YES! I finally took the jump into complexity (if you've played the xbox 360 edition, you quite know what I mean). I had been passing the FastCards display for a while at my local Wal-Mart and the Minecraft card was getting more and more tempting. And then I finally bought it, so I could play without the griefing of my 5 yrs old and his love of TNT and spawn eggs (coolest feature on MC 360= you can play 4 at a time on split screens).
I always enjoyed the tutorial worlds on the 360 version, since they showcased a little bit of everything available and I like having the Minecraft sign hovering above my world... I don't have that on PC sadly.
Therefore, I am looking for a seed that would kind of do that in a way, a little bit of everything (biomes and ressources) as well as at least 3 villages (but the more the definately better, I'd wish for 6), and I would like a seed where the damn desert or ocean isn't covering everything. Also I have been told I could hang the Minecraft sign at will on PC, and would really appreciate to know how.
So, in resume: I would like to find a seed with at least 3 villages (the more the better), varied biomes with a preference for greenery (forests, jungles, plains, savannah) with little desert (I hate sand, it's coarse and gets everywhere and it's itchy too), the ocean should be of average size also.
Will definetly try it, thanks for the seed Still on the look for more populated seeds... I give my kids each a village to protect and make prosper. If there is more 6+ villages seeds out there, I would really like the seeds serials ...
Hello I'm looking for a seed to share with my 5 kids (alternately playing while I moderate) : we need at least 6 villages and a bit of everything else in manners of dungeons, temples, biomes ... the nether is not a priority tough. We like the new tutorial seed but there is already much built in and it's almost sinful to harm it lol. Thanks for answers.
Yabba Dabba Doo! New building blocks, new decorations, new farming options, Villagers Interactions at long long last! Gee, I'm almost forgetting to be sad over the loss of the Adventure Mode feature, I guess that one was just a rumor... All in all I'm quite happy with the update, I had been waiting for stone fences for ages ... anyway what the heck am I wasting time here when there is so much new stuff to explore... right after I done my dishes and wash my floors (down side to having a great update on a chores day ) Cheers y'all!
Even number update means a brand new tutorial world showcasing all that the game has to offer... And if you want the Minecraft logo hovering above your world, because we can't spawn leisurely like pc users (of wich numbers I will become soon... Attack of the B team mod makes me drool at it's possibilites), the Tutorial world is the one to pick to settle and or cannibalize as your own. Tutorial worlds makes a solid base for any server kind... Just skip the tutorial, save and load as your own on any settings for tons of instantly accessible fun, wether a noob or experienced crafter.
I'm affraid the sweet City Textures pack didn't satiate my patience very long... At this point, I'll be happy with whatever gets added, I just need a release date to chew on and cross days on the calendar. I don't really care about what's getting added, to me it's all bonuses to the game and that's all that counts, if a few glitches gets fixed in the process... even better. A confirmed date, even a month from now would feel better than all the teasings that are kind of getting cruel after a while.... Please don't go 3drealms on us ROFL! (next duke game will probably done in 50 years or so at their rate )
My GT is AJr Lachapelle and my rl name is coincidentally, Andre Junior Lachapelle (yes I'm canadian). I'm 40 (41 next spring if it ever comes back)
I have been playing Minecraft since almost a year now, pretty much play every evening as soon as my kids go to bed (approx 7h30 eastern to midnight)
I have a knack at being creative in survival mode (see through mines under lakes, creeper heads around nether portals mouths, anachronism integration - think Flintstones, believable buildings in general), so far I just experimented railing systems with the redstone, but they are all functionals and efficient.
I'm a team player who has humor and knows when to be serious and shutup... or not. Headset and-or kinect sensor available.
Sharing ideas, playing multiplayer and having an enjoyable time are my reasons to apply : -RIP cd3, bs48-
My 3 kids play Minecraft, my eldest is 7 yrs old and could play with your son if you don't mind the language barrier (we're french speaking, only daddy is billingual as of yet)... We have a headset, but I use the kinect when my kids play online to monitor foulness and basic security.
Just send a friend request to my gamertag followed by a message specifying it's for friendship with my son... His name is Anakin (yes daddy is a confirmed Starky since 1978... Daughter is named Leia and youngest is Luke... I tried to change my name to Obi-Wan but civil records wouldn't let me :P)
First, Thanks a lot to Eclypse for the Ender Portal coordinates, I have been looking for it for ages lol Kuddos for the much needed time saving
Okay, I found 8 more Diamonds Locations and now the proud owner of a full stack of shinnies, and then some (made a sweet sword and invested 30 levels enchanting it... just to put it on my mantle piece :P)
The cave system, as far as I can guess, DOES go under the entire world, I've found the Old Mine (Entry is near the Creeper Boat) and maybe there is only one huge Old Mine or maybe there is another, because I've found signs of it (rails, wood bracings) at pretty much the opposite way and pretty far from it too.
