Earth. 'Nuff said.
- 7_7
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Member for 8 years, 9 months, and 13 days
Last active Wed, Jul, 20 2016 18:06:17
- 83 Total Posts
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AJPirate posted a message on What's your favorite celestial object that is in our solar system?Posted in: General Off Topic -
JJ48car posted a message on My "ideas" threadPosted in: General Off TopicQuote from Thunderhoof111»
As I mentioned, it's sloppy and there isn't the same amount of days in each month. And two Months are named after roman emperors that ruled a kingdom. There are far worse dictators and rulers we could name months after, but why roman emperors? Why advocate for a system that isn't straight forward and efficient?
And as I stated in my original post, these are quirks, not flaws. You have not given any reason as to why having months with different numbers of days is a bad thing. I can see how it may not be entirely straightforward, but how is it inefficient?
Furthermore, I find it somewhat ironic that you object to months being named after Roman emperors, and yet you actually propose naming the months after Roman gods and titans. This is about as ridiculous as if I were to object to Thursday being named for the Norse god Thor, and propose that instead we call it "Bragisday" for Bragi.
As for why Roman culture, specifically, I believe a lot of it has to do with the fact that much of Western civilization can trace its roots back to Rome, and the scientists and philosophers naming things tended to view Roman culture as part of their heritage. -
Fozzdude posted a message on What has Minecraft taught you?Posted in: DiscussionIt's taught me that you can jump from anything, no matter the height, and be totally fine, so long as you land in a small pool of water.
Illidicia posted a message on Would you use the above avatar as a pillow?Posted in: Forum GamesI, on the other hand, am not fireproof. So probably not.
JJ48car posted a message on Things You Hate In Video GamesPosted in: General GamingQuote from Endergirl00»
Main character's main weakness is water.
Seriously though, how is it that some main characters are trained professionals but don't know one simple thing such as swimming?
Many people don't realize this, but most video game heroes are actually descendants of the Wicked Witch of the West. -
Cerroz posted a message on Players with premium account should bypass the in-game server login requirementPosted in: Suggestions*is someone's little brother*
*goes on big bro's wicked awesome PC*
*goes in a server without logging in*
*messes up big bro's stuff because my brain doesn't know any better*
DirtDog posted a message on Shimeji MegathreadPosted in: General Off TopicBrilliant! I mean, Clippy, flying toasters, and countless other iconic screen saver type crap was far too underutilized back in the 90's... Wait, I haven't inadvertently gone back in time have I?
I thought we collectively, the interwebs as a whole, learned that valuable lesson about not downloading .exe files based on a random suggestion on a forum? No? Well by all means, download away. We all need more useless crap on our computers.
Taigona posted a message on What is the most worthless item in Minecraft?Posted in: DiscussionQuote from GerbilCrab475»
It's a tie between the poisonous potato and clown fish. Beetroot is close but it's good for pig and chicken farming (food not so much).
Well, a clownfish restores half a hunger point (I think; I don't remember what its stats are) but a poisonous potato is, of course, poisonous. The clownfish might not be terribly valuable, but at least it's innocuous. -
DaBomb posted a message on The Dumbest Thing Anyone Has Ever SaidPosted in: General Off Topic
Sarcasm? What, you think I, a gender-orthogonal chartreuse-kin would joke about this blatant enforcement of binary, birth-imposed gender?
Maybe your privilege has allowed you to spread transphobia unopposed in the past, but I won't stand for it -
Fozzdude posted a message on Who has the best avatar out of the two above posters?Posted in: Forum GamesSorry, but Michael Emerson wins by default.
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Because we have bigger problems at hand, like poverty, world hunger, etc.
Did you not notice the lol jk below the larger text? It was meant to be a joke.
Also, *there's
I used to. Then it broke when I slammed it against my desk in frustration.
Do you watch anime?
I think you misunderstood the point of this thread. You rate how well you know the user above you out of 10.
OT: 1/10
Careful, we can't let this leak out to the general public.
Banned for molting on my sofa. My sofa is comfy, and here you are, getting cat hair all over it.
It worked out, and we all got a good grade. It was just exceedingly frustrating.
Perhaps your hardware is inadequate for Windows 10?
Anyone can bump threads if they have a valid reason or doing so.
I learned that Hell contains evil flying sugar cubes that spit fire.