neat, I'd be using ATG compared to this but I tend to like this more because I actually get less mountainy terrain from this than ATG... also the last time I played with ATG swampish like biomes that spawned where small and allocated to coasts.
What's the USE Shaders?? Because I never heard of that type of shaders pack.
seriously... either you're trying to troll or are just... I won't complete that thought. I was empathizing the word by capitalizing it. I was referring to karyonix's Shaders mod.
I use both FPS++ and FastCraft along side Optifine and they work pretty darn good. One thing though you cannot USE the Shaders Mod alongside FastCraft otherwise you get a crash.
Just found this mod today, as i was looking for mods to use in a personal mod pack with an "high seas" theme. what I'm struggling with is this part:
I cannot find this as an option. I wanted to use this mod to make the world be a ocean world with islands and stuff scattered around, with no true continents, but what i'm getting is still continents. Any way you could help me out here? (BoP is included in the pack too, jsyk)
Higher the number of what you set for the land types the MORE common and more that generates. An example would be what I currently have. I want some oceans but not a huge amount.
ocean control parameters" {
# frequency of large continent seeds, about 8000x16000
I:"Large Continent Frequency"=200
# frequency of large island seeds, about 1000x2000
I:"Large Island Frequency"=100
# frequency of medium continent seeds, about 4000x8000
I:"Medium Continent Frequency"=100
# frequency of medium island seeds, about 500x1000
I:"Medium Island Frequency"=100
# True reduces the chance of landmasses merging
# frequency of small continent seeds, about 2000x4000
I:"Small Continent Frequency"=100
the higher the "Frequency" the more common something is. Ocean incidence translates into how common they are. In the case of me... they're still happening but the majority of the world is full of land mass. Lower something is the less often you'll see it. Higher something is the more often you'll see it.
In your case you don't want continent like land so it's a good idea to just put the number for them really low. If you don't want any large continent like landmass period then set it to 0 and push up the island generation landmasses to a higher frequency.
Don't forget to adjust your ocean incidence though you want to balance the numbers between your islands and the oceans.
Edit: I'm sure someone else can explain this a tad better than I can lol...
Hmmm... looking at the above post to see how big a drone is... is that a graphics glitch when using with stands or the actual size of the Drone? That looks a LOT bigger than it's suppose to be. The PC model is suppose to be what? 2 meters or 6 feet tall? Drone is according to AvP wikia is 7 feet tall.
It's hard to give up a project you've worked for years on. It's harder still when the platform you built the project on becomes tainted. Projecting your own ideas on why I stopped modding doesn't make them true; it makes you look like a fool.
I left the mod to boni because he was the one keeping things updated and fixing bugs. He's experimenting with the mod a bit and trying new things out. Some of these things have to be learned the hard way. TConstruct didn't get to the point it's at overnight, and I haven't passed on all of my hard-earned knowledge yet.
Tier 2 tools were never intended to replace tier 1 tools. Every tool was supposed to be used alongside others or in different circumstances. Why even bother making a pickaxe when you could just make hammers?
Modifying harvest behavior depending on sneaking gets very fiddily, very fast. It's one thing to have a button to switch modes on a tool so that it goes area-of-effect to precision harvesting. It's another thing entirely when you're trying to mine a bunch of stone on the edge of a ledge but only get a single piece.
Nobody pays attention to the config files, especially server admins if they can avoid it, and adding a config setting means supporting two sets of code: one that runs, one that doesn't. Adding a config setting doesn't solve any of the underlying design problems and it most certainly doesn't make the mod better when that config should always be set off.
Finally, mods are not set in stone. They are as much a process of learning and experimentation for the creator as they are for the user.
Well it's good to have something cleared up by the one who created the mod. Less confusion now.
If I had to guess on a dimension being added it would probably have something to with this new fangled concept of the Warp or Eldritch (or what ever it's spelled)
Also, you can enter %appdata% and skip the whole address business up to the .minecraft folder.
even better way of doing it is once you locate the .minecraft folder create a shortcut and then place said shortcut on desktop no more need to do a search or do through folder upon folder looking for the location.
If the change made sense I would be fine with it. But as he claimed it was never intended to work that way in the patch notes it seems odd as that is a total lie, so I wold love to hear his reasoning since I know what he claimed is bs. The main thing though is it doesn't add any difficulty it simply makes actually using tools that are supposed to be more useful a constant annoyance. Purposely making something a nuisance doesn't feel like a awesome design choice. My point about mdiyo was simply that when he implemented the sneak change for tools it was because so many people were frustrated with the way tier 2 tools worked and that they were supposed to be complete upgrades to tier 1 tools. So in many ways changing it feels like downgrading and back tracking on a perfectly sensible and logic improvement. The other thing is we have this fancy config thing that he could use to give people the option.
mmm now my interest is peaked in this, especially calling out something in a patch note.
Ooooh... frames... sooner or later we'll have frame quarries again yay!
Higher the number of what you set for the land types the MORE common and more that generates. An example would be what I currently have. I want some oceans but not a huge amount.
ocean control parameters" {
# frequency of large continent seeds, about 8000x16000
I:"Large Continent Frequency"=200
# frequency of large island seeds, about 1000x2000
I:"Large Island Frequency"=100
# frequency of medium continent seeds, about 4000x8000
I:"Medium Continent Frequency"=100
# frequency of medium island seeds, about 500x1000
I:"Medium Island Frequency"=100
# True reduces the chance of landmasses merging
# frequency of small continent seeds, about 2000x4000
I:"Small Continent Frequency"=100
oceanbiomeincidences {
I:"DeepOcean Incidence"=80
I:"Ocean Incidence"=80
the higher the "Frequency" the more common something is. Ocean incidence translates into how common they are. In the case of me... they're still happening but the majority of the world is full of land mass. Lower something is the less often you'll see it. Higher something is the more often you'll see it.
In your case you don't want continent like land so it's a good idea to just put the number for them really low. If you don't want any large continent like landmass period then set it to 0 and push up the island generation landmasses to a higher frequency.
Don't forget to adjust your ocean incidence though you want to balance the numbers between your islands and the oceans.
Edit: I'm sure someone else can explain this a tad better than I can lol...
It is with this mod
Well it's good to have something cleared up by the one who created the mod. Less confusion now.
even better way of doing it is once you locate the .minecraft folder create a shortcut and then place said shortcut on desktop no more need to do a search or do through folder upon folder looking for the location.
mmm now my interest is peaked in this, especially calling out something in a patch note.