Here's the Diamonds Locations for the TU 12 settlers out there, Enjoy!
8) x42; y12; z-235 (another 8 diamonds spot)
9)x147; y12; z-190 ( 2 there)
10) x151;y 12; z-172 (5 here)
11) x96; y10; z25 (5 here too)
12) x133; y11; z-47 (4 there)
13) aaaaargh! just realized I forgot to write down Z, anyway, you might find them nonetheless, x151; y13 (only 2 so no biggy)
14) x114; y 13; z -11 (6 to be found)
15) x122; y14; z74 (3 more)
*edited update* 16) x114; y9; z-25 (3 more diamonds)*
... and still counting. For Hulyn: The Creeper Boat, if you haven't explored it already, has 2 chest on it, one on top of the mast (contains a disc) and one on the inside portion of the sail)... The village you've referred to, is next to 2-3 entryway to the cave system, if you sleep there, a zombie raid will ensue and the villagers will get wiped... it happened to my game, now it's the ghost town I gave to my kids to settle (I've encased the whole village in fences (stone and iron bars near the lava pit)... so they can play on the easy setting pretty safe
I will update this post as needed when I find more diamonds, or until the new Tutorial world gets out with the new update. Cheers!
Whatever features the update gives, it WILL add new possibilities to console users... If the features content is such an issue, maybe the pc version and all it's mods is the best to satiate your eagerness
For me, my concerns are on the release date, wich will mean a new tutorial world to explore the new features with... Anyone knows a date more specific than "sometime in march"?
Here's a little incentative to explore TU 12 more: DIAMONDS Locations!!! Everyone loves those
I found 2-3 places with only one diamond (around lava pools), but I noted the locations of the spot I've found more than 2
1) x99; y11; z-250 (5 diamonds found)
2) x24; y12; z-216 (4 there)
3) x84; y12; z-246 (4 there too)
4) x91; y12; z-247 (8 Diamonds Jackpot there)
5) x196; y16; z-223 (4 there)
6) x121; y12; z-223 (6 found)
7) x171; y11; z-205 (5 there)
After building my enchantment table, I'm left with a total of 38 diamonds and still haven't explored HALF the cave system, wich seems to go forever under the entire world... There is LOTS of Redstone, and I've found Gold enough to build 2 times the achievment track!!! There is 4 villages, beside the castle-city (Player Town), I've found so much Iron, I gave them Golems just for fun
(if anyone would like to know, I've renamed the villages :
Forsaken Caves - Because every villagers got lost in the nearby mine; Now it belong to my 3 young children age 4-6-7... My advice is Do Not Build there, TNT is a play toy to them (they get back at Creepers with it, I must admit it's brilliant as much as it is devious--- I'm so proud of my Mini-Minecrafters )
Smithills Cross - There's a bridge I made to cross a river, it's surrounded by hills and it has a smithy, you get the idea...
Sugar Port - I've surrounded this coastal village with Sugar Canes and building a small port there, hence the name
Storm Dust - First time I came there, the village looked like it was hit by a desert storm pretty hard, lots of sand to shovel there before proceeding with colonization.
Can't wait to turn the next tutorial world into my playground
"1) The tutorial can be skipped at the beginning and you can claim the world as your own right away, regardless of experience level (you can restart in creative if you wish)"
How do you do that in survival mode?
Good morning...
By default, the tutorial game starts in survival on the easy difficulty setting. At the start of the tutorial you are offered to either A (green button) go along the tutorial or press B to skip it... Afterwards you get 2 other chances to skip the tutorial. Once you skip or do the tutorial, just exit and save, to change settings (from easy to normal or hard ex.) and reload the game (oh and you can rename it as any other gameworld)... Hope this helps and prepare to be amazed (and get lost often) in the impressive cave system they've input in TU12 Cheers.
6) It does credit to the guys who cooked up such a nice showcasing of the features
First off, I'm far from being a "Master Builder", I started playing Minecraft last april (2013), and then again I only played the xbox 360 edition. I was looking for a game I could allow my children to play, one we could play as a family; and for this, Minecraft delivered in spades It is truly a family game, even the mobs won't give nightmares to my 4 year old !!!
