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    posted a message on [16x16][1.0.0] Christmas Craft! (W.I.P.)
    Quote from TheBasking

    you really didnt change much.

    are u kidding? he didnt change ANYTHING accept the standard skin!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on 1.0.0 Texturepack Test Map
    ummm... hello!!! there isnt even the SLIGHTEST change to the texture!! DONT DOWNLOAD THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on the Acme mod!

    well now that 1.0.0 is out the Acme mod will start being made! the Acme mod will have many new blocks.there will be infinite letters in your inventory and once you find a mailbox in any biome and is a rare as tall grass wich you right click with a letter in hand and then you type what block your gonna order then if youre in multiplayer you say who its going to and then once your done a chest falls out of a sky with the amount that you wrote down ( it falls down next to you ) and these are the added things that EVERYONE has wanted to notch to make :biggrin.gif: slime blocks slime half blocks. trampoline blocks. robot guards that follow you and many other things. and cras and air planes and helicopters and cruise ships. there are even wind mills and water mills and solar panels! i hope you enjoy

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [Creative] [Buckit] [No whitelist] [Free build] Ruphcraft
    Quote from TheProvesser

    Btw for some reason server has gone to **** the last few days so bare with me folks

    nyan cat? really??????
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on OnyxCraft [24/7] [Friendly] [Creative] [Anti-Griefing] [Flatgrass] [BigBrother] [Cookies]
    this isnt creative mode i figured out (your dum)
    Quote from MCServersFTW

    You are so stupid, don't state that your server is [Creative] when it isn't even creative mode, next time state the obvious. Poor server to play on.

    i agree
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from Paril

    READ THE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS BELOW! I'm tired of answering the same questions over and over again! D:


    Current version: 1.2 (01 Nov, 2011)

    Well, what is it?!
    (ordered in time they were sent to me at, not because I pick favorites)

    Hey there guys!

    I'm new to the Minecraft scene, but, after seeing the inflow of skin editors and not being very satisfied with them, I decided to take matters into my own hands and start developing programs for Minecraft. My first release here, I present to you MCSkin3D: a 3d, real-time skin editor for Minecraft!

    Unlike other real-time editors, this editor actually lets you paint on the model, as well as the 2d texture map, also providing a neat management facility for all of your installed skins, and a convenient upload button.


    MCSkin3D is both a skin management and skin editing tool. It holds all of your skins in a convenient place, lets you manage them from within the program, and even lets you upload your skin directly to Minecraft.net without ever needing to open a browser.

    I consider this one of my first "public" programs, as in one that I've released directly to a large community - hopefully it's well-received and I hope you guys don't go too hard on me, but, here we go.

    MCSkin3D was inspired by several sources, notably Q2MDL, an old Quake 2 skinning tool, SkinEdit (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/3796-skinedit-new-version-13-april-alpha-3-pre-7/), an excellent 2d skinning program for Minecraft, as well as modern editing tools such as The GIMP.

    The code is licensed under the GPL, and visible here:

    Before attempting to use the painter, please go through the View options and get to know them.


    3D Mode:

    Good ol' 2D Mode:

    MCSkin3D requires that you have the .NET Framework version 4.0 installed, and at the moment is only compiled for Windows (sorry Mac/Linux users, but I can't stand Java). It may still have some tiny issues, and is quickly evolving and taking on a life of its own. Currently, there are no known crippling bugs, although that may change at any time, and I await a challenge from my end-users to find me something fun to fix :smile.gif:

    The program should be self-explanatory, and I made sure to tooltip any important things. When in camera mode, left mouse button rotates the camera while right mouse button (or mouse wheel) zooms - in paint mode, right-mouse button rotates while middle-mouse button will zoom.

    Some suggested features for future versions:
    - Fill bucket
    - Brush size
    - 3D preview for the 2D editor (or vice versa? viewports maybe? not sure how I'm going to fit that in there)
    - Possible Mono support, for Linux/Mac users
    - Folder support for skins (something like a tree)
    - Online skin repository?
    - Painting collaboration over TCP
    - Super code cleanup 2000
    - Noise
    - Optimized tool shortcutting (left-click for one tool, right-click for another, shift for another, etc)
    - Selection tool
    - Block & mob texturing support
    - HSV/HSL tab
    - 2D mode zoom support
    - Multiple skin importing
    - Background color change
    - Posing
    - Screenshot
    - High resolution skin support
    - Part picker (online repo as well? maybe?)
    - External program support (picks up on skin changes)
    - CMYK

    Frequently Asked Questions

    It says Swatches/Skins are missing and/or DevIL is missing!

    Why does the drawing mirror on the arms/legs but not anywhere else?
    Drawing on the model draws directly to the texture map - if you check the map, there is only one arm face, it's just mirrored to the other side.

    How can I make a hat or helmet?
    To enable the helmet, check "View < Visible Parts < Helmet". It is disabled by default. To make the helmet transparent as it is in the game (you will still be able to draw on it!), check "View < Transparency Mode".

    I want to draw on the sides of the legs or arms but I can't get to it!
    You may uncheck other pieces in "View < Visible Parts". To get to the backs of arms or legs you may have to uncheck the other leg or the chest.

    I try to upload the skin but it just says it failed with "The operation has timed out"!
    Minecraft.net must be experiencing some high traffic - try connecting to the site with your browser and see what happens. It may take multiple attempts to upload it, or you may have to wait until traffic slows down (the timeout time is 10 seconds).

