Just as a thought for something you may want to work on in the future, is there any way that a block could be created that begins to spawn a floating island/continent wherever it's placed?
Reading your cubic mod, from what i understand, there are no air pockets (caves) below the normal minecraft depth limit?
Also you mentioned a lava core, does that mean there is a depth limit, and if so, how farther down is it then before?
The only other mods i use currently are CJB's and Equivalent exchange, is this compatible with both of them?
Has notch seen this mod by any chance?
I've dug to 1760 blocks below the prescribed limit (that is to say y = -1760 on the debug screen) - that's a mile below where the bottom of the map usually is.
There are small air-pockets, lava lakes, water lakes (very sparse) and also some dungeons, but nothing with regards to large cave systems.
It'd be cool if there were mods for deep, deep cubes where there are even more new and strange mobs as well as new materials. I'd love to see oceans and deep sea-life as well. Of course, that would have to wait until the Zeppelin mod gets to where you can build submarines, or there's a diver helmet mod that isn't lame. lol
AdmiralStormhart: Nice! Hey, is it holding a block of sand? :huh.gif: Is it still running around your world? What is it doing?
The Sandman cometh..
He picks up anything that gets dropped. He just sort of runs around and jumps on things - I think I saw him drop a couple of apples after he fell into lava.
I was stress-testing the abilities of the mod, and found another interesting glitch.
When two or more controllers are placed on a craft, or if the craft is just small, (I know, I'm pushing it here) the craft becomes invisible when you deactivate it. If you place objects next to it or destroy blocks, it reappears.
Due to some strange occurence, in one of my test worlds, this left an invisible, untouchable, solid block. I can't get rid of it, build in its place, or make it part of an aircraft.
EDIT: Note: I have not been able to reproduce this result.
When saving and re-opening the map, these invisible, untouchable blocks cease to exist.
The clouds are probably due to the fact that when I call isOpaqueBlock() on them, it says no. And unless it's one of the special cases I take into account for (stairs, half-blocks, trapdoors etc (only vanilla MC blocks)) transparent blocks are non-collidable (otherwise redstone wires and levers would take up a whole block).
Restone activating the control block is becoming a bother... I'm wondering if I should just take it out until I can get redstone actually working...
The torches duplicate because they are not on the 'fragile' block list internally (no config to add to that yet). So the duplication bug will continue on non-vanilla objects.
Just making sure to be clear, the thing I used to activate it was an adjacent switch - there was no redstone connection. I didn't dare to try direct redstone - lol.
With regards to the other two, it's understandable. I'll just have to go to the config and make it so it doesn't recognize aerclouds for the time being, and just use regular torches on my vehicles.
Airship (duh)
Air... motorboat?
Flying top hat
Flying igloo
Flying temple
Flying italian restaurant
My house now flies (though I don't do it because it would be annoying to have to refill my Aether chest.)
Flying TNT kamikaze platform (this is going to be great in SMP)
An elevator down a deep mineshaft
A cold aercloud (don't try this, it doesn't work.)
Flying watermelon
Flying dutchman (just a big bearded guy)
A bird
A meteor
A bomber that I just thought up how to make.
Some feedback:
There was a glitch on my airship when I tried to activate it using an adjacent switch. It caused it to re-activate every time I de-activated it, and all of my Ambrosium torches kept duplicating. I also noticed that when it was in the state of flux between activated and de-activated, I was able to break blocks. I was able to take it out of this state by placing and activating TNT nearby.
There was also a glitch when I tried to turn an aercloud from the Aether into a ship. I just fell through, and it took several tries for me to be able to deactivate it, as if it had activated several times on the same ship. I know this is an issue of mod compatibility, but it may be related and worth looking into.
Switches that activate the ship preclude all other activations. I find that when there is a switch next to both a TNT block and the controls, it only activates the controls and not that block. I wouldn't expect TNT to activate on an already active ship, but it's worth looking into.
EDIT: Created my bombership.
Pretty simple design. It can be edited.
This will be a mean tool if this mod is made SMP compatible.
I've seen a lot of really cool mods lately, so I figured I'd ask if this can be done.
The basic idea is that a person could create a one-use block or tool that both spawns a mob and disappears when activated. This would allow for the creation of turrets and other types of stagnant mobs, as well as temporary guardians.
Concept Mobs:
Craftable Turret Automaton
This mob takes the form of both a chunk and a mob. When placed, the chunk looks like a modified iron block. However, when activated by redstone, it lifts up into a turret mob, firing at the nearest person until it or they get destroyed.
