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    posted a message on realm looking for people

    IGN: DecayPhosphor

    I would love to join your realm and have fun with everyone. :)

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on RuleCraft [NEW TYPE OF SERVER] RPG/Factions*FULLY FUNDED* Looking for builders, lore writers, gfx designer

    Hey there!

    I have basic writing skills, and I would like to be a lore writer for your server.

    IGN: DecayPhosphor

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Recruiting mature players! All ages welcome!


    I haven't been playing Minecraft for a long time, and I would like to jump straight in with Realms.

    I might be a bit young, 13 and all, I don't mind if I'm not accepted in.

    Before that, I've been playing on a couple of SMP servers, and looking for one that won't immediately close down. -.-

    Hopefully everyone in the server will continue to have fun, and I'll look forward to your reply.

    IGN: DecayPhosphor

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Insula Nostra - Our Island

    Heya! I'm looking for a new realm to play in, since it's been an eternity since I've played Minecraft! xP

    I'm 13, and would like to experience Minecraft again with a new group of friends.

    Building, doing random things, goofing off, and just have fun in general.

    Well... that's it.

    IGN: DecayPhosphor

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Ice Spikes ULTIMATE HARDCORE SURVIVAL(And Blog)
    IGN: DizzleBlitz

    Age: 12

    First language: English.

    Resource pack: Paper Cut-outs.

    How many realms you are a part of: 1 only, playing a Spellbound Caves (Super Hostile) map.

    How many times you were kicked: 0.

    Thanks for reading, dude! :)

    activate javascript
    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Planning on getting realms, any one interested in an invite.
    IGN: DizzleBlitz

    I'm studying in Singapore as of now but I do not live there.

    I would play in the server for a couple of hours everyday/

    I was bored, and wanting to join a realm. But age limit after age limit, I was unable to do so.

    Experiencing it for the first time would be exciting.
    BTW thanks for reading.

    activate javascript
    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on My mini game realm.
    IGN: DizzleBlitz

    Age: 12

    I'm active a lot. Usually a couple hours everyday.

    Things you like to do in minecraft: Playing mini-games, or going on adventures like in Super Hostile.

    activate javascript
    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Spellbound Caves on realms.
    Quote from The_darkness55»
    IGN: the_darkness55

    Im 13


    whats a javascript?

    It allows me to post it. Without, my post will be deleted.
    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Spellbound Caves on realms.
    IGN: DizzleBlitz

    Hopefully you accept under 13 (or 12-year-olds). If you don't, then... ****.

    I've been looking for a Realms server for forever without an age limit...

    activate javascript
    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Looking for staff for my upcoming survival/adventure server "Ninja Panda."
    What version is the server? 1.8 or 1.7?

    activate javascript
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking for staff for my upcoming survival/adventure server "Ninja Panda."
    HeIlo, I came across your thread and I would like to apply. May I request you read my application?

    In-game name: DizzleBlitz

    Age: 12

    Gender: Male

    Time zone: 15 hours fast-forward from your time.

    Previous experience as staff: I have been moderator 3 times, so I'm likely not the most dependable.

    Times that you can be on: 3:40pm my time after school, but I'll be around much more during the holidays.

    Why you want this position: I wanted to dedicate myself to something, so this popped into my mind. While not the best idea, why else can my tiny noggin come up with? I would commit myself to staying on the server, enriching the experiences of players who are spending time on the server. I believe every player should be treated with respect and punishment when they break the rules. Also, I will be enthusiastic during my work and carry out my role with the best of my ability. Trial Mod or higher, frankly I don't care. I just want to help, and trying is better than not, is it?

    Knowledge of plugins: I'm mediocre when it comes to tech-related stuff, but when the time comes I'm willing to devote time to learn about it.

    Contact information: You may contact me by my Skype username: -> AeroHockey71 <-

    G'day, and I'll see you later.

    activate javascript
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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