• 0

    posted a message on Its time for a SHARK ATTACK! Now HOT!
    I feel like there's some merit to wanting to add more content to the water, but I don't think this is the best way to handle it. I'll outright say that making sharks essentially underwater wolves would likely be the best way to implement them. I'll add on to that by saying they should not be added until there's actually a reason or benefit to going to the water, as there's very little right now.

    If we got an update in which there were stuff to do in the ocean, sharks might be useful. But normal fish, for underwater passive mobs, should be added beforehand. The sharks don't have much purpose other than to just be there, which lacks any real purpose for the game. If they dropped something important, or if they were mobs for a wealth of underwater biomes that are introduced, they'd be significantly more useful. However, since there's no true benefit to being underwater, they're not exactly the most useful thing to add.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 2

    posted a message on What scared you in Minecraft most.
    First time I encountered a child/pygmy zombie while using a more horror-themed resource pack. I heard this shrill, panicked, bone-chilling shrieking, followed by a blur of color from an unlit section of a cave I was exploring. Even though it didn't really do any damage, I had to pause the game for a second because I'm a little pansy.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on 4 Block To Build Your House
    Spruce Logs, Bricks, Stone Bricks, and maybe a wool of some sort. I can make planks, fences, etc. out of the logs, after all.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What was your first house made from?
    My first 'house' was a small hole I dug into the side of a hill after being violently murdered several times in my first night. It took until the second day to realize I had to hold M1 down to break blocks, instead of just clicking several times. I kept punching dirt away until I had a sizable hole. I decided I was doing something wrong, so I looked at the short tutorial on the website.

    My first proper 'house' was in this large hill near lava I had found, some distance away from spawn. The hill already had a bit of a hole in it, and I extended it deeply, obtaining a lot of cobblestone and making a large cavern. I began experimenting and discovered how to make stairs, slabs, etc. No beds, though, so when I finally ventured outside for the first time since finding my cave, mostly because fear kept me inside, I suffered a catastrophic defeat at the hands of a bunch of mobs. This put me all the way back to spawn. Luckily, I had the foresight to make a fairly large tower on the hill, and I found it again.

    Man, being a rookie was fun.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on THE ANERIAN CHRONICLES [RP][Airships][Classes][Player-Driven-Story][Extensive Lore]
    I didn't write an irritatingly long backstory, for once. I should see a doctor about that.

    Decided to spoiler it to keep from clogging the whole thread up more.

    Out of Character Information

    IGN: Adebar

    Real-Life Age: 21

    Do you have a Skype? If so, what is your Skype Name?: No, I don't have a Skype.

    Have you read all of the rules, agree to abide by them, and by the decisions of our staff?: Yes

    What is the definition of “Powergaming”?: Making your character powerful beyond reason, or ignoring weaknesses your character should have.

    What is the definition of “Metagaming”?: Using OOC knowledge IC.

    What is the definition of “Roleplay”?: Putting yourself in the shoes of another and interacting through their voice and actions with others.

    Who can use flymod, X-ray and other such clientsided mods?: Nobody.

    When are you allowed to cause the death of another character?: If the victim consents fully.

    When are you allowed to speak out of character?: When the words are surrounded by parentheses.

    Have you read the primary server lore of our server and agree to roleplay in accordance with it?: Yes

    Who is allowed to use magic?: People who have gone through the appropriate IC steps and have received approval OOC.

    Who are the Fallen?: A group of people that were separated from the primary group of humans during the Raising. Also known as the Medori.

    When and how did our current government come to be?: It came to be after the fall of the old monarchy at the Planes of Raul.

    Who are the Order of Aradin?: A group of knights that have fallen out of favor over time, and have been officially disbanded.

    What are the Net and Essence?: The Net is the presence that prevents those that fall form the islands from suffering death. Essence is a magical force similar to Mana, but less powerful and versatile.

    Who is/was Jensen?: The husband of Aneria, who was responsible for many deaths during his attempt to obtain five artifacts.

    What previous roleplay experience have you had, if any?: World of Warcraft, The Old Republic, Rift, Guild Wars 2, a handful of Minecraft servers, and tabletop games.

