Your In Game Name:
Your Age:
Why do you want to play on this server?
It seems like it's a nice roleplay server, and I've been looking for a good one that's not too controlled by admins
Have you ever been banned from a server?
What does meta-gaming mean to you?
When you use something that you know from real life in the roleplay. Sulphur hasn't been discovered, but knows what it is.
What is your Role-Playing history? (Dungeons and Dragons, Elder Scrolls)
I've played a few sessions of dungeons and dragons ( That's what the sulphur example is from ). I only got to level 2, but I managed to survive a dragon ( by being knocked out the whole time )
What Role do you want to take on? (Warrior, Wizard, Priest;See Wikia for full lists)
I'm sort of torn between Necromancer and in the Wizards guild, both of them seem pretty interesting, but I think i'd wanna be a Wizard in the Wizards guild.
Can you show any on your Creations?: If you mean builds, then I've only got a few in imgur albums here and here
Where you learned of this server:
Just browsing the objective servers
Have you read the Lore?
Yes, it's very weird, yet still interesting
What Kingdom would you like to ally?
Dragonrend, seems appealing.
Have you joined our forums? (Optional)
No, but after a bit of playing I might.
Will you join a town or build one? (Must be a dedicated player to build a town)
I will join a town, as I don't like the stress of creating my own.
Your Timezone(For RP events)?
Est, Gmt -5:00
Will you be dedicated?If so how often will you play:
I'll try to play every day and can probably get a least an hour on each day
Info on your character:
Name of your Role-Play character(Will be your name in-game):
Aust Galanodel
Characteristics (Age,Appearance,Race,Etc)
Although Aust has a bit of Wood elf in his ancestry, he is mainly a human, but taller than average, and slightly sharper ears. He's got brown hair and dark brown ( almost black ) eyes. He's got generally clear skin, and a small nose. his hair is usually short, but can get slightly long if he goes off adventuring. Aust doesn't have the average skinny build, but is more square. He's slightly muscular, because he works out, but doesn't need it considering he's a wizard. Some of his nails are short, and others long, due to a nail biting problem. His legs and feet are of average size. Aust is currently 18, and has been for almost 4 months.
Short Backstory(Your origins, significant events in your life): [Optional, but really recommended]
Aust was born in the far away land of Elleniore. At age 10, he was sent off to the Fiant academy of wizardry ( the biggest and best wizard school of the known land ) and learned about magic until he turned 17. During his time at the academy, Aust decided that he wanted to explore the world. Only a month after he graduated, he boarded a ship, the Maria Love. On the travels, many died in a shipwreck. They landed on an area. The ship was repaired, and it went back off to sea. Aust however stayed at this land, the land of Arksandr.
Your alignment: (Lawful Good,Lawful Evil, Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil;Beware! Decision Will affect gameplay)
Aust has always had good intentions, but not necessarily good ways of doing them. Chaotic Good.
your question is "where do I start?". Correct? Because if so start with the basic layout, if you want water separating the districts stay with how you want the canals to bend and weave and split off into a different area of the canal.
Hint: Everything build in a medieval layout must be build 4x-6x larger then you intend
· Minecraft Name: Blobthegod
· Real life age: 16
· How you found this post: Along the suggested topics of Minecraft Forums
· IC Name: Kai Aiden
· IC Age: 22
· Gender: Male
· Ambitions: Still unknown how he wants to proceed with his life he awaits for the outside world to show him the path brightest to him
· Personality: Quiet and keeps to himself , with infinite patience, living life with integrity, originality, and keeps to his visions and own creativity
· Preferred Job: CEO (or whatever one owns there own company)
· Biography: Dead ends everywhere in his own hometown saw a light on a bus bought him self a ticket with what money he had and headed off to where ever the bus took him to start a new life, he left behind all his friends and his family, he kept on taking the bus hoping he could find some place of great opportunity.