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    posted a message on Looking for a mod!
    wrong section dont wanna get this seen by a moderator do you? so move this to mod discussion
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Terracraft | Role Play | PVP | Cities | Survival | TeamSpeak
    Name(Minecraft name): Acme_Pig
    Do you accept the Rules?: (y/n) yes
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Item] Storage bin
    this is a bad idea it would cause major lag and appearantly you dont get how hard it is to code these kinds of things like you dont just type in some crap like Copy_from_log.texture_dent=1080_depth_Drop_in_item=indefinate_make_lag_False
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New Minerals
    Quote from ChildofSolitude

    The mayans used them, quite often actually, and even today they are trickling into Medical facilities for ther ability to make sharp, clean cuts with less recovery time.

    Quote from ChaseG1234567890

    Ah, yes, yet another mineral topic.
    Jade - Mostly used for figurines. I don't think they would make good tools. (No)
    Platinum - This is a very rare mineral. Yet it wont be one of the strongest? (Nope)
    Steel - How would this be made? Because steel is an alloy, not naturally occuring (Tell me how its made)
    Reinforced Redstone - Mentioned before, not needed. (No)
    Ruby - Lasts as long as wood? Ruby has a hardness of 9/10 (Yes, if you fix how hard would be)
    Sapphires - Not in between stone and iron. it also has a hardness of 9. (Yes, if you fix how hard it would be)
    Quartz - ok this makes more sense, but how hard would it be? Maybe just slightly over iron. (Reply back)
    Flourite - too multicolored, with all the different colors your inventory would be packed. (No, unless you explain/fix a little)
    Nether Mining - The ores in the nether would have to be very valuable, The Nether is dangerous. (Yes)

    You're right. some of these arent very reasonable but i dont know everything about minerals (even though i should know a little more) and with the flourite i think you're just not really getting it because there would only be 3 colors and it ould be rare. it wouldnt fill up you're inventory like *mines* *mines* mines* "aww man my inventory is full!" it would only drop 1-2 pieces of flourite
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Sandman (With pictures!)
    Awesome idea! other attacks it should have is, it pickes up sand blocks and throws them, and it raises its arms and hits the ground and creates some sort of shock wave. the sand throw would do 3 hearts and the shockwave 2 hearts along with the nausea affect (dizzyness is nausea potion affect)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [SURV] Block Survival
    i want to try this but without any pics how am i supposed to know its not spyware?
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Bukkit Server 200slots, 50+ plugins, MCMMO, Web Auction, PVP, LWC,World Guard, Heroes, and Factions
    wow this is sad.. you're the only one replied to this.... pm me and i might help you out a little :)

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on L.A'S PARKOUR PUZZLE MAP!
    Looks cool! im downloading!

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on The Legit Pakour Map v1
    No Pics No Clicks its in the rules! PICTURES

    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on THE SERVER [Relaxed] [Factions] [MobArena] [Economy] [PVP]
    Age: 17
    Country: U.S.A.
    Estimated average play time: about 3 hours a day
    Nickname: Acme
    Why us?: because im looking for a good server and this seem like a good one so i wanna give it a try
    Have you read and understand the rules?: yes i have read the rules and i do understand them
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Custom Plugins] [24/7] [Alpha Testing] DayZ Survival in Alpha Testing!
    MC Name: Acme_Pig
    Age: 17
    How'd you find us?: I was browsing the forum and thought this was cool so decided to sign up
    Any suggestions?: make a custom plugins where certain items are guns and shoot various things (ex: Arrows, Fire Charge) and a gun could be like a hoe or a repeater because those look somewhat like guns, like the thirst mod make it so you need to drink evey here and there, and also like this one mod i've seen where torches make light in your hand
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on New Minerals
    Quote from SilverJ-17

    I personally like to see an ore between iron and diamond, but that's it. Quartz sounds like a good idea, since I'm pretty sure it's above iron in terms of hardness, but less than diamond. Then again, Quartz armor? Tools sounds reasonable, but armor seems a little weird for me. Ehh.. I'd honestly prefer the inbetween ore to be a nether ore that doubles a new potion base (like netherwart is to awakard potions, this would be to mundane, thick, or any of the left out potion branches, like clear or sparkling) and/ or enchantment enhancer (makes certain enchantments more likely, but not guranteed.. because that would be stupidly op).

    you're right the Quartz armor is kind of wierd..... and quartz acually chips rly easily so it should be as fast as stone but lasts as like 10 blocks more than gold cause it chips fast
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New Minerals
    so. everyone knows there are millions of minerals in real life right? so there should be more of those in minecraft! i think there should be Jade as one of those like you could make Jade tools and armor and blocks and the ore would look like emerald ore but much darker green and you could find lost chinese temples with chests with Jade in them because, you know, the chinese hoarded Jade and the Jade tools would last as long and iron and be as fast and diamond. Another would be Platinum, With Platinum you could make Platinum blocks and armor but not tools because its not the best material for tools. and there would be Steel you would be able to make blocks armour tool and reinforced Redstone which could be placed on walls and ceilings and the tools would be as fast as stone but last as long as diamond. and Then there would be Rubies, with Rubies you could make rings armour and tools they would be as good as iron but last as long as wood. and there would be Saphires With Saphires you'd be able to make rings tools and armour it would be inbetween stone and iron with speed and would last as long as iron. there should also be Quartz with Quartz you could make refined Quartz when you put it in the furnace and smelt it and then you could make tools and armour out of that. and last but not leats there would be fLoUrItE which would come in purple pink yellow green and red you can make tools out of it and armour out of it and blocks which would be multi colored and there wouldnt be an ore it would just be a flourite crystal block that drops a certain color flourite.

    if you support any of these please reply and say which one if you have any suggestion say it in a reply and i will add it with your name tagged onto it in the Suggestions section below


    SilverJ-17 said: A Nether Ore that starts a new branch on the brewing chart
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Field of Dimensions Unofficial Expansion Pack
    really? Wanna know MY oppinion? THIS IS THE WORST IDEA EVER! besides you'd need to code that an auto generation happens when a source entity goes away (the dragon) and MineCraft isnt and RPG game seriously dude.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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