    If you have played on other RP servers, please say which and why you left: I can't recall the names of those I played on, but the majority shut down over time. A few I was forced to leave because of RL interfering.

    Character Information

    Name: Ramesy

    Age: 26

    Class: Bladesman

    Citizen of the Chancellery or a member of the Medori?: Chancellery

    Physical description: Standing at 5'10'', Ramesy possesses a fairly robust, lean build, probably the product of physical exertion. His skin is a light brown, and has a fair amount of scars across it, several of which can be seen on his face. His hair is straight in texture, an earthen brown in color, and medium in length, though it is usually held back in a pony-tail. Along with his hair, he has thick stubble on his face, but not a full beard. Similar to his hair, his irises are a dark, natural brown, though still remain distinguishable from his pupils.

    Ramesy's normal garb consists of a fur-lined hide coat that extends to his knees, offering some slight protection to the elements. His boots and gloves are made of thick, brown hides, similar to his coat. His pants, however, are made of a cloth fabric, though have reinforcements in the form of the leather straps and thin metal plates that can be found on his legs, as well as his arms. He usually possesses a sword of some sort, as well as its sheath.

    Screen capture of your skin:


    Ramesy's birth and childhood was hardly something that could be described as more spectacular than average. Truly, the same could be said for the majority of his life. His parents were craftsmen that sold their wares in the Capital. When he was not being asked to aid them, he would explore the city, climb buildings, interact with other children, and occasionally injure himself while performing a foolhardy feat. He preferred physical activity to academic pursuits, but his parents still made sure he was sufficiently educated. Not that he would use it to its full extent.

    By the time he reached his teen years, Ramesy was physically fit and had free time to spare. He spent much of this free time, as well as whatever currency he could muster, on lessons with a sword. The young man grew fond of the concept, and began to train with wooden rods outside of the lessons, as well. His parents still required his aid with their store, however, and he also found it necessary to find a low-paying job on the docks, cleaning up various messes. He still made sure to keep up his lessons, despite it all, and managed to stay sharp with a blade.

    As he reached the age of 20 years, and became old enough to truly go his own way, he spent what little money he had on a simple sword, and set out to make use of it, in his confidence. He said farewell to his parents and what friends he had made, including those that gave him his lessons, and left the Capital. A young man, armed with a cheap sword and blind bravery, heading out on his own for the first time.

    From this time comes many stories of scars and embarrassing defeats. However, boasts of victory and stories of celebration come, as well, giving some merit to his overconfidence. Since then, he has honed his skills with a sword, though not enough to give him the confidence to do much in the Jensen Incident, in which he largely remained passive, largely out of confusion of the grand scheme of things. Beyond physical prowess, he has also found a personal philosophy and motive since setting out on his own. He seeks to put this philosophy to the test, and make a name for himself, by utilizing the skills he has acquired over his life. And to put it plainly, there are very few ways to make a name for yourself hauling wares and swabbing docks.

    So, it falls to the sword.

    What is your character’s main goal?: He seeks to constantly improve himself, primarily through swordsmanship. This stands as potentially very violent, as he sees physical combat as his main testing ground.

    Strengths: He is, of course, very strong, and fairly skilled with a sword, and potentially any weapon. Fairly jovial and friendly in nature, he hardly makes others dislike him by his mere presence. In addition, Ramesy acts fairly care-free, making him fairly tolerable as an ally or companion.

    Weaknesses: Ramesy is not particularly bright, and is not the most educated individual, by far. He lacks knowledge of many things, preferring direct conflict as a primary route. And, while he is fairly friendly, his goals to improve himself leave him fairly violent, by any reasonable assessments. He also possesses a problem with committing too heavily to a cause not his own. Beyond that, Ramesy has the potential to be annoying to certain individuals, nonchalant as he is.

    Does your character have any connections to currently-existing characters or characters yet to be accepted? If so, which?: None established, though it is possible he may have friends who knew him previously.


    Walking down the streets of the Capital, you encounter a pair of heavily armed and armoured men harassing a young girl.

