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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from Infamy»
    pictures and words were here.

    They're very orange.

    I dunno, it look purdy.
    And do linear. I need somebody to make my decisions for me.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from Rubisk»

    You exactly miss my point. Effects and stuff don't cause difficulty. Silverfish are more dangerous if there's silverfish blocks around. Creeper spawners are more difficult up high, while zombie spawners may turn out easier. A room filled with endermen spawners is peanuts, but with 1 creeper spawner it is far more difficult. Adding yet another creeper spawner then does way less.

    If you want to BALANCE this you're going to run into so much trouble, unless you decide to not care.

    @_Dani_F_, that would work and be balance, but... you'd still be spoiled. Even if the rooms are in a different order, they still are the same rooms, so entering one immediately let's you know what's in it if you have seen it before.

    OK, silverfish are another story, as is pretty much any mob that messes with my environment. My point was a genetic algorithm that defines difficulty of mobs, etc..for the spawners, which seemed like the main issue. Of course, these attributes would have to also apply to the dungeon, but if I'm (hypothetically) designing this, I first make my spawner generator.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from undefined »
    Quote from Rubisk »

    This would be really cool. HOWEVER:

    Writing a consistent, good algorithm that generates dungeons with a good difficulty curve is insanely difficult. Writing a good, consistent algorithm using Minecraft cmd blocks to create Minecraft dungeons is.... far more difficult.

    Thing is, you got to count in so many factors. Creeper spawner 5 blocks up is far more challenging then a zombie spawner 5 blocks up. However, a zombie spawner with dark space nearby is more challenging then a creeper spawner. If you want to keep a good idea of your difficulty, you'd have to do SO MANY MATHs, that you'd probably fill up every block in the spawn chunk and then you're still not done. You don't want to end up with just random spawners, that way randomization can create trivial and impossible areas.

    It's tough, but I think it's doable. So, let's start with custom mobs.

    Instead of using math.random ten billion times, instead we use a genetic algorithm. With different effects, powers, etc, we get a difficulty level of a mob. Have that thing go around a few thousand generations, and we've got ourselves an original mob (or thousand.)

    Let's say a dungeon comprises of a random number of rooms, defined as, say, having 4 walls, at least 2 exits, and a random number of spawners/cube, and hallways connecting them.

    So, path generation isn't horribly tough, that stuff is fairly common, so I won't go into that. (edit mob AI, make it delete it all.)

    Define a room's difficulty by spawners, with mob effects, some kind of rating for them, then, once again, our old friend, ye ole genetic algorithm appears. By getting rooms with different levels of mobs, we get a completely original room with its own mobs!

    Basically, this is tough, but it's more doable than you're making it out to be. But genetic algorithms are weird.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from FitoMiner»
    First time i'm posting here so i'm sorry if i'm doing something wrong. I am a huge fan of CTMs, have played quite a few both alone and for my youtube channel. However from a while back this topic and therefore the whole community seems to be slowing down a bit. This is where I used to get new maps to play/record. However not only is one of the initial topics broken but also there seems to be no maps specially considering 1.8 has been out for a while now. So, is there a new place for one to find a new ctm map? Is this post/topic really dead?

    I appreciate your help on this matter, i'm just looking to find a few ctms to play and enjoy myself.

    People will post here to talk about maps, and sometimes if they release one, but you're probably just popping up at an unlucky time. I've started a map in 1.6, and it's still in progress. While others aren't quite that far behind yet, it typically will be at least a month after the update. Hell, we're still talking about how the 1.8 updates will affect things. (I know nothing about what was added)
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM][1.7.4] Fate Helix Series
    See? What'd I tell you guys. Progress

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][1.7.4] Fate Helix Series
    OK. So. Story time.

    As you probably guessed, I haven't been working too much on the map.

    As you can also probably guess, I've started working on it again, as I'm actually putting stuff up on the thread right now. Job was making it hard to do anything. Now I have college, which is easier (?)

