i'm not complaining about it...its just confusing when they worked hard on every other update and this one...just doesn't seem like enough work was put into it.
i'm probably just gonna attempt to log into the mojang site everyday til this:
We're currently performing changes to our account authentication process, this is affecting a large number of players when logging in. In most cases our range of support articles and self help functions will allow you to resolve the issue yourself. Please see our help articles below.
i think someone is lying.. no?
i lost my transaction too, but i searched for about what.. a couple hours? everyplace, everywhere, even in chats,and i managed to found it.
try to search for the email of purchase
If SOMEONE purchased your minecraft account, ask him/her to search for the email of purchase, you, eventualy... will find it, like... why give up without even trying? xD
You cant search for a couple minutes and dare do say that you dont have it?
also this was december 25th 2010 when i got minecraft and the card that was used for it is expired and i think its either thrown away or just buried somewhere so i can't get the last numbers for it...
i hope mojang fixes this and its not a person in the servers because i've been seeing quite a bit of people having trouble logging in. even on that site you shown about the isitdown site.
Same thing happen to me. It looks like Mojang deleted my whole account because I had to recreate the account using the same email and now my Minecraft account is gone. I cannot login or anything, its telling me I need to purchase the game again. My account had a 2013 Minecon Cape on it also. Im pretty mad...
you literally just reposted this from another thread.
are people loosing their account every single day? i lost mine a few days ago someone on my thread said they lost theirs with same reason on 3/10 and you...well you have a different situation but still.
Well kinda late but "You have to defeat me...IN A DANCE OFF!" *if someone can get me what the BB codes are then i'd appreciate it because i cant find it on here unlike the old reply thing*
I founded that Mossy Cobble stone spawns in normal biomes and If you take a Screen Shot YOu can Click the underlined date of Screen Shot and See it Directly
seriously these guys are acusing mojang...you are not the best people, when people want to make a game in real life they put it in a game for instance minecraft
i'm not complaining about it...its just confusing when they worked hard on every other update and this one...just doesn't seem like enough work was put into it.
its unusual
Already? after a few weeks there's ALREADY a pre-release?
actually i more remember you from cubebots from that infinite life core idea...
sad that no one still picked it up the mod development.
Whoa you still exist i haven't seen you for 2 years *since minegicka*
also this is a pretty cool idea for a mod.
i'm probably just gonna attempt to log into the mojang site everyday til this:
We're currently performing changes to our account authentication process, this is affecting a large number of players when logging in. In most cases our range of support articles and self help functions will allow you to resolve the issue yourself. Please see our help articles below.
is done with.
i didn't say i lost it i just cant get it :l
also i did say he reposted that from another thread because it was true it came from another thread.
http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-discussion/discussion/2633694-uh-is-my-account-gone-im-confused?comment=5 see for your self.
also this was december 25th 2010 when i got minecraft and the card that was used for it is expired and i think its either thrown away or just buried somewhere so i can't get the last numbers for it...
i hope mojang fixes this and its not a person in the servers because i've been seeing quite a bit of people having trouble logging in. even on that site you shown about the isitdown site.
I was not expecting so many people to have the same issue .-.
at least its good to know i'm not alone.
should we keep this thread open til this epidemic is over?
reason is to keep it open because there may be a lot more people.
you're having the same issue or paranoid this might happen?
you literally just reposted this from another thread.
like i said i don't have my transaction ID and i have no way of getting it.
i wish i did however but those images are my only proof.
Okay this is great to know. so i can't log in at the moment is what you're saying.
Actually *sorry for keeping this thread alive*
I get this when logging in "Error! Unknown e-mail address or password."
wouldn't i have gotten an email if it was changed...
or was it deleted ...that'd be a scary thought if so...and a waste of $26
are people loosing their account every single day? i lost mine a few days ago someone on my thread said they lost theirs with same reason on 3/10 and you...well you have a different situation but still.
i do have one issue though and that's about the transaction ID.
what do i do with that if i don't have anyway of getting it.
this was like December 25th 2010 when i got it.
that's all i can remember about the purchase.
That's alright, i thought someone here would know what to do at least in a situation like this.