    Ramesy pauses for a moment, scratching his chin. After a moment, he steps forward, clearing his throat loudly. "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice how much I want to injure you, good sirs." The man said with a large grin, confusing the pair he confronted. Just as they began to react, Ramesy ripped his sword free of its sheath, sending a wide slash at one man in the same motion. Turning to the other, he delivered a swift kick to his shin, before slicing into his arm heavily. Deeming his work sufficient, he returned his sword to its sheath and hurried off without a word. After all, being arrested for assault is hardly fun, is it?

    A man approaches you with promises of fortune abroad if you join the crew of his airships. How do you react, and why?

    Deliberately scratching his chin in thought, looking at the man, Ramesy seems to make a large deal of deciding. "Hm... yes... yes... a very tempting offer, indeed." He says idly, as if trying to consume time. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline, though. I'm not much one for riding airships, and there's hardly anybody to stab on them, now, is there?" He declared at last, walking off without waiting for a reaction, waving as he strode off.

    You pass an old man lying on the side of the street, begging for food.

    Passing the beggar, Ramesy glances at him with a slight frown, shrugging and tossing a single coin his way. A single coin. Only one. "Apologies, stranger, but I'm not exactly rolling in affluence, either. Good luck, either way." Ramesy states with a shrug, continuing on his way.

    In a tavern, a slightly inebriated fellow insults your mother.

    "I'll have you know everything you said is potentially true, but it still isn't very generous. I'll have you know I'm not opposed to unjustified violence, either. Unless there's somebody of authority here." Ramesy responds, glancing about for a moment. After checking to make sure the coast was clear, he walked towards the man, raising his fist as if about to deliver the punch. However, he instead delivered a heavy headbutt. Two drunken men beating each other up over the concept of an unwholesome woman. Truly, a battle for the ages.

    You take a liking to a beautiful necklace a passing woman wears.

    A fairly pretty necklace, to be sure. Sadly, it would definitely clash with Ramesy's eyes, and that is a crime against dignity that cannot happen. Keep walking, swordsman.

    Do you have any questions about the server or our lore?

    What version is the server updated to?

    Other notes:
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on What kind of base do you usually make?
    Varies, depending on the biome I make it in. For example, I made a massive, camouflaged tree-house in this jungle biome I spawned in, once. Another time I spawned in a more mountainous area, so I just went ahead and made the Mines of Moria. Had a lot of cobblestone from that one, I'll tell you.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on THE ANERIAN CHRONICLES [RP][Airships][Classes][Player-Driven-Story][Extensive Lore]
    Out of Character Information

    IGN: Adebar

    Real-Life Age: 21

    Do you have a Skype? If so, what is your Skype Name?: No, I don't have a Skype.

    Have you read all of the rules, agree to abide by them, and by the decisions of our staff?: Yes

    What is the definition of “Powergaming”?: Making your character powerful beyond reason, or ignoring weaknesses your character should have.

    What is the definition of “Metagaming”?: Using OOC knowledge IC.

    What is the definition of “Roleplay”?: Putting yourself in the shoes of another and interacting through their voice and actions with others.

    Who can use flymod, X-ray and other such clientsided mods?: Nobody.

    When are you allowed to cause the death of another character?: If the victim consents fully.

    When are you allowed to speak out of character?: When the words are surrounded by parentheses.

    Have you read the primary server lore of our server and agree to roleplay in accordance with it?: Yes

    Who is allowed to use magic?: People who have gone through the appropriate IC steps and have received approval OOC.

    Who are the Fallen?: A group of people that were separated from the primary group of humans during the Raising. Also known as the Medori.

    When and how did our current government come to be?: It came to be after the fall of the old monarchy at the Planes of Raul.

    Who are the Order of Aradin?: A group of knights that have fallen out of favor over time, and have been officially disbanded.

    What are the Net and Essence?: The Net is the presence that prevents those that fall form the islands from suffering death. Essence is a magical force similar to Mana, but less powerful and versatile.

    Who is/was Jensen?: The husband of Aneria, who was responsible for many deaths during his attempt to obtain five artifacts.

    What previous roleplay experience have you had, if any?: World of Warcraft, The Old Republic, Rift, Guild Wars 2, a handful of Minecraft servers, and tabletop games.

