about 100 blocks away from the biome, the map then shows "?" instead. Why can't it remember what the biome was and show it? In one world, I got into the (very tedious) habit of making a waypoint for each biome, so I could instantly see which biome it was. Needless to say... I don't spend the time to do that anymore. This is why we have mapping mods!!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MapWriter - An open source mini-map!
    One other question - is there a good reason why the biome is always shown as a "?" if you're not close to it? I don't understand why the biome information isn't stored and shown by the map... I mean, once you've discovered the biome, it's not like it's secret information anymore. So why not show the info on the map? Isn't that what map mods are for?

    I'm assuming there's a good reason for not doing so, curious about what it might be tho.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MapWriter - An open source mini-map!
    Oh, and one other thing while I'm here... a request: Please add an option to disable the display of the mini-map.

    The reason I ask for that is so that when I play a modpack that has multiple mapping mods installed (such as BeyondReality), I can use one mapping mod for the big overview map, and another mapping mod for the mini-map and waypointing. I prefer Mapwriter for the big overview but not so much for waypointing or the mini-map. I use "Voxel Map - No Radar (Zan's)" in BeyondReality and really like it... however, there's no way to turn off Mapwriter's mini-map, all I can do in the options is to change it's position and move it to another corner. But I'd really just like to turn it off. Should be an easy option to add, no? Thanks. And if I somehow missed the option to turn it off, just tell me how to do it, and you can call me a dope too. LOL
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MapWriter - An open source mini-map!
    Quote from clarity2199»
    Hey Newly Spawned....I ran into the same problem. Every time I reload my save game, nothing is saved....not the way points nor the map. It really sucks!

    Hopefully this error can be found and fixed in the near future. Cuz it is a real pain in the butt when trying to use on your game. :P

    I just came here to try and figure this problem out. I am also having the same issue. I am playing the new InfiTech2 modpack thru the FTB launcher (3rd Party Packs) and Mapwriter is not saving any of the mapping I've done. I will map for an hour, shut the game down, then later I will come back to play some more, and when I re-start FTB and begin playing, all my previous mapping has disappeared and those areas of the map are black again. I noticed this happening in my intial world, so I deleted it and began a second world. The same exact thing happened.

    I see there is a workaround for this posted on the previous page by TwoThe, so I will use that method for now if it does indeed work. But just wanted to add my feedback. Also, I'm playing BeyondReality modpack thru the ATLauncher, and in that modpack I've had zero issues with Mapwriter. So perhaps that's a clue as to what might be going on? Could it be related to the way certain modpacks are put together and interacting?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on multi-thread, new rendering system, VOB, Flags, Throwing space at time
    Why am I still getting horrible chunk-loading errors in 14w31a? When the chunk-loading works, yeah, it's really fast and I love it.

    But... that's when it works. Does anyone else have large areas where chunks just won't seem to load or they take forever to "fill in"? I started a new world this morning, went into creative mode and flew around. At some point, I flew out over the area that wasn't loading and turned around. Quite a sight seeing the world looking like someone just cleaved half of it clean away...

    I know it has nothing to do with threading... but it has everything to do with enjoying the game. I laughed at it for a while, then got so fed up at how long the chunks were taking, I shut it all down out of aggravation.

    Edit: I should add my CPU is an i7-3770K @ 3.50GHz (never bothered to mess with overclocking) with 32GB of RAM and an Nvidia GTX 690. It's possible I've got a setting terribly wrong but it sure isn't my hardware.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Lava Oceans?
    I just made a "14w31a" world, using that as my seed, and I selected "Customize" for the world and added "lava oceans".

    When I spawned, right in front of me is a ocean cove, it's half water and half lava. LOL I mean, literally half and half... and then some of the lava turned to obsidian, but not all of it. So there are lava blocks and water blocks co-existing in this cove side-by-side. Very odd.

    Is this intended behavior? I assumed "lava oceans" would form way down deep, not at the surface!

    Flying around in creative mode, I see the oceans are indeed entirely lava. Well... that *IS* what it said, I guess. Lava oceans. Ask and ye shall receive? LOL Bizarre.

    Examining the "Customize" options further... wow. They've added a lot of options, including ore distribution.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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