Craftable Golems
Golems are essentially suits of armor that are imbued with a simple mechanical interior. When they are activated by redstone, they become a mob that attacks opponents. Another option is for them to run on coal fuel until they run out.
Craftable Frankencows
Frankenstein Monsters are similar to golems, but rather than being made with metal armor, they're made with leather armor. They would be activated by a shock of lightning or redstone wire, and become a wild mob that attacks anything, looking like a bizarre patchwork cow zombie.
Roc/Roc Egg
Roc eggs are randomly generated rarely throughout the map. When one is broken, a roc is spawned. Rocs are relatively docile, but they will attack if attacked. The baby roc will go steal some leaves and build itself a nest, then grow up until it can be piloted or, if left alone, it will eventually create another egg.
Dragon/Dragon Egg
Dragon eggs can be found even more rarely, and can only be opened with a metal pick. Dragon babies can be tamed, but not afterward - if it is not tamed before it grows, it will fly around killing skeletons and stealing their bones, building a nest, and then storming the world in search of food and riches...
Phoenix Egg
Phoenix eggs are craftable only with some form of magical material (?) and are exceptionally difficult to get ahold of. When broken, a loyal phoenix comes out, and will protect its master. If killed, it becomes a pile of ashes, and will soon regenerate from the pile.
Honey Bees/Hive
Honey bees are a mob that can be seen going to and from a hive which spawns randomly about the map. When a beehive is broken, 5-7 of the weak creatures come out, as well as 1-3 honey drops. Honey drops can be used in a variety of recipes for things like monster bait traps and healing items. The bees themselves only have a heart or two and do a half a heart of damage, but en masse they can be rather dangerous.
Treants and Golems
Some naturally occurring golems exist such as treants and stone golems, and, depending on what you're up to or what their nature is, they may attack you, leave you alone, or perform various other tasks.
Water and Magma Elementals - living blocks
Using some kind of modified liquid, these would be lava or water blocks with special qualities. Difficult to spot in or around lava or water, they might choose to attack and attempt to drown or burn the player. They would also be able to move on their own.
Idea #2:
Dwarves: They build in caves and under cliff outcroppings, cutting out stone and making dwellings. They build a forge in their homes as well as a box where whatever was removed from the wall is stored.
Elves: They plant lots of trees, then plant trees on those trees, then build some trees. And those trees? They put houses on them.
Undertaker: A mob that only appears at night on normal difficulty or harder. It uproots the dirt, puts down a skeleton mob generator, and then closes up its tracks. It does this in a plot and sets up a perimiter around it, laying down gravestones. These graveyards spawn skeletons from a couple of buried generators, and you have to dig them up to destroy them.
Paladin: A mob that digs up the graves and destroys the generators, fighting the skeletons.
I've dug to 1760 blocks below the prescribed limit (that is to say y = -1760 on the debug screen) - that's a mile below where the bottom of the map usually is.
There are small air-pockets, lava lakes, water lakes (very sparse) and also some dungeons, but nothing with regards to large cave systems.
It'd be cool if there were mods for deep, deep cubes where there are even more new and strange mobs as well as new materials. I'd love to see oceans and deep sea-life as well. Of course, that would have to wait until the Zeppelin mod gets to where you can build submarines, or there's a diver helmet mod that isn't lame. lol
He picks up anything that gets dropped. He just sort of runs around and jumps on things - I think I saw him drop a couple of apples after he fell into lava.
Classy. Was not expecting it. lol
I was stress-testing the abilities of the mod, and found another interesting glitch.
When two or more controllers are placed on a craft, or if the craft is just small, (I know, I'm pushing it here) the craft becomes invisible when you deactivate it. If you place objects next to it or destroy blocks, it reappears.
Due to some strange occurence, in one of my test worlds, this left an invisible, untouchable, solid block. I can't get rid of it, build in its place, or make it part of an aircraft.
EDIT: Note: I have not been able to reproduce this result.
When saving and re-opening the map, these invisible, untouchable blocks cease to exist.
Just making sure to be clear, the thing I used to activate it was an adjacent switch - there was no redstone connection. I didn't dare to try direct redstone - lol.
With regards to the other two, it's understandable. I'll just have to go to the config and make it so it doesn't recognize aerclouds for the time being, and just use regular torches on my vehicles.
Airship (duh)
Air... motorboat?
Flying top hat
Flying igloo
Flying temple
Flying italian restaurant
My house now flies (though I don't do it because it would be annoying to have to refill my Aether chest.)
