Far from dead, but a new (additional) job and title, hunting for and buying a new house, and life in general has prevented me from sitting down at the keys and putting up the newest addition.
Thanks for the continued interest and keeping me on track. I need to get to a good point in this grand saga and open the server up, as I don't have much time to play on it and it's being paid for to just sit empty. I think there might be a few folks who'd be interested in seeing the HMS DogBreath, Lupine Village, Jaundice Sands, and Fort DogWynd firsthand as well as build within the nation of Bloom themselves to justify the continued operation.
The light is still on, even though it seems like no one is home.
Which mod are you using? If it's botania, cause that's the only mod I know of that uses potatoes as a mana source, check the Lexia Botania. Also provide some screenshots and link the video you're talking about. We need more information to help you.
Ok, I finally got the time to take some pics of my world. Beware, there are LOT'S of screenshots.
The Main base/Castle/tower/thing:
First floor of the tower is my bedroom and it was also my storage room for a few months before I made an ME system(Applied energistics 2):
The floor above this one is my Thaumcraft 4 Area. The node room is in the main tower:
The infuison setup:
Research and crafting room:
Automated alchemy and essentia creation room:
Room with an infernal furnace and one of my many nether wart farms:
Next floor: Botania. The mana creation setup:
Portal to alfheim and mana storage:
Next floor: Witchery. The altar and stuff that needs the latar nearby:
Magical circle platform for all my magics :
The witchery room is the only one that does have an actual roof. And a familiar cat!
Mystcraft room and below that, the library:
Node bullying room for thaumcraft stuffs:
My hungry node that's sitting in an obsidian box in an obsidian walled room. It's been eating crafting tables for over 3 months now. Pretty big:
İt's aspects are crazy!
Stables. They are underground:
Blood magic room. The altar is tier 5:
Demon summoning area:
Blood magic's alchemy area:
All my mob spawners:
A ravine and the living quarters of my Blood magic demons:
My smithy:
Blast furnaces, coke ovens and a small storage room for the products. The storage room isn't actually working. Just decoration:
Tinker's Construct Oreberry bush farm:
Manual mushroom farm:
The nether portal room:
Right next to the nether portal room, I have a decorative nether wart farm:
Again, next to the nether room, A dacorative potion brewery and potion storage:
My in construction Hall of Armor:
Underground tunnels that will eventually connect the world:
My tech mods room. I'm slowly moving all tech related stuff to another dimension:
My tech world which houses all my ore processing, Power generation, makanism ore pentupling and all required machines to make all that happen. Working on a building now:
MFR mining lasers to get me enough ores to build all this and more:
Also, My ars magica area, it's reaserch and spell crafting rooma nd the future-dark-obelisk-thing room:
Also, my ME system, on demand crafting area, all my auto crafting stuffs and ME quantum rings:
As for the rest of my world, First village I found, my mage tower and the castle nearby:
I have many more stuff made in this world but I think this post is long enough. anyway, I hope you liked it! Thanks for cheking all that out, I know it's a long post.
You can upload the pictures to Imgur, or such sites and add them to your post from there. That way, you can add pictures that are bigger and they can be viewed easier.
I've got a work in progress tower-castle-thing. Still needs it's roofs and such completed though.
I can show a couple of more pics in a few hours if you want.
That cliff is beautiful! Truly amazing, I can't wait to see how it it will look when it's done.
So, out of curiocity, it took you about one real life day, to play about two thirds of a minecraft day?
On a more relevant note, the fonts you are using to write the chapters are kinda hard to read. Maybe it's just me though. You also may want to use a site such as Imgur to upload screenshots, since it'll be harder to understand the image you are reffering to, when the chapters get longer. Also, I believe the forum has a limit to how many attachments you can put, so it will probably force you to divide your posts.
Truly amazing. I'm subscribing to this. Definitnely already giving me ideas. Thanks for sharing.
Two weeks ago, on a friday night, my father found a sea gull, with a broken wing. He brought it home, so we could care for it, keep it safe until it's wing healed.
The sea gull was doing great, it was strong, alive, healing suprisingly quickly. It ate everything we gave it with great pleasure, even wanted more most of the time.
Yesterday, my father took it to the veterinary, so we would be sure there was no infection. There wasn't. The broken wing was very strong and the sea gull was healing quickly.
Yesterday evening, just before dinner, my parents went to check on the sea gull.
It was dead.
We don't know why. We believe that it died because it was very young, not even close to being an adult. The last two weeks must have been painful and scary, and its heart probably couldn't take it anymore.
It tore me apart. I love animals, I get attached to them quickly and it really really hurts when something happens to them. They become a member of my family, and when they die, a part of me dies with them.
The Sea gull didn't have a name, because we didn't know it's gender. So, I built this, to remember it by:
You'll always be remembered. And as long as we remember, you'll live in our hearts.
I did a lot of work recently. First of all, I realised that I was running out of mushrooms. That meant the construction of a farm. It's completely manual, no atomation at all cause I don't need many mushrooms anyway. So, the farm:
I also made an oreberry bush(Tinker's Construct) farm. Mainly for the xp Berry bushes.
After that, I went to make some dyed glass, and realised I didn't have any dyes. So, I made a flower farm. The floating flower in the middle is a Jaded Amaranthus, I think, from botania. It consumes mana to create flowers around it.