This being said, I've seen, and tried a lot of gorgeous seeds; lots of play servers being advertised, most of wich are great, some are amazing and a few others, less so... But rarely do people invest time settling the Tutorial world, at least not that I am aware at the time of writting. I have pondered on this, since I'm fond of these introductory worlds, and here, I will give a few reasons why players should at the very least consider settling the tutorial world.
1) The tutorial can be skipped at the beginning and you can claim the world as your own right away, regardless of experience level (you can restart in creative if you wish)
2) The tutorial world WILL contain a bit of everything (villagers, end portal, diamonds, etc), maybe not a plenty, but enough so you can test it's possibilities.
3) The tutorial world ALWAYS include some nice building models to inspire you to do better (still haven't finished shoveling the gravel around the castle in tu12, that thing is huge)
4) The tutorial world has the Logo floating in the sky and I admit I'm kinda fond of having it in my game (pc users get to spawn it at will, I was told)
5) The tutorial world is easy settle by anyone, even an old newcomer to the game...
That's it for now, I may update these if I come up with more reasons in favor of Tutorial worlds. I am not telling you to absolutely use it, but rather to consider it when starting a new world... Tutorial Worlds are Fun! ... No... Really ! Cheers!
YES! I finally took the jump into complexity (if you've played the xbox 360 edition, you quite know what I mean). I had been passing the FastCards display for a while at my local Wal-Mart and the Minecraft card was getting more and more tempting. And then I finally bought it, so I could play without the griefing of my 5 yrs old and his love of TNT and spawn eggs (coolest feature on MC 360= you can play 4 at a time on split screens).
I always enjoyed the tutorial worlds on the 360 version, since they showcased a little bit of everything available and I like having the Minecraft sign hovering above my world... I don't have that on PC sadly.
Therefore, I am looking for a seed that would kind of do that in a way, a little bit of everything (biomes and ressources) as well as at least 3 villages (but the more the definately better, I'd wish for 6), and I would like a seed where the damn desert or ocean isn't covering everything. Also I have been told I could hang the Minecraft sign at will on PC, and would really appreciate to know how.
So, in resume: I would like to find a seed with at least 3 villages (the more the better), varied biomes with a preference for greenery (forests, jungles, plains, savannah) with little desert (I hate sand, it's coarse and gets everywhere and it's itchy too), the ocean should be of average size also.
Thanks for any information helping on this
My GT is AJr Lachapelle and my rl name is coincidentally, Andre Junior Lachapelle (yes I'm canadian). I'm 40 (41 next spring if it ever comes back)
I have been playing Minecraft since almost a year now, pretty much play every evening as soon as my kids go to bed (approx 7h30 eastern to midnight)
I have a knack at being creative in survival mode (see through mines under lakes, creeper heads around nether portals mouths, anachronism integration - think Flintstones, believable buildings in general), so far I just experimented railing systems with the redstone, but they are all functionals and efficient.
I'm a team player who has humor and knows when to be serious and shutup... or not. Headset and-or kinect sensor available.
Sharing ideas, playing multiplayer and having an enjoyable time are my reasons to apply : -RIP cd3, bs48-
Just send a friend request to my gamertag followed by a message specifying it's for friendship with my son... His name is Anakin (yes daddy is a confirmed Starky since 1978... Daughter is named Leia and youngest is Luke... I tried to change my name to Obi-Wan but civil records wouldn't let me :P)
First, Thanks a lot to Eclypse for the Ender Portal coordinates, I have been looking for it for ages lol Kuddos for the much needed time saving
Okay, I found 8 more Diamonds Locations and now the proud owner of a full stack of shinnies, and then some (made a sweet sword and invested 30 levels enchanting it... just to put it on my mantle piece :P)
The cave system, as far as I can guess, DOES go under the entire world, I've found the Old Mine (Entry is near the Creeper Boat) and maybe there is only one huge Old Mine or maybe there is another, because I've found signs of it (rails, wood bracings) at pretty much the opposite way and pretty far from it too.
Here's the Diamonds Locations for the TU 12 settlers out there, Enjoy!