Flying TNT kamikaze platform (this is going to be great in SMP)
An elevator down a deep mineshaft
A cold aercloud (don't try this, it doesn't work.)
Flying watermelon
Flying dutchman (just a big bearded guy)
A bird
A meteor
A bomber that I just thought up how to make.
Some feedback:
There was a glitch on my airship when I tried to activate it using an adjacent switch. It caused it to re-activate every time I de-activated it, and all of my Ambrosium torches kept duplicating. I also noticed that when it was in the state of flux between activated and de-activated, I was able to break blocks. I was able to take it out of this state by placing and activating TNT nearby.
There was also a glitch when I tried to turn an aercloud from the Aether into a ship. I just fell through, and it took several tries for me to be able to deactivate it, as if it had activated several times on the same ship. I know this is an issue of mod compatibility, but it may be related and worth looking into.
Switches that activate the ship preclude all other activations. I find that when there is a switch next to both a TNT block and the controls, it only activates the controls and not that block. I wouldn't expect TNT to activate on an already active ship, but it's worth looking into.
EDIT: Created my bombership.
This will be a mean tool if this mod is made SMP compatible.
d: While it's not that likely to be picked up, I hope someone will take note of it in the near future. I feel like these would add a lot to the game.
That's epic, thanks for showing me! I love it. :smile.gif:
Are there any mods that you know of that have chunks that change into mobs, or vice-versa?
The basic idea is that a person could create a one-use block or tool that both spawns a mob and disappears when activated. This would allow for the creation of turrets and other types of stagnant mobs, as well as temporary guardians.
Concept Mobs:
Craftable Turret Automaton
This mob takes the form of both a chunk and a mob. When placed, the chunk looks like a modified iron block. However, when activated by redstone, it lifts up into a turret mob, firing at the nearest person until it or they get destroyed.
Craftable Golems
Golems are essentially suits of armor that are imbued with a simple mechanical interior. When they are activated by redstone, they become a mob that attacks opponents. Another option is for them to run on coal fuel until they run out.
Craftable Frankencows
Frankenstein Monsters are similar to golems, but rather than being made with metal armor, they're made with leather armor. They would be activated by a shock of lightning or redstone wire, and become a wild mob that attacks anything, looking like a bizarre patchwork cow zombie.
Roc/Roc Egg
Roc eggs are randomly generated rarely throughout the map. When one is broken, a roc is spawned. Rocs are relatively docile, but they will attack if attacked. The baby roc will go steal some leaves and build itself a nest, then grow up until it can be piloted or, if left alone, it will eventually create another egg.
Dragon/Dragon Egg
Dragon eggs can be found even more rarely, and can only be opened with a metal pick. Dragon babies can be tamed, but not afterward - if it is not tamed before it grows, it will fly around killing skeletons and stealing their bones, building a nest, and then storming the world in search of food and riches...
Phoenix Egg
Phoenix eggs are craftable only with some form of magical material (?) and are exceptionally difficult to get ahold of. When broken, a loyal phoenix comes out, and will protect its master. If killed, it becomes a pile of ashes, and will soon regenerate from the pile.
Honey Bees/Hive
Honey bees are a mob that can be seen going to and from a hive which spawns randomly about the map. When a beehive is broken, 5-7 of the weak creatures come out, as well as 1-3 honey drops. Honey drops can be used in a variety of recipes for things like monster bait traps and healing items. The bees themselves only have a heart or two and do a half a heart of damage, but en masse they can be rather dangerous.
Treants and Golems
Some naturally occurring golems exist such as treants and stone golems, and, depending on what you're up to or what their nature is, they may attack you, leave you alone, or perform various other tasks.
Water and Magma Elementals - living blocks
Using some kind of modified liquid, these would be lava or water blocks with special qualities. Difficult to spot in or around lava or water, they might choose to attack and attempt to drown or burn the player. They would also be able to move on their own.
Dwarves: They build in caves and under cliff outcroppings, cutting out stone and making dwellings. They build a forge in their homes as well as a box where whatever was removed from the wall is stored.
Elves: They plant lots of trees, then plant trees on those trees, then build some trees. And those trees? They put houses on them.
Undertaker: A mob that only appears at night on normal difficulty or harder. It uproots the dirt, puts down a skeleton mob generator, and then closes up its tracks. It does this in a plot and sets up a perimiter around it, laying down gravestones. These graveyards spawn skeletons from a couple of buried generators, and you have to dig them up to destroy them.
Paladin: A mob that digs up the graves and destroys the generators, fighting the skeletons.