Quote from TheMightyAnonym
- Firefox spellcheck no longer works in the text box. If this is not fixed, a puppy will die every time I make a typo.
With WYSIWYG turned off (switch on the top left corner of the edit toolbar), the fancy formatting features are turned off, but Firefox spell checking support returns.
It seems to be offline?
BlockLauncherLauncher: a custom BlockLauncher launcher for Android
BlockLauncherLauncher is a custom BlockLauncher Launcher that wraps around BlockLauncher, so you can launch a launcher from your launcher while your launcher launches your launcher.
Download free version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fqnmBSesbtbWxaaVRDa3hfcWc/view?usp=sharing
PocketInvEditor uses SpoutNBT to read/write these NBT files; https://github.com/TkTech/PyNBT can also read them.
See http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Pocket_Edition_Level_Format for more information.
Anyways, here's a beta that gives everyone a cow cape: http://tinyw.in/bl
Soon, you will be able to upload capes to blskins.
Here's what setting render distance to 512 blocks looks like:
(keep in mind that the normal max render distance is 224 blocks)
- Convert worlds from Minecraft PC 1.2 and above to worlds compatiable with MCPE 0.9.0 and above.
- All blocks that exist in both PC and PE are converted directly - any blocks that do not exist in PE are turned into wools
- Horizontal size of the convertion area is not limited - any chunks that were generated in PC will be converted.
Currently not supported - possible future additions
- Mobs and other entities are not transferred.
- Inventories of chests and furnaces are not transferred.
- Signs are not transferred.
- only the lower 128 blocks of a world is converted, because MCPE's world height is lower than MCPC's.
Buy on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.zhuoweizhang.worldtope
Buy on Amazon Appstore: http://www.amazon.ca/Zhuowei-Zhang-WorldToPE/dp/B00RJJ9AWO
Demo (will only convert a 32x32 area, not the whole world): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9YZBHL7jnUDWW4yUlRGRmZ1eWM/view
Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/uKZXS
ExplodingArrows still works fine on 0.10.1, by the way; it didn't need an update.
Developer here - 3 FPS for me on Nexus 7 (2012)
No. I don't support piracy. Go buy Minecraft: it costs like 27 dollars and is worth every penny.
The Zenfone uses an Intel Atom processor, which is not supported by BlockLauncher at this point
Anyways, BlockLauncher 1.7.8 has been released: changelog:
added bold text to chat colouring options
Test support for the MPEP format developed by CheesyFriedBacon
added Player.isFlying, setFlying, canFly, setCanFly, Level.get/setGrassColor, getBiome, getBiomeName
can disable individual addons
added explodeHook
readded entityAddedHook, entityRemovedHook, and blockEventHook
chat history can be disabled
support for MediaTek devices on Android 4.3
added Immersive Mode toggle for Android 4.4
added patch to fix rendering of Korean/Chinese/Japanese text
Download: http://tinyw.in/bl
So... basically an extended PTPatch?
No, I haven't had a chance to respond to anyone on the forums recently.
The old method of making crafting recipes still works in 0.9.2 (they're auto-converted to shaped recipes), but if you want to control how your crafting recipe looks, take a look at the enchantment table script, which showcases the new Item.addShapedRecipe method. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhuowei/ModPEScripts/master/500ise_enchantingbench.js
(It's similar to how recipes are defined for Desktop edition)