A few facts...
1.) After minecrafts initial hype and sandbox experience wore off, people realized the game could only ever reach its potential if enhanced by creativity/ingenuity (which the game was founded on) and thus the modding community began. I don't know of any minecraft SMP server that doesn't have a few mods on it to make it unique above the rest. Who really wants to play straight vanilla minecraft anymore - sorry to say, but it does get old. The only reason it hasn't hit a dead end yet is because Notch has been putting out and promising more content.
2.) Notch hinted a modding API system which was supposedly on the horizon for 1.8 and that never happened. What did happen however, is implementation of existing mods into the core of minecraft (pistons, new lighting engine)... Can anyone say mooch?
3.) Minecraft continually suffers from being written in Java. People who play on 32-bit systems can't even run minecraft with a far render distance because it runs out of memory... This has been a problem since the inception of minecraft and yet Notch makes no effort to port the game to C++. However... He released the portable version of minecraft ported to C++ and now he lets another business port his game to C++ for the XBOX 360... It makes you wonder if Notch really even knows what he's doing or if he's just flying by the seat of his pants from day to day...
Bottom line... This is a PC game made popular by the fans of the game (mods) and has no place being in the console world where big business (microsoft, sony) lords over every transaction... Minecraft has been a game created for the fans, by the fans... Minecraft would be Nothing without its modding community and to further ignore support for it is only going to hurt minecraft in the long run... There will be no modding or texture packs within the XBOX version, just a straight up vanilla version which can't compare in the least to modded versions of minecraft which add endless features to the game which Notch has so conveniently ignored or dare I say "stolen" as he saw fit.
We need to bring minecraft back to the fans... To our obsessive compulsive creations and fantastical imaginations...
I've spoken my peace. G'day.
In regards to the capacitor being entirely on the TE side, is it possible to request an API method for it?
This is a VERY good idea. I've been wanting a gravisuite replacement since IC2 is getting needlessly tedious (not to mention the instability)... If you could somehow make teirs that double as armor, that would be amazing, maybe even include a flux capacitor in the recipe so it auto-recharges any flux-tools that you have in your hotbar
Maybe have a whole different teir system for the armor+jetpack+flux capacitor. I miss being able to fly, jump, and run at super speeds
I don't care how expensive you make the recipes, I just want to be able to have something to work toward that directly increases my mobility. Modular power suites is also too fiddly and acts un-intuitively while flying.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1024
When lowering the number of textures in the folder, this error goes away and minecraft loads correctly. Here's a download to the texture files which causes this error: Tinkers Construct
Here's a link to the post where the testing was done: Post Link
If you do not take it down, I will have to notify Sphax so he can take the appropriate action.
When using as many mods as I do 70+, multi-core/smooth chunk loading is a must. I would like to urge you to continue support, but in the end it's up to you. Unless one of minecraft's major releases (1.5, 1.6, 1.7, etc..) focuses solely on video performance optimization, it will never be on the level of Optifine.
Just my thoughts.
Suggestion: Could you make this work with Factorization Barrels?
Could you have your mod test if IndustrialCraft2 exists and use an alternate recipe using circuits? It makes more sense (if you're playing with technical mods) to have an electronic device use a circuit. If BuildCraft exists, you could also use its version of circuitry. If both exist, it should be configurable in the config file.
This way it adds a little more depth to the device when playing with other mods.
Hope you like. Either way, this is a great mod.
I already read about these issues on the 3D Items mod thread and it has to do with the mod not supporting IDs higher then vanilla.