    If you have played on other RP servers, please say which and why you left: I can't recall the names of those I played on, but the majority shut down over time. A few I was forced to leave because of RL interfering.

    Character Information

    Name: Ramesy

    Age: 26

    Class: Bladesman

    Citizen of the Chancellery or a member of the Medori?: Chancellery

    Physical description: Standing at 5'10'', Ramesy possesses a fairly robust, lean build, probably the product of physical exertion. His skin is a light brown, and has a fair amount of scars across it, several of which can be seen on his face. His hair is straight in texture, an earthen brown in color, and medium in length, though it is usually held back in a pony-tail. Along with his hair, he has thick stubble on his face, but not a full beard. Similar to his hair, his irises are a dark, natural brown, though still remain distinguishable from his pupils.

    Ramesy's normal garb consists of a fur-lined hide coat that extends to his knees, offering some slight protection to the elements. His boots and gloves are made of thick, brown hides, similar to his coat. His pants, however, are made of a cloth fabric, though have reinforcements in the form of the leather straps and thin metal plates that can be found on his legs, as well as his arms. He usually possesses a sword of some sort, as well as its sheath.

    Screen capture of your skin:

    Biography: Ramesy's birth and childhood was hardly something that could be described as more spectacular than average. Truly, the same could be said for the majority of his life. His parents were craftsmen that sold their wares in the Capital. When he was not being asked to aid them, he would explore the city, climb buildings, interact with other children, and occasionally injure himself while performing a foolhardy feat. He preferred physical activity to academic pursuits, but his parents still made sure he was sufficiently educated. Not that he would use it to its full extent.

    By the time he reached his teen years, Ramesy was physically fit and had free time to spare. He spent much of this free time, as well as whatever currency he could muster, on lessons with a sword. The young man grew fond of the concept, and began to train with wooden rods outside of the lessons, as well. His parents still required his aid with their store, however, and he also found it necessary to find a low-paying job on the docks, cleaning up various messes. He still made sure to keep up his lessons, despite it all, and managed to stay sharp with a blade.

    As he reached the age of 20 years, and became old enough to truly go his own way, he spent what little money he had on a simple sword, and set out to make use of it, in his confidence. A young man, armed with a cheap sword, heading out on his own for the first time.

    From this time comes many stories of scars and embarrassing defeats. However, boasts of victory come, as well, giving some merit to his overconfidence. Since then, he has honed his skills with a sword, though not enough to give him the confidence to do much in the Jensen Incident, in which he largely remained passive. Beyond physical prowess, he has also found a personal philosophy and motive since setting out on his own. He seeks to put this philosophy to the test, and make a name for himself, by utilizing the skills he has acquired over his life.

    What is your character’s main goal?: He seeks to constantly improve himself, primarily through swordsmanship. This stands as potentially very violent, as he sees physical combat as his main testing ground.

    Strengths: He is, of course, very strong, and fairly skilled with a sword, and potentially any weapon. Fairly jovial and friendly in nature, he hardly makes others dislike him by his mere presence. In addition, Ramesy acts fairly care-free, making him fairly tolerable as an ally or companion.

    Weaknesses: Ramesy is not particularly bright, and is not the most educated individual, by far. He lacks knowledge of many things, preferring direct conflict as a primary route. And, while he is fairly friendly, his goals to improve himself leave him fairly violent, by any reasonable assessments. He also possesses a problem with committing too heavily to a cause not his own. Beyond that, Ramesy has the potential to be annoying to certain individuals, nonchalant as he is.

    Does your character have any connections to currently-existing characters or characters yet to be accepted? If so, which?: None established, though it is possible he may have friends who knew him previously.


    Walking down the streets of the Capital, you encounter a pair of heavily armed and armoured men harassing a young girl.

    Ramesy pauses for a moment, scratching his chin. After a moment, he steps forward, clearing his throat loudly. "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice how much I want to injure you, good sirs." The man said with a large grin, confusing the pair he confronted. Just as they began to react, Ramesy ripped his sword free of its sheath, sending a wide slash at one man in the same motion. Turning to the other, he delivered a swift kick to his shin, before slicing into his arm heavily. Deeming his work sufficient, he returned his sword to its sheath and hurried off without a word. After all, being arrested for assault is hardly fun, is it?