8) x42; y12; z-235 (another 8 diamonds spot)
9)x147; y12; z-190 ( 2 there)
10) x151;y 12; z-172 (5 here)
11) x96; y10; z25 (5 here too)
12) x133; y11; z-47 (4 there)
13) aaaaargh! just realized I forgot to write down Z, anyway, you might find them nonetheless, x151; y13 (only 2 so no biggy)
14) x114; y 13; z -11 (6 to be found)
15) x122; y14; z74 (3 more)
*edited update* 16) x114; y9; z-25 (3 more diamonds)*
... and still counting. For Hulyn: The Creeper Boat, if you haven't explored it already, has 2 chest on it, one on top of the mast (contains a disc) and one on the inside portion of the sail)... The village you've referred to, is next to 2-3 entryway to the cave system, if you sleep there, a zombie raid will ensue and the villagers will get wiped... it happened to my game, now it's the ghost town I gave to my kids to settle (I've encased the whole village in fences (stone and iron bars near the lava pit)... so they can play on the easy setting pretty safe
I will update this post as needed when I find more diamonds, or until the new Tutorial world gets out with the new update. Cheers!
For me, my concerns are on the release date, wich will mean a new tutorial world to explore the new features with... Anyone knows a date more specific than "sometime in march"?
I found 2-3 places with only one diamond (around lava pools), but I noted the locations of the spot I've found more than 2
1) x99; y11; z-250 (5 diamonds found)
2) x24; y12; z-216 (4 there)
3) x84; y12; z-246 (4 there too)
4) x91; y12; z-247 (8 Diamonds Jackpot there)
5) x196; y16; z-223 (4 there)
6) x121; y12; z-223 (6 found)
7) x171; y11; z-205 (5 there)
After building my enchantment table, I'm left with a total of 38 diamonds and still haven't explored HALF the cave system, wich seems to go forever under the entire world... There is LOTS of Redstone, and I've found Gold enough to build 2 times the achievment track!!! There is 4 villages, beside the castle-city (Player Town), I've found so much Iron, I gave them Golems just for fun
(if anyone would like to know, I've renamed the villages :
Forsaken Caves - Because every villagers got lost in the nearby mine; Now it belong to my 3 young children age 4-6-7... My advice is Do Not Build there, TNT is a play toy to them (they get back at Creepers with it, I must admit it's brilliant as much as it is devious--- I'm so proud of my Mini-Minecrafters )
Smithills Cross - There's a bridge I made to cross a river, it's surrounded by hills and it has a smithy, you get the idea...
Sugar Port - I've surrounded this coastal village with Sugar Canes and building a small port there, hence the name
Storm Dust - First time I came there, the village looked like it was hit by a desert storm pretty hard, lots of sand to shovel there before proceeding with colonization.
Can't wait to turn the next tutorial world into my playground
Good morning...
By default, the tutorial game starts in survival on the easy difficulty setting. At the start of the tutorial you are offered to either A (green button) go along the tutorial or press B to skip it... Afterwards you get 2 other chances to skip the tutorial. Once you skip or do the tutorial, just exit and save, to change settings (from easy to normal or hard ex.) and reload the game (oh and you can rename it as any other gameworld)... Hope this helps and prepare to be amazed (and get lost often) in the impressive cave system they've input in TU12 Cheers.
6) It does credit to the guys who cooked up such a nice showcasing of the features
First off, I'm far from being a "Master Builder", I started playing Minecraft last april (2013), and then again I only played the xbox 360 edition. I was looking for a game I could allow my children to play, one we could play as a family; and for this, Minecraft delivered in spades It is truly a family game, even the mobs won't give nightmares to my 4 year old !!!
This being said, I've seen, and tried a lot of gorgeous seeds; lots of play servers being advertised, most of wich are great, some are amazing and a few others, less so... But rarely do people invest time settling the Tutorial world, at least not that I am aware at the time of writting. I have pondered on this, since I'm fond of these introductory worlds, and here, I will give a few reasons why players should at the very least consider settling the tutorial world.
1) The tutorial can be skipped at the beginning and you can claim the world as your own right away, regardless of experience level (you can restart in creative if you wish)
2) The tutorial world WILL contain a bit of everything (villagers, end portal, diamonds, etc), maybe not a plenty, but enough so you can test it's possibilities.
3) The tutorial world ALWAYS include some nice building models to inspire you to do better (still haven't finished shoveling the gravel around the castle in tu12, that thing is huge)
4) The tutorial world has the Logo floating in the sky and I admit I'm kinda fond of having it in my game (pc users get to spawn it at will, I was told)
5) The tutorial world is easy settle by anyone, even an old newcomer to the game...
That's it for now, I may update these if I come up with more reasons in favor of Tutorial worlds. I am not telling you to absolutely use it, but rather to consider it when starting a new world... Tutorial Worlds are Fun! ... No... Really ! Cheers!