There is an extended piston, blocking a water source block above the jaded amaranthus. It is set to retract every 60 seconds and stay that way for extacly 1 second. The redstone:
There is a timer, set to 60 seconds, a state cell set to 1 second and a NOT gate, to keep the piston extended. The NOT gate, state cell and timer are from RojectRed.
This is what happens when the timer hits 60 seconds:
A hopperhock (botania) collects all the flowers and puts them in an ender chest, which is connected to my AE system. (applied energistics 2).
I got over 5000 of each color in about 3 hours. I'm kinda proud of this system, since I didn't look it up online. was completely my idea.
(probably that's why it's not as efficient as possible)
Anyway, I wanted to work on witchery a bit, specifically I wanted to summon a demon. But, for that, I needed at least 2 ghast tears. Now, I hate the nether, I died way too many times there. So ghast hunting wasn't an option. Blood magic has a way to duplicate ghast tears but I find that too slow. So, I made ghast farm:
The lever on the wall turns on the lights, Turns of the spawner and the killer joe (which is doing the killing(obviously)) so I can go down there if needed. Note that this is the first system that I made that actually has an off switch.
I did forget to do one thing though: a way to get the exp out of the killer joe. gonna have to go down there soon.
Dead ghast!
So, after doing all this work, I noticed that I also need wool of bat. Well, I'm not a fan of hunting bats in dark caves, so I build another spawner, next to the ghast spawner:
The killer joe does have an off switch, but the spawner hasn't, which will create a problem soon.
That's a lot of bat wool!
So, after I got all of that done, I summoned a demon and killed it. Apparently, It wasn't as big a deal as I thought. Also, I forgot to take pics. I'll show them next time.
After I killed the demon, I decided I wanted to start the demon invasion from blood magic. So, I did that. Took about a week to gather all the meterials.I started the invation in another dimention, since it gets to about 1000x1000 in size. Don't want anything like that in the overworld. Here is the ritual:
It just HAD to be nighttime, didn't it?
After the ritual was complete:
The pink block hovering above the glowstone in the centre is the portal.If I breake that, the invasion will stop.
The invasion, as it grows:
After this, I put a chunkloader there and left the dimension for about twenty minutes. The result when I came back:
The nether brick building is the portal. It apparently jumped phases while I was gone. I'm supposed to kill some of those demons but they are a bit too strong. One hit of them took away nearly 10 hearts, along with my runic shielding(Thaumcraft 4). And I was wearing Terrasteel armor when It happened.Terrasteel is botania's top tier armor. So, I'm making bound armor from Blood magic. That one has 90% damage reduction. I'll try killing them with that when I make it.
I also did some more work in my base, while waiting for the bound armor to be ready.
It's kinda hard to see, but there are 3 golems in the back, just at the left edge of the hole in the wall. 2 of those are fishing golems (thaumcraft 4) and there is a gather golem. The gather golem collects everything the others fish and puts it in an ender chest, which isn't yet connected to my AE system.
I also added some more molecular assemblers to my AE system:
The column of pink-black square blocks are the molecular assemblers. They let me autocraft nearly everything.
I also worked a bit on my castle. Started making a mage tower-library-royal quarters building in the back:
The huge round tower is the library-mage tower. It'll get thinner as it ascends.
The view from the forest behind the tower:
Looks rather plain now, gonna have to add some supports and such to make it look interesting.
And, the current status of my hungry node:
Getting bigger by the hour!
And, lastly, remember that blood altar room I had? with the plain ugly walls? If not, here is a pic:
I worked on those walls a bit:
I'm not done yet. But this will be the theme of room. I'll also add red candles all over the place.
Ok, that's what I have done recently. Hope those who read the whole thing enjoyed.
I've done a lot since my last post here.
First of all, I added two more floors to my main base's central tower. (still need a name for the thing) The top floor is for Witchery and the floor below that is for Botania. Both floors are empty at the moment.
The platform to the left is the botania platform. One floor below, to the right is the Thaumcraft platform with the infusion altar on it.
So, After adding those two floors, I added two more platforms, both for witchery.
The big platform with the trees on it has my altar with over 9000 power, a wither skeleton skull, Candalebra, filled chalice and and arthana on it.
(For those who don't know this mod, these objects increase altar power, recharge rate and the distance power consumers can be.)
I also have my distillery, witches' Cauldron, and Kettle here. The other platform you see thats behind the tower to the right is where I have my magic circles.
I also built a roof for one of my towers:
Wasn't the easiest thing to build, I assure you. took me over an hour just to figure out how to give it a slight curve. Now that I look at it though, I seem to have failed at it.
I'll probably rebuild it in the (not so near) future.
Anyway, after killing Gaia Guardian II (Botania) several times, summoning some blood magic demons( Blood Magic) and feeding my node a few thausand crafting tables (Thaumcraft 4) and automating some more non essential stuffs, mainly wool, I decided to build again. Since I didn't really have any more ideas for this build yet, I decided to fix up one of the villages I found.
So I went there, and the moment I saw that mountain-like thing, I decided to build a castle. Now, something you should know, I'm not very good at building castles. In fact, I never actually succeded at finishing one. Don't really have the patience for it. But I started anyways.
Back to the topic, Here is the layout of the (soon-to-be) Castle
It looks like this from the minimap:
Ok, now, The brown part is the main hall. I won't go into much detail, since this post is alreadytoo long. I started this project yesterday, so there isn't much to show. The current state:
And the view from the castle, facing the village:
So that's the progress so far. I still need to find a name for my base and the castle, and ideas are welcome.
Anyway, thank you for reading this slightly long(!) post.