    A man approaches you with promises of fortune abroad if you join the crew of his airships. How do you react, and why?

    Deliberately scratching his chin in thought, looking at the man, Ramesy seems to make a large deal of deciding. "Hm... yes... yes... a very tempting offer, indeed." He says idly, as if trying to consume time. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline, though. I'm not much one for riding airships, and there's hardly anybody to stab on them, now, is there?" He declared at last, walking off without waiting for a reaction, waving as he strode off.

    You pass an old man lying on the side of the street, begging for food.

    Passing the beggar, Ramesy glances at him with a slight frown, shrugging and tossing a single coin his way. A single coin. Only one. "Apologies, stranger, but I'm not exactly rolling in affluence, either. Good luck, either way." Ramesy states with a shrug, continuing on his way.

    In a tavern, a slightly inebriated fellow insults your mother.

    "I'll have you know everything you said is potentially true, but it still isn't very generous. I'll have you know I'm not opposed to unjustified violence, either. Unless there's somebody of authority here." Ramesy responds, glancing about for a moment. After checking to make sure the coast was clear, he walked towards the man, raising his fist as if about to deliver the punch. However, he instead delivered a heavy headbutt. Two drunken men beating each other up over the concept of an unwholesome woman. Truly, a battle for the ages.

    You take a liking to a beautiful necklace a passing woman wears.

    A fairly pretty necklace, to be sure. Sadly, it would definitely clash with Ramesy's eyes, and that is a crime against dignity that cannot happen. Keep walking, swordsman.

    Do you have any questions about the server or our lore?

    What version is the server updated to?

    Other notes:
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on What to put on this wall?
    Put this:

    Just figure out how.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on If you were forced to remove anything from Minecraft, what would it be?
    Remove all wood.

    Have fun.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on CLOSED)☢ FALLOUT: Ashes of Our Fathers ☢ [24/7][Serious RolePlay][Real-life Locations][Factions]
    **Out of Character**
    Age: 21
    How did you find us? Browsing the server forums
    What Roleplay experience do you have? World of Warcraft for several years, along with various other MMOs, several Minecraft servers, and tabletop games (because I'm a total nerdbomber, right?)
    Define Meta-gaming in your words: The use of OOC knowledge IC.
    Define Power-gaming in your words: Ignoring weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your character, not giving them any, or just being all-around more powerful for no reason.
    Define God-Modding in your words: Performing actions on another character without consent or without giving a chance for reaction.
    Did you join our website? Yes, under Balkito.

    So, without noticing too much, I made the application into a novel. Have fun!

    **In Character**
    Emile Moses
    Nickname: None
    Age: 232 (Ghoul)
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Emile is not an attractive man, which is hardly a surprise, coming from a ghoul. He stands at an even six feet, with a fairly sturdy and solid build, despite the slight emaciation from becoming a mutant. His skin, as typical for a ghoul, has become a leathery mess resembling that of a leper. In a similar vein, he has lost all hair on his body. A suit of brown, tattered clothes are his normal attire, though they are usually covered with armor. Despite his already damaged skin, he has scars on countless places on his body.
    Personality: Though he was once more cheerful, Emile is a more somber individual. He has yet to lose his sense of humor, but he prefers to stay serious when the situation calls for it. Similarly, he has a tendency to be brash and aggressive, charging bravely into danger. That's not to say he finds little value in the element of surprise, as the field of war is the only place he can successfully employ subtlety, lacking it in social situations. In short, Emile shoots first, punches second, bites third, and then considers talking.

