Why wasn't this rebuttal posted in the stickied thread that it's rebutting?
also, Minecraft should not have experience points, levels, or premade quests and npc's
It's the difference between Zelda games vs. Final Fantasy games.
By and large, Zelda is about player skill. it's about you, the player, knowing how to fight and use the items at your disposal. yes, there is some character progression, as you gain a more diverse portfolio of tools. But by and large, I can pick up a Zelda game and be as good at it as I was when I put it down, even if I'm starting a new game and the character has never killed a monster.
In contrast, Final Fantasy is about character skill. Sure, the player learns strategies and tricks to succeed, but if your character has not killed enough monsters, gained enough experience points, and learned enough moves, you aren't going to succeed. Every time you start, you have to start again at the bottom, and even if you, the player, have played for hours and hours, those skills will have a negligible impact until the character has gained enough experience.
Minecraft is like Zelda: Player skill > character skill -- the skills you learn can be carried from one session to the next
Minecraft should not be like Final Fantasy: Character skill > Player skill -- even the most skilled player has to start from scratch until the character catches up to them.
I assume that red and blue wires can be placed adjacent without shorting each other out?
one question though:
right now, redstone torches turn off when the block they are attached to receives redstone power. I would assume that this applies to blue torches, as well.
but if a purple torch receives red power, does the purple torch turn off entirely, or does it only turn off the red part of the torch (IE: does it emit blue light when it receives red power?)
so is it:
No power => purple light
Blue power => red light
Red power => blue light
purple power => no light
or is it:
No power => purple light
power (of any color) => no light
also, what happens if you give a blue light red power? does it ignore the input, or does it deactivate the blue light? What about feeding purple power into a blue torch?
forget the special leather and the elephant's foot block, stick with ivory.
Ivory, when used to craft tools, has the strength of stone tools, but twice the duration. can also be ground to bonemeal to produce three times as much as bones do.
and get rid of the gun, this thing is supposed to be hard to kill
I've got 4 bytes (each byte is 8 bits)
by applying a single clock or button pulse to the first bit, it will add 1 to the byte's value. There are also buttons that allow you to set all the bits to 1 (set the byte value to 255) and another that inverts all the bits (turns 11010011 into 00101100)
but I don't really know what to do with it.
They're lined up next to eachother, so it won't be hard to make it possible to add them together, and since I can invert, subtraction should also be possible (I think?)
but still, no real practical purpose to these at all
Come on people! Keep on adding random comments such as "Bump" and "Like " and this thread will reach 100 pages! It is almost within GreyAcumen's grasp!
well, in that case...
one thing i would like to see, though, are ways to use the ground-level items and aether items in recipes together.
like gold and whatever air-rock thing you've got.
or slime and whalefat, or something.
I don't want it to feel like my entire ground-level inventory is useless whenever i step through a portal.
I designed a memory bit - it's a 7x7x3 room of tangled wires with the following properties:
Stores a binary value (on/off)
a pulse of input to input one (such as from a button press, or a clock pulse) will set it to 'on'
a pulse of input to input two will toggle it from 'on' to 'off' or vice-versa.
I have a string of them hooked up in a row as a byte to a button - every time you press the button, it adds 1 to the byte's value.
rather than rely on a continuous power source like most other minecraft computers, the state of this computer remains constant until the next pulse of input is received
if you want it smaller... i can get it down to only 3x3x1
how so?
a loop of two torches (one holding the other off) works, but you would need to know its state in order to know which to apply a charge to.
there's no 'toggle' function, essentially.
my 7x7x3 (which includes the dirt walls and roof, so 5x5x2, really) building is basically a loop with two 'and' switches on delays (to stop the input from switching it twice). one of the 'and' switches is linked to both inputs, and the other is only linked to input two.
I designed a memory bit - it's a 7x7x3 room of tangled wires with the following properties:
Stores a binary value (on/off)
a pulse of input to input one (such as from a button press, or a clock pulse) will set it to 'on'
a pulse of input to input two will toggle it from 'on' to 'off' or vice-versa.