    An exception dialog popped up, what should I do?
    Hit "Save", save the report and attach it to a forum post here, or email it to me, and I'll get right on fixing it.

    How does the program handle passwords?
    Passwords are saved locally, in settings.ini, encrypted in 256 bits using seeds and salts from constant data relating to your specific machine - using this technique, even if someone gets a hold of your settings file, they would need access to your physical system to decode the password. No password, usernames, or user data is sent externally at any point, except to connect to Minecraft.net using a secure HTTPS connection. Source code is available upon request if you wish to challenge this remark.

    Where is X feature?
    If it's not listed above, I either forgot about it or it hasn't been brought up yet - suggest it!

    Mac/Linux support plzkthx?
    Sorry, but I personally can't compile the program to work for these platforms. I develop it on Windows machines for Windows machines and don't have the manpower to work on three versions at one time. Anybody familiar with Mono may be able to get it working, and I encourage you to do so, as it would broaden the userbase, but at the moment it's not a possibility. I chose .NET because of it's rapid application development capabilities and my uncanny ability to work with the Windows API, hence the reason why this editor has taken off so quickly (the entire program is only about 2.5 weeks of work, counting to November 1st).



    Latest version (1.2): (.RAR)(.ZIP)
    note: the "char.png" skin included in previous 1.2 releases was from John Smith's pack, and was included by accident. I have fixed the offending images and releases. I love John Smith's pack and use it myself!

    Version 1.1
    Version 1.0

    .NET Framework v4.0: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17851 (MSDN is kinda broken right now, refresh a couple times)
    Alternate: http://www.filehippo.com/download_dotnet_framework_4/ (Not using MSDN link because MSDN's download pages are broken right now - FileHippo is a trusted file source)

    Make sure to give me any feedback or any issues you may encounter.

    i cant get it to work!!!! it did it right but it opens a odd page with coding!!!
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on ===**Epic TNT Ball**===
    Quote from Brenostar

    picture links... ur doing it wrong

    nd we meet for the third time....
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on two odd redstone glitches
    well hi these are the glitches if you put 2 redstone then a block conected to the redstone then you put a another block on top of that and the on that you put a normal piston then you put a redstoe torch on the head of the piston and it pushes and makes 2 redstone torches drop from the piston! odd huh? the other glitch is you put a sticky pistone under any block that you can place a pressure plate on you put the pressure plate on you step on the presre plate and then you get another pressure plate when the piston goes up!!! i was wonderingif there could be a solution for this plz reply with an awnser!
    Posted in: Legacy Support
  • 0

    posted a message on [Surv] 1.8 Planets! 1.0 [Over 100 DL's!]
    Quote from Brenostar

    Really easy I mean melons everywhere really? And to close together But It looks nice! I rate this map 3 out of 5 diamonds (have an extra one cause I'm feeling nice :biggrin.gif:

    ive seen you before....
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [Surv][1.9Pre 5/ 1.8.1]HalfBlock Survival ;D

    Hi My Name Is Gabbialexander And This Is My Second Custom Map And I Hope You Enjoy

    HalfBlock Survival

    Here Are Some Pics:

    1. Build a cobblestone generator.
    2. Make a Pumpkin farm.
    3. Make a Melon farm.
    4. Make a Tree farm.
    5. Make a wheat farm.
    6. Build a Forrest(10+ Trees)
    7. Build a two+ stories house

    Plz Leave Some Feedback And Try It Out, Dont Troll, This Is My 2nd Custom Map

    Hopefully You Enjoyed This Map More Than My Other Map

    Download Link:Mediafire Download

    wow just wow i half block and no other blocks?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? **** this.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on the high-jump in skylands
    Quote from Brenostar

    No pics
    No link
    I am disappoint

    HOLY CRAP I POSTED THIS 3 SECONDS AGO!!!!!!! and im sorry.. i dont want to open a port to other computers and i have no idea how to get the url and i have no idea how to delete this topic! >_<
    Quote from MarkoeZ

    i hope you forgot to post something. Otherwise: Fail...

    so sorry look at my other reply
    Quote from Protorae

    P!!!!!!!!!!!!! to you to.

    so sorry read my other reply
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on the high-jump in skylands
    p moderators of the forum PLEASE DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on vividurl
    well its meh im not sure if time_traveler the admin is ok with what im doing but ill ask him... dont join the server until i tell you people that you can :wink.gif:. well.. its pretty empty and lonely so far.. BUT it has a bootcamp im the founder and runner of the bootcamp. and well we are hoping some people will join! but make sure to read these rules most of them are at spawn on the server. these are the rules i remember: no PvP, no griefing, have fun! i hope you have a great time! :wink.gif: and the big glowstone building is the bootcamp. ill make ya like a ninja! :ph34r.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on My Race For The Wool server hosting
    make this more interesting and maybe someone wil reply im not joining though

    but really make it better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dry.gif:

    and WTF IS HAMACHI???????
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on If you made 1.9...
    Quote from HunterParasite

    i'd finish it and release it 3 months prior to when notch would have

    LOVE THAT IDEA ABOUT EARLIER RElEASING!!!!!! or however u spell it :wacko.gif: :wacko.gif: :wacko.gif: :wacko.gif: :wacko.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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