    In-game RP example:

    Crouching behind a stack of crates in a rundown pile of rubble, waiting to bludgeon unsuspecting drug addicts with a penchant for rampant murder to death with a lead pipe.
    "Just like John Wayne would'a done" Emile thought to himself idly, straining his ears for any noise. He tightened his grip on his makeshift weapon as a soft pad caught his attention. One heartbeat, two heartbeats, three heartbeats, followed by a whirl and the sound of skull being cracked in half by metal. As the raider collapsed into the ground in a heap, possibly still breathing, Emile delivered a sharp stomp to his neck, finishing the unfortunate man of fortune off.
    Sufficiently secure in the murder, the ghoul dragged his prey into a shady corner, away from prying eyes. After a moment of listening for any awareness from the other raiders, Emile set about searching the corpse for any firearms. To no avail, as his luck would have it. He returned to his previous hiding place, waiting for a few still moments, before heading deeper into the bowels of metaphorical Hell.
    Unfortunately for him, the raiders had an alcohol problem, and a glass bottle managed to find its way under his boot. The crunch was anything but silent, alerting the other raiders to his presence. Within a breath, a woman burst into the room, hatchet in one hand, revolver in the other.
    Within an equal breath, she come into possession of a lead pipe, as well. As her hands were full, she deemed fit to hold it with her teeth. Her jaw, to be exact. Emile took the chance to snatch for the revolver, but as he crouched to retrieve it, he received not a firearm, but a sharp kick to the head.
    Floored by the kick, Emile rolled to the side to avoid a heavy strike from a sledgehammer, losing grip on his pipe as he did so. Scrambling away, he rose to his feet just in time to duck a swipe from the very same hammer, which he now saw was held by a mountain of meat disguised as a man. A very angry man clad in rubber tires.
    Unarmed as he was, Emile saw fit to bid adieu to the laws of honor and threw a brick at his foe. His plan was, surprisingly, successful, as the brick clobbered the raider directly in the forehead stunning him in equal parts blunt force and disbelief.
    "Did you... Did you just throw a brick at me?" The raider rasped in confusion. Both parties stood in silence for a moment before Emile shrugged, a look of equal confusion on his face.
    "Uh... I suppose I did. Weapons are weapons, right?"
    In a flash, the raider pounced forward with his hammer, just as Emile flung another brick, hitting his target in the forehead once more. Dazed by the second strike, the raider stumbled slightly in his attack, giving Emile the chance to avoid it. Seizing the opportunity, the ghoul delivered a quick kick to the back of his opponent. The sledge-wielding combatant toppled to the ground with a grunt. Emile returned to the fallen woman, retrieving her revolver, whirling around, he fired two quick shots into the remaining raider, sufficiently murdering him.
    Holding the revolver loosely in his hand, Emile surveyed the situation, before heading back to the entrance of the decrepit building. Stepping a few yards outside, he raised his free arm up to wave, shouting out. "Got all the raiders in here! How's it going with th-" Or, at least, began to shout out. The update for his allies was cut short, however, as a surviving raider came up from behind and fired a shell from a sawn-off shotgun into the meat of his back.
    Emile collapsed in a heap, the shot clearly tearing through much of his clothing, and his flesh. The raider took a quick moment to glance over his fallen enemy, before turning back to look into the building to survey the damage caused. It turned out to be a fatal error, as the flesh in his back was less resilient to gunshots than that of a stubborn ghoul who refused to die.
    Lying in a small puddle of his own blood, Emile held the revolver in the same position it had been to slay the last raider. A few silent moments passed, before the crunch of boots entered his range of hearing. Another few moments passed before he saw the shadows of two other wastelanders standing over him. "You dumb hunk of meat. You're lucky you didn't get ripped to shreds by that raider." One said, folding his arms and frowning sternly. "You're still getting paid though. Probably have to spend it all on medical care, though."
    Emile responded with a slight glare. "Hey, I killed all'a them, didn't I? By myself."

    The other wastelander waved a dismissive hand. "Eh, I'll get ya fixed in a jiffy. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, even if you are an ugly piece of crap." She stated with a shrug."
    "Nice bedside manner, doc." The fallen ghoul grumbled.