I have a string of them hooked up in a row as a byte to a button - every time you press the button, it adds 1 to the byte's value.
rather than rely on a continuous power source like most other minecraft computers, the state of this computer remains constant until the next pulse of input is received
also, Minecraft should not have experience points, levels, or premade quests and npc's
It's the difference between Zelda games vs. Final Fantasy games.
By and large, Zelda is about player skill. it's about you, the player, knowing how to fight and use the items at your disposal. yes, there is some character progression, as you gain a more diverse portfolio of tools. But by and large, I can pick up a Zelda game and be as good at it as I was when I put it down, even if I'm starting a new game and the character has never killed a monster.
In contrast, Final Fantasy is about character skill. Sure, the player learns strategies and tricks to succeed, but if your character has not killed enough monsters, gained enough experience points, and learned enough moves, you aren't going to succeed. Every time you start, you have to start again at the bottom, and even if you, the player, have played for hours and hours, those skills will have a negligible impact until the character has gained enough experience.
Minecraft is like Zelda: Player skill > character skill -- the skills you learn can be carried from one session to the next
Minecraft should not be like Final Fantasy: Character skill > Player skill -- even the most skilled player has to start from scratch until the character catches up to them.
I assume that red and blue wires can be placed adjacent without shorting each other out?
one question though:
right now, redstone torches turn off when the block they are attached to receives redstone power. I would assume that this applies to blue torches, as well.
but if a purple torch receives red power, does the purple torch turn off entirely, or does it only turn off the red part of the torch (IE: does it emit blue light when it receives red power?)
so is it:
No power => purple light
Blue power => red light
Red power => blue light
purple power => no light
or is it:
No power => purple light
power (of any color) => no light
also, what happens if you give a blue light red power? does it ignore the input, or does it deactivate the blue light? What about feeding purple power into a blue torch?
ah, so many options, i can't wait to try it out
Ivory, when used to craft tools, has the strength of stone tools, but twice the duration. can also be ground to bonemeal to produce three times as much as bones do.
and get rid of the gun, this thing is supposed to be hard to kill
Do you just have it check for every possible combination of 1's and 0's from 1 to 30?
I am also working on a computer, but all i've got so far is 4 bytes (8 bits each)
I don't use levers to control input, each can be set by button presses or clock pulses (adding 1 to the value with each pulse)
no addition or subtraction yet, though i've got an idea of how i'm going to multiply.
the problem is that the output is still binary, but i'd hate to have to build 50 story buildings to test for each number
I've got 4 bytes (each byte is 8 bits)
by applying a single clock or button pulse to the first bit, it will add 1 to the byte's value. There are also buttons that allow you to set all the bits to 1 (set the byte value to 255) and another that inverts all the bits (turns 11010011 into 00101100)
but I don't really know what to do with it.
They're lined up next to eachother, so it won't be hard to make it possible to add them together, and since I can invert, subtraction should also be possible (I think?)
but still, no real practical purpose to these at all
any suggestions?
well, in that case...
one thing i would like to see, though, are ways to use the ground-level items and aether items in recipes together.
like gold and whatever air-rock thing you've got.
or slime and whalefat, or something.
I don't want it to feel like my entire ground-level inventory is useless whenever i step through a portal.
not if you put a pressure plate on every square inch of your base. gl to them figuring out which one is the important one
or was that not a seed?
[edit] oh, goddamn, i just realized I created this thread not two minutes after an identical thread was created asking for the exact same seed.
or, if not perfectly flat, at least flat enough around the spawn location to make some really big redstone circuits without too much excavation first?
how so?
a loop of two torches (one holding the other off) works, but you would need to know its state in order to know which to apply a charge to.
there's no 'toggle' function, essentially.
my 7x7x3 (which includes the dirt walls and roof, so 5x5x2, really) building is basically a loop with two 'and' switches on delays (to stop the input from switching it twice). one of the 'and' switches is linked to both inputs, and the other is only linked to input two.
Stores a binary value (on/off)
a pulse of input to input one (such as from a button press, or a clock pulse) will set it to 'on'
a pulse of input to input two will toggle it from 'on' to 'off' or vice-versa.
I have a string of them hooked up in a row as a byte to a button - every time you press the button, it adds 1 to the byte's value.
rather than rely on a continuous power source like most other minecraft computers, the state of this computer remains constant until the next pulse of input is received