I kid you not, every single time I have to work together with someone and we split up the work, there's always something that goes wrong.
Their part of the work was not finished
Their part of the work contains lots of spelling mistakes, as if they wanted to make it as fast as possible.
Their part's content/lay-out was by far not good enough for the teacher's standards
As I myself am not laid-back when it comes to overall quality of schoolwork and I certainly want it to be finished on time, this is very frustrating for me.
In a math class once, we had to split into groups to calculate the cost of planning a party. It would have been fun, had the group allowed me to do any actual work.
I got to try the Google Cardboard, which has so far been my only experience with VR. It's definitely really cool, but takin a look at other headsets shows that they're also very demanding on computers and very pricey. In addition, as MafiaDog pointed out, VR games currently aren't very good.
When the price goes down, sure, I'll buy a VR headset, but not in it's current state.
Pretty interesting. Can't wait to see the other effects.
Partial Support until new effects are added.
Not banned for amusing name.
When the bosses are easy-moderately difficult, and then the final boss is suddenly dramatically harder.
Looks like I'm a little late, but I enjoyed Sims 4. I personally think it's worth it.
It worked out, and we all got a good grade. It was just exceedingly frustrating.
Are you referring to ingame chat or the forums? You can use images in the forums.
I think you're suggesting that the Minecraft chat should support images. If so, this belongs in the Suggestions section.
Here's my current skin.
Tut tut, you didn't say please.
But you don't have a family member who has a credit card or anything like that? It's impossible to buy Minecraft with cash.
In a math class once, we had to split into groups to calculate the cost of planning a party. It would have been fun, had the group allowed me to do any actual work.
Isn't this a cache issue? I think I heard somewhere that it's a cache thing.I could be spouting nonsense though.Nvm, I was wrong.
I got to try the Google Cardboard, which has so far been my only experience with VR. It's definitely really cool, but takin a look at other headsets shows that they're also very demanding on computers and very pricey. In addition, as MafiaDog pointed out, VR games currently aren't very good.
When the price goes down, sure, I'll buy a VR headset, but not in it's current state.
How to cause a rivalry with a popular trading card game/ video game/anime/toy line.
Banned because it appears your two right tires are empty, as you are leaning towards the right.
After a quick Google search on who Shulk is, I have come to the conclusion that I am quite lucky.