    Before the bombs dropped, Emile lived the classic American Dream, with a steady job, a wife and child, and a fairly normal life. Fairly normal, as the steady job happened to be within the riot police. As riots broke out across various cities, Emile was deployed near-constantly to help keep the peace. What once was patriotism was replaced with doubt, as he saw his fellow Americans riot and mob in the face of panic. Receiving a salary to subdue them hardly helped the situation.
    As the riots raged on, he slowly lost tough with his family, residing in another city. In mid-October of 2077, Emile was hospitalized due to a gunshot wound to the gut, confined to a bed for what would be a few weeks. However, as he wallowed in antibiotics and his own blood, nuclear fire enveloped the world. He could see from his own window as a mushroom cloud spelled the tragic death of millions, potentially including him.
    But death kept its distance in the face of a man with lead in his belly, grit in his teeth, and a cause in his mind. He took longer to recovered from the gunshot wound, but he managed to salvage from the partially-abandoned hospital, along with the other survivors within it. He managed to recover, in time, and set out to return to his hometown, where he hoped his family could be found. Walking on foot, it took him a painfully long time. A painfully long time filled with exposure to radiation.
    Upon arriving to his destination, his skin had already begun to crack and fade. Just as the city had, bombed similar to his starting point. He could hope only that his family had managed to enter a Vault. In which case, he would have to find the Vault, and wait until it opened.
    That proved easier said than done. For a decade he scoured the areas around the city for miles around as his body withered and decayed into a ghoul, but found no traces of his family. Something deep in his gut told him they had survived, though, and he continued his search. Eventually, he was forced to move from the city due to encroaching salvagers and lack of resources. He intended to search elsewhere across America, potentially find his family roaming across the wastes, just as he had been.
    So he has, scouring the Wastelands for any trace since the bombs dropped. He sometimes holds still in some places he finds bountiful in resources or potential, but usually tries to move on and search elsewhere. It's likely the ghoul is deluding himself, hoping for something he knows cannot be true. But maybe, somewhere, somehow, two ghouls stride across the dusty lands, hoping to find a large, brash ghoul with more than one story from before the war.

    "Powers up Vault Boy 3000"
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ~ | THE LORD OF THE CRAFT | ~ - ENTER ATHERA - ~ Officially the #1 Minecraft Roleplay Server

    Minecraft Account Name: Adebar

    How old are you?: 21

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: CST, United States of America

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I believe so, after realizing I don't want Shakespeare to roll around in his grave.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Most of my free time is occupied by games, both online and otherwise. However, I have a job and school, so I can't devote 100% of my time to gameplay. However, as usual, I intend to have a good time, as well as cause good times, on this server.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Like I said, I might not be the most active player, however, I should be able to dedicate approximately 10 hours to the server weekly. However, there will be stretches of inactivity, due to real life, during the Summer. However, they will be short.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: Roleplaying is, as the name suggests, playing the role of your character, as if you were in their shoes. You react, act, talk, and think like they do, so you can 'live' in a story that they live in.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: I roleplayed for several years in WoW, a few months in Rift and TOR, and have had experience on several Minecraft RP servers. I have also spent significant time on forum RP.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Meta-gaming is giving your character knowledge they don't have, because you have it. It's breaking the rules of the universe, and giving your character an omniscient view.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Sapping the fun out of RP by taking control of another player's character against their will, to win a fight or some other similar reason. Basically, controlling a character that isn't your own.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I suspect it will be a VERY large, dedicated RP server, with a significant amount of RP.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I mostly played before the most recent Christmas, before having to go completely off the grid for a few months, severing any ties to old servers. The only server I have been on since was shut down by the owner.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Yes, I promise to follow them.

    How did you hear about us?: I heard about you months ago, and have seen the Minecraft thread, but it is only recently that I've been looking for an RP server. I spotted the page onplanetminecraft.com, and followed through with steps beforehand.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: No.

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraft...-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/): Eeyup.


    Character Name: Jarth Farmind

    What Race are you?: Human

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Jarth's parents were moderately wealthy merchants, who made a good living, and enjoyed many luxuries. During his early childhood, to ensure his success, his parents had begun to pay for a tutor to school him in general academics, covering mathematics and history, as well as learning to read and write fairly effectively. As he reached seven years of age, his parents gave birth to a second child, a daughter named Yave. Jarth's tutor divided his time among the two of them, teaching the younger sibling to walk and talk, a task her parents were too busy to accomplish.

