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    posted a message on The Nether Update: The Nether Expansion Topics
    I have a idea for Saprophyte: Make it a poisonus plant, you have to extract the poison and put in a bottle. Next you can actually eat the plant once it has been extracted, this is very dangerous though, but it has its rewards.
    The Powerup List

    Speed boost:20% chance, makes you faster.
    Adrenaline:13% chance, makes your tools a lot more effective (Stronger) and you move about 15% more fast, (3% side effect to become 2.5 blocks tall)
    Poisoning:60%, you can look at when I go over poisons.
    Energy Surge:7% chance, you litterally power redstone 5 blocks near you and you regain health like in peaceful ) (Despite being on easy/medium/hard)

    Normal Poisoning: Just after every 2-3 minutes, you either hurl (Water cleans it up, spreads disease for people who stand on it too long.) or take 3.5 damage, any antidote can fix it, but advised to use the cheapest one.
    Sizzling Poisoning:Oh my, the poison is sizzling on you/down your neck! Don't worry, all you need to do is for down the neck, drink water from a bottle, and for the body, bathe in some water. (In the desert to increase the bull$h!t meter)
    Acid trip: Oh my, you ate too many toxic and poisonus mushrooms! Now you will see stuff different and have hallucinations, you need a special antidote including some toxic mushrooms themselves!

    The good that can come out of this.

    1.Amazing for PvPs seeing as you could put normal/sizzling poison on your sword/arrows
    2.Might add some effect to Roleplay servers.
    3.Poisoning food and giving it to people never stops being fun.


    It should be poisonus, for not reading everything:You don't get a cookie.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Survive the Above User's Attack
    I fight all the people who are trying to kill me finishing them all with darth lord choking.

    I have *beep* with your mother and have the enemy spy show his team my pictures of it reducing your (you are the scout) will to live.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Four Word Story Game
    the fabric of space
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Survive the Above User's Attack
    I Resist the suicide force and steal your gun using magic. followed by killing you.

    I Sap your Dispenser Sentry and Backstab your Pyro with a eternal reward so i look like the pyro, proceeding to backstab you.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on New survival server! Not whitwlisted (read post)
    Nope. i really can't join cracked servers.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Vanilla Server - No mods - Beta 1.8.1
    Hey, i'm a 14 year old (i don't ever prefer using my mic though.) from texas US my ign is the same as my forum username. (AaronDude7)
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ~*The Infamous Baconland*~ 1.7.2 - Survival - PvP - Raiding - 24/7 -
    My ign is the same as my forum user (steam and roblox account too.)

    Willing to be a great explorer/scout, makes a valuble person at the beginning and very good at alot of outdoor stuff. (also a great archer)
    hopefully i get to join.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on New survival server! Not whitwlisted (read post)
    Ehmmm make a new server? next time make sure it isn't blacklisted...
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on New survival server! Not whitwlisted (read post)
    *engineer voice* Inncoming!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Create achievements for Minecraft!!!!
    ???/10 doesn't make much sense to me, how many mob items? isn't clear.
    Is that some sort of dance or something? (3 minerpoints) ~ sneak and stop sneaking every 1 seconds for atleast 10 times.
    "Painterly" (5 minerpoints) ~ same as my art gallery achievement but with painterly pack (its a little pun)
    See! red! no wait. thats blue. (6 MP) ~ make a 5X5 blue and red checkerboard using 3D without looking at the wool names in the process, only to turn 3D off to see you have messed up atleast 2 blocks (it might be hard to track it i know.)
    Burn Baby Burn! (10-15 MP) ~ Have 20 blocks/mobs (they merge in counting) burning while 21 note blocks play within 1 second of eachother.
    This was a Triumph, I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS (15-20 MP) ~ beat the Portalcraft adventure map.
    Counter-Terrorists win. (10 MP) ~ defuse a tnt landmine with atleast 15 TNT
    Terrorists win. (10 MP) ~ have someone set off a landmine with atleast 15 TNT

    Alright, it is okay to not rate all of them but atleast 2 please.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Create achievements for Minecraft!!!!
    6/10 not so sure if it would be possible but is interesting. (btw can someone please rate my last achievements besides only the sniper one? kthxbai) Btw i added minerpoints which work like xbox gamerpoints L:
    Cannibal Witness (5 minerpoints) ~ see 2 zombies fighting eachother (mostly happens on smp)
    Explosive Argument (10 minerpoints) ~ see 2 creepers fighting eachother.
    World's most annoying bug. (3 minerpoints) ~ pour a lava bucket accidently when opening a chest (the chest or you needs to atleast have 5 diamonds)
    HAAAX! (-5 minerpoints) ~ invedit sponges.
    My perfect workshop (7 minerpoints) ~ use one workbench 100 times
    My cute little army (12 minerpoints) ~ while having mo' creeps and weirdos have a army of atleast 15 guinea pigs
    Hunting pack (11 minerpoints) ~ have a army of 15 wolves (the other flavor of little army pretty much.)
    Bakery (14 minerpoints) ~ with risugami's shelves, have 2 shelves together with cakes and bread.
    I'm a dwarf and i'm digging a hole, diggy, diggy hole, digging a hole! (20 minerpoints) ~ Meet Honeydew
    LEAP OF FAITH FAIL! (5 minerpoints) ~ jump from a height of atleast 10 blocks, surviving, only to have a creeper ruin the expierience.
    It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this bow.. for twelve seconds (10 minerpoints) ~ go through a entire stack of arrows in atleast 8 seconds (new mouse ahoy matey..)
    They come in the dark... (10 minerpoints) ~ place atleast 10 full stacks of torches.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on King of the Hill
    10 spies and 5 snipers come and sap your everything while the snipers deal with the engineers and lvl 1 sentries, i have 1 demoman (me.) clear the underground of the hill with stickies and pipebomb spam, i then procede to use bombs to mine a fair underground bunker and have some engineers build defences and stability, windows for snipers, and foxholes for spies.

    Base, Base, All your base, are belong to us.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on [IDEAS] New Woodland and Forest mobs. POST YOUR IDEAS TO!

    Lol, but anyway i comepletely agree with the insects, maybe grasshopers, and (Red) ants would be more suiting for rainforests? also, i would test any of these in a mod for you, ANYTHING. also, maybe chipmunks/squirels/hamsters (they all are hoarders. dem cheeks.) would only harvest nuts and breadcrumbs (that would drop every now and then when holding bread), i wouldn't see any logic in a chipmunk harvesting a diamond for the heck of it, mushrooms would also seem logical for them to harvest, aswell as seeds.

    Anywaaayy,maybe there would be a VERY, VERY, small chance of finding a bandit camp or thieves' cave/camp, that would be a interesting, especially if someone would program them to talk and you could respond, like dragon age example? they would have little tents and one big one for the thief/bandit leader. and you would find iron swords and flint and tinders (they burn villages, right?) in bandit chests and gold, diamonds, iron, and gunpowder in thief chests.
    Hopefully you find my suggestions quite interesting, i hope they come onto the main post.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Dragon -=- [MOB Suggestion](Custom Graphic)
    Oddly enough i was humming a chinese tune when i found this page. Very good job like all of your other mods firehazurd! :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on King of the Hill
    i screw up the link, dirty bomb and then....

    Posted in: Forum Games
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