I'm using a hosthorde Pro plan right now and I believe that their services are very good. I'm running 98 plugins (most badly coded by me) and it runs stable at about 1.5GB ram which leaves LOADS for the players to mess around with. I'm from the UK and whenever I submit a ticket, it gets answered very quickly.
I definitely reccomend them.
You know how to develop plugins but you don't know how to read dates..!? The thread is over 7 months old!
- Dylan
The site connects using your external IP address and checks to see if it can reach that port from the outside.
- Dylan
- Dylan
1. When asembling your modpack you should be able to add in all the files that you want to be automatically loaded to your client when they install the modpack. If you're using technic launcher they hit install and it copies the files over. So all you need to do is add the folders and then the files inside the folders, then when you run the game the other files will be filled in. I feel like I explained that really confusing, so let me know if you need clarification.
2. You could do this by shipping customized config files with your modpack using the technique I told you about above. There are certain values you could change, although you'd probably be sacrificing quality for performance. I'd recommend finding a nice balance between quality and performance for the best game play.
I hope that helped!
- Dylan
Hello Luke,
I'm Dylan from Advantage Servers. We are a company that provides quality hosting at a reasonable price. I think we'd be the perfect company for you. Our pricing starts at $6/mo.
All minecraft plans come with the Multicraft control panel, which offers you complete control over your server. Full FTP access, MySQL database, console access. You name it. For more information, check us out at https://advantageservers.com.
If you have any questions, ask here, hop on livechat, open a ticket or email us; we'd be happy to answer them for you! I look forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards,
Dylan H.
Founder and CEO
I'm Dylan from Advantage Servers. We are a company that provides quality hosting at a reasonable price. I think we'd be the perfect company for you. I'd recommend our 1GB plan for $6/mo.
All minecraft plans come with the Multicraft control panel, which offers you complete control over your server. Full FTP access, MySQL database, console access. You name it. For more information, check us out at https://advantageservers.com.
If you have any questions, ask here, hop on livechat, open a ticket or email us; we'd be happy to answer them for you! I look forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards,
Dylan H.
Founder and CEO
I'm Dylan from Advantage Servers. We are a company that provides quality hosting at a reasonable price. I think we'd be the perfect company for you. I'd recommend our 2GB plan for $12/mo.
All minecraft plans come with the Multicraft control panel, which offers you complete control over your server. Full FTP access, MySQL database, console access. You name it. For more information, check us out at https://advantageservers.com.
If you have any questions, ask here, hop on livechat, open a ticket or email us; we'd be happy to answer them for you! I look forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards,
Dylan H.
Founder and CEO
Hi matthomas08,
I'm Dylan from Advantage Servers. We provide quality servers for reasonable prices. Which is why we're a little above your budget. Our pricing starts at $6 for a 1GB server. We also have extensive knowledge with mod packs so we'll be able to help you out with whatever you need. Let me know if you have any more questions! Check us out at https://advantageservers.com.
Best Regards,
Dylan H.
Founder and CEO
Hi Potatoanduni,
I'm Dylan from Advantage Servers. We meet all your requirements except web/voice hosting and splitting of the RAM. Although, you could just buy multiple smaller servers and total up to 4 GB for $24/mo which would have the same affect as splitting the RAM as our pricing is a straight forward $6/GB. Check us out at https://advantageservers.com.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Best Regards,
Dylan H.
Founder and CEO