    Slowly, the family's funds wavered, and they were forced to fire the tutor. Eventually, everything fell through, leading Jarth's father to take his own life in grief and fear. Left alone with her children, the mother was forced to sell the house, moving to a small shack in a nasty town. During the day, she did all she could to earn her way through the world, while Jarth was required to raise and care for his younger sister, growing immensely attached to the babe.

    The taxing duty became too heavy for the mother, who fell to her fear. She fled the town, leaving her children to fend for themselves. With no income, Jarth and Yave were cast out of the shack, onto the streets, forced to beg. Time passed, and both began to starve, leading Jarth to steal food when the opportunity arose. Luck would not hold forever, and the child was eventually caught, being driven out of town by the guard, along with his baby sister.

    As Jarth came into possession of ten years, he and Yave were on their last legs, having run out of food. Winter crept closer, and there was little hope left. The small girl, only three years old, eventually gave out, her hunger taking her, and leaving Jarth truly alone. With nowhere to turn, he simply waited, mourning over the corpse of the one being he had left to love.

    Eventually, snow approached, chasing after a group of nomadic traders, who spotted the pile of skin and bones sitting in a field. The pile turned out to be a starving child, watching somberly over the fallen body of one even younger. The traders fed and cared for the survivor, taking him under their wing. He worked as he might, and they taught him what they knew, which was admittedly less academic than the tutor's knowledge, but more practical.

    As he grew older, so did the traders, and the group pooled their money and bought a house, shortly before Jarth turned 20. Not ready to settle just yet, Jarth set out, truly alone once more, seeking knowledge, a task that has lasted four years. But the end of his search would come only when he found a way to return that which he craved most.

    It would come when his sister no longer slumbered.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: To learn everything there is to know, and to amass a massive collection of literature.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): Sword

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents? His mind is sharp and quick, and well stocked with knowledge.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):View Wanderer (Dark Souls)

    Other Information about your Character: He prefers diplomacy and negotiations over combat, and will flee when he stands little chance of winning.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond? Weigh the chances they will attack me. If it is likely, engage them while they are distracted. If it is unlikely, continue on me way.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?Inquire if he has any books or relics in stock, and barter to acquire them at a low price.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: Investigate the area to determine if there are traps of any sort. If not, proceed to judge the sword's worth, planning to pawn it for a profit.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond? Offer any possible assistance in return for food and directions.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: Offer tactical advice and possible strategies and plans to the attackers, in return for a cut of the reward. Risking life and limb in open combat isn't my cup of tea.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ☢☢ Ruined World ☢ ☢: Post-Apocalyptic Roleplay [Whitelist] [RPG] [Bukkit 1.1] [mcmmo] [Beer ;) ] [Bookworm] [Spout] [Guns] [Voxe
    I saw this server shut-down coming weeks ago. Isn't too surprising. What is surprising is lying about it. I'm more upset about that than the server actually dying.

    Well, whatever, I guess it's an opportunity to move on, if anything. If you guys need any help writing, I'm pretty good at it, and I can help with building or planning. Just ask.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ☢☢ Ruined World ☢ ☢: Post-Apocalyptic Roleplay [Whitelist] [RPG] [Bukkit 1.1] [mcmmo] [Beer ;) ] [Bookworm] [Spout] [Guns] [Voxe
    Hey, I'm back from the epic, unbelievable duel between me and real-life, which involved a fu-hu-hu-huck ton of important stuff that removed any time for me to get on the server when it was up, or when people were on.

    Sorry about being inactive for so long, but it looks like the lag and crashes were bad after I left.

    Either way, that's some grade-A ******** with the supposed hax.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on moved to a new shop, please check signature.
    Hory shet, Twi is back?

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on ☢☢ Ruined World ☢ ☢: Post-Apocalyptic Roleplay [Whitelist] [RPG] [Bukkit 1.1] [mcmmo] [Beer ;) ] [Bookworm] [Spout] [Guns] [Voxe
    Quote from IronShotgun

    None is the arguably "Smartest" here *cough* I am *cough* everybody has a area they hare good in

    Roland Nai : Genetics, ect.

    "The more you know *theme song*"

    Antibiotics and stimpacks.

    I believe I win.

    Edit: @Thana above: I don't think F-bomb means what you think it means...
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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