NC never actually did, that's the combination of a texture pack made by me and one made by Proxy. It made it easier for me to see what fuels and isotopes I was using.
well if possible i wold like to see those textures being the default ones for future NC versions!
when did NC got a a re-texture ? i see that the cooler blocks have different textures not to monition that fuel types are displayed on the item themselves
hello,can you try to add Nevermine 2's ores ? If you can, it will make me very happy.I always support your mod from 1.6. Your mod is pretty cool! I am a Chinese, I hope you can understand what I said, some of the grammar may not be right. I will be looking forward to your reply!
the mod author already implemented a dynamic ore detection system based on the Ore Dictionary so as long as the ore is registered in the Ore Dictionary a recipe and a reed will be automatically created for and that in my opinion is more than enough.
if you want Nevermine 2's ore reeds go add each ores to the Ore Dictionary using MineTweaker (super easy) manually then and only if you even bothered doing it please share the script file
Is this mod still being maintained? The links in the original post don't work, it appears that section of the mod author's site is down. His main site is up, but not the Matter Overdrive section. Anyone know?
Looks like the original post needs an update regardless, it lists 1.7.10 and my understanding is that development is focused around a newer version of Minecraft with 1.7.10 only getting major bug fixes from this point.
nope this mod got axed and no longer being maintained for 1.7.10
A redstone signal into the controller and a supply of electrons should get it running - if it's saying 11x11 in the GUI then it's picking up the structure correctly.
ok got it working!, turned out that there were some super sneaky electromagnets & supercoolers that aren't' getting power/helium.
i only just noticed it but the Synchrotron Controller doesn't tell ya if there is unpowered electromagnet or supercoolers so it was really hard figuring out the problem especially when it comes to those sneaky corner bits.
also how the heck are you supposed to power that one electromagnet behind the Synchrotron Controller without some kinda of mod that transfer power wirelessly (Draconic Evolution in this case) by linking it with the block? or does the Synchrotron Controller transmit some of it's power to it ?
tbh i think you should make the ring check system so that it ignores if there is a block inside the "tube"
PS : how much RF does the Synchrotron Controller consumes per tick ? or does it just consume as much power as you feed it to it ?
regarding the Particle Accelerator, how do you activate it ? i build 11x11 (says in the GUI) ring and made sure that every Electromagnet (even the bottom ones) is powered using EIO Creative Capacitor + TD Resonant Flux-ducts.
i also made sure that every Supercooler (even ones in the corners) is receiving Liquid Helium from 12 Bedrock Liquid Helium Drums using the Super Fluid Duct but i can't figure out how to to activate it.
redstone signal does not work and i made sure to pump in RF & Electron Capsules into the controller
oh wow! so 1mb of SuperDense Steam = 1000mb of Dense Steam which equals = 1000mb of Steam for every 1mb of Dense Steam ? that's a lot of steam!!
2 qustions :
is there a way to increase the speed or the amount of Super/Dense that is getting decompressed at once from the config file ? it 's probably because my PC is old but 7 of those really lags my world (again my PC os really old so it's totally cool)
also can i change the amount of steam that is generated per/tick from 400k/tick to 500k/tick (mostly because even numbers bugs me ?
it occurs even if the internal reactor tank is empty.
to replicate the issue build a size 3 toroid fusion steam reactor then use DT combo and watch the internal steam buffer tank of the rector, once it reaches 400k it resets back to 0 and so on
it's just a visual bug though so once you connect tank the correct amount of dense steam will be outputted
BTW am using the latest v1.9a and it seems to be working as long as you store the Dense Steam in a tank or something but the Fusion Steam Reactor doesn't seem to store steam in it, at least visually that is because once i connect a tank it immediately outputs the correct amount of Dense Steam so it's not a serious problem and you don't have to look into it for now.