    "area 3" is still in the works. There's been a lot of progress there, maybe I'll throw a screenshot up. It's about 1/2 there, as far as all the building goes. That being said, I've set up a server so I can work on the map between classes on a fancy little laptop I got myself, and a server I'm running, so as long as windows doesn't crash, I can get about an hour of building (with a trackpad. Right clicking is quite the chore now) a day.

    Basically, I promise I'm not dead. I'm gonna try to work on the map, no promises. Also, sometime soon, there will be screenshots.

    Also, did I mention the upcoming map's gonna be...like...not a minimap?
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from Infinity8miner»
    ~all the werdz~

    you think I beat that? lol.

    Then again, I only have a mini-map. I'll pretend that that makes me better than everybody else now.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from _Krose_»

    You get access to something called 'Multicraft', which is basically console commands- you can type anything into it, and it acts as a console. Also, you can edit whitelist on the fly and upload hotfixes to craftscripts for customisations. A simple /reload ingame will implement changes.

    You will need to use a program called Filezilla or an equivalent, which allows you to quickly upload save files to the server. There are tutorials for both Multicraft and Filezilla on Youtube. And you can contact the Cubedhost support staff at any time- expect an answer within hours.

    They're an extremely good company and I've never had trouble with them. Seriously, they're good! Once you use them, you will look upon your port-forwarding/ Hamachi days and ask yourself why you ever bothered.

    And I know that I sound like a sales person, but that's how good this company is- it turns a regular customer into a poster-paster.

    well, this is awkward. After fiddling around with a lot of settings, I was able to get it working...but I'll totally remember this for the future!
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from moldybread1»

    I was having the same problems as you with the port forwarding, which is why I originally started using YAMS. It does it for you, and just streamlines the whole process. Also let's you have full control over the service since it's on your own machine and everything. I know Cubedhost is really nice, but you ought to try it out first if you already have a nice rig you want to run it on.

    oh my, that's really nice. I'm probably going to play around with my settings a bit more, but how is that thing not more commonly used!?
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from _Krose_»

    Rent a Cubedhost server! They're cheap, always online and run very well on even the lowest spec service you can go with. It uses the simplest and most comprehensive software to upload save files, download them, etc... Don't bother setting up a server, just rent one! You'll end up saving money doing this, as you will save on electricity. I made all of my SG maps, my 2nd CTM and most of my 3rd CTM on Cubedhost servers. Just do it!


    I used to run my own, back ~1.6, I think. The only real issue I'm having is port forwarding, and I've managed to still crash the server from my reasonably powerful rig. This would be still running from that, if I set that one up, just I'd be accessing it from a laptop more often than not. Also, how much control do you get as a user? Ideally, I'd want to be working with practically a remote desktop, where I can use console commands like some omnipotent god/admin of the server.

    Their processor is a bit better than the one I'm using, plus it's (probably) dedicated, but I also have college internet going for me, which, when my computer is plugged in, is very good. (on this laptop, with a mediocre wireless card and just wifi, I get ~1.75 up and ~.25 down) and when plugged in, is a lot better.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Hey guys. After finally getting my act together in college now, I've decided to (probably) stop being dead. With the system I used, a server on my computer, things are a bit rougher to set up, for some reason. Anybody here have a decent idea how to get a small server up and running?
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on -The Strawberry Jam Redux- (A CTM Map Building Jam!) -Jam #04 is finished, come check out the finished entries!-
    So I do want to participate in this, but with work, I'm not sure when I can and can't, because we're only given the schedule every week. So I haven't voted. Plus, I still have to make some maps.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    @community question: HA! I still haven't beaten any. So there.

    and @fangs purdy picture: dats purdy.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [1000+ Downloads] Kipuka Fields: A CTM Map by Sylf

    Quote from Sylf_

    I5 WOOOO

    da quartz is saxxy. And beautiful and square.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Ok, so I posted here a while ago, complaining about a lack of RFW maps here (since it's technically CTM)
    would anyone want to test one I'm working on? It's nowhere near ready yet, but I kind of just want to test the waters. I've been feeling uninspired, and want to get back to the first mappy-map I made.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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