I just thought letting know anybody that the Fusion Steam Reactor doesn't void it's internal generated steam if there isn't a tank that is storing it and instead seems to be just a visual bug in the GUI
Do any of the Ender IO recipes require aluminium ingots? Aluminum is the only ore not enabled and I don't want to have it generating if there is no use for it.
nope AFAIK only the base modded metals that are added by Thermal Foundations
yep by default EIO uses mod metals such Thermal Foundation cooper, tin, lead ..etc just like you said you can change it the config file so that it uses only vanilla ingots
The Wyvern Flux Capacitor discharges into any draconium block in my inventory... is that intended or an oversight?
the Wyvern & Draconic Flux Capacitors shouldn't charge anything that isn't in your hotbar but it could be an intended feature to charge Draconium blocks within a player inventory
nevertheless you can just disable the Flux Capacitor when you have draconium block/s in your inventory
this mod version for 1.7.10 is dead so don't bother.
it was left unfinished ,WIP not to mention very bugged
you could just hover over the fuels
well if possible i wold like to see those textures being the default ones for future NC versions!
when did NC got a a re-texture ? i see that the cooler blocks have different textures not to monition that fuel types are displayed on the item themselves
the mod author already implemented a dynamic ore detection system based on the Ore Dictionary so as long as the ore is registered in the Ore Dictionary a recipe and a reed will be automatically created for and that in my opinion is more than enough.
if you want Nevermine 2's ore reeds go add each ores to the Ore Dictionary using MineTweaker (super easy) manually then and only if you even bothered doing it please share the script file
nope this mod got axed and no longer being maintained for 1.7.10
that's the latest version of 1.7.10 that i could find
ok got it working!, turned out that there were some super sneaky electromagnets & supercoolers that aren't' getting power/helium.
i only just noticed it but the Synchrotron Controller doesn't tell ya if there is unpowered electromagnet or supercoolers so it was really hard figuring out the problem especially when it comes to those sneaky corner bits.
also how the heck are you supposed to power that one electromagnet behind the Synchrotron Controller without some kinda of mod that transfer power wirelessly (Draconic Evolution in this case) by linking it with the block? or does the Synchrotron Controller transmit some of it's power to it ?
tbh i think you should make the ring check system so that it ignores if there is a block inside the "tube"
PS : how much RF does the Synchrotron Controller consumes per tick ? or does it just consume as much power as you feed it to it ?
regarding the Particle Accelerator, how do you activate it ? i build 11x11 (says in the GUI) ring and made sure that every Electromagnet (even the bottom ones) is powered using EIO Creative Capacitor + TD Resonant Flux-ducts.
i also made sure that every Supercooler (even ones in the corners) is receiving Liquid Helium from 12 Bedrock Liquid Helium Drums using the Super Fluid Duct but i can't figure out how to to activate it.
redstone signal does not work and i made sure to pump in RF & Electron Capsules into the controller
oh wow! so 1mb of SuperDense Steam = 1000mb of Dense Steam which equals = 1000mb of Steam for every 1mb of Dense Steam ? that's a lot of steam!!
2 qustions :
is there a way to increase the speed or the amount of Super/Dense that is getting decompressed at once from the config file ? it 's probably because my PC is old but 7 of those really lags my world (again my PC os really old so it's totally cool)
also can i change the amount of steam that is generated per/tick from 400k/tick to 500k/tick (mostly because even numbers bugs me
it occurs even if the internal reactor tank is empty.
to replicate the issue build a size 3 toroid fusion steam reactor then use DT combo and watch the internal steam buffer tank of the rector, once it reaches 400k it resets back to 0 and so on
it's just a visual bug though so once you connect tank the correct amount of dense steam will be outputted
um can you look into this ?
BTW am using the latest v1.9a and it seems to be working as long as you store the Dense Steam in a tank or something but the Fusion Steam Reactor doesn't seem to store steam in it, at least visually that is because once i connect a tank it immediately outputs the correct amount of Dense Steam so it's not a serious problem and you don't have to look into it for now.
I just thought letting know anybody that the Fusion Steam Reactor doesn't void it's internal generated steam if there isn't a tank that is storing it and instead seems to be just a visual bug in the GUI
oh may god those Neptunium, Americium, Curium and Californium are really mouthful to pronounce
also does the EMP bomb affect other modded machines such as ones from EIO, TE, BC ..etc ??
nope AFAIK only the base modded metals that are added by Thermal Foundations
yep by default EIO uses mod metals such Thermal Foundation cooper, tin, lead ..etc just like you said you can change it the config file so that it uses only vanilla ingots
the Wyvern & Draconic Flux Capacitors shouldn't charge anything that isn't in your hotbar but it could be an intended feature to charge Draconium blocks within a player inventory
nevertheless you can just disable the Flux Capacitor when you have draconium block/s in your inventory