Hey noppes, if you get this please put it on your list of things to do.
I would like you to put a button or choice on the jobs or duties tab. You can call it zombie or whatever you want. Basically if this is selected it makes it where if the npc kills another one that npc respawns as the killer, same skin and options, maybe not its items. And like trader, under that tab if you can set it to drop everything its wearing and holding and or on of those. And maybe also have a option were it spawns with the killers items he/she has. You could make cool games, movies or skits with that. Please add that and I will most likely be happy.
It must be impossible to store much data in a standart egg.
It would be possible to make a custom item, but what's the use of it? Whole new item just because u're too lazy to press rightclick and select a clone?
No...i am making clash of clans and i have made barbarians, archers, giants, archer towers, cannons, clan castle, balloon guys and wizards. I need a system where you can buy eggs of a barbarian and then spawn them in the battle field. Or craft the eggs. So no i am not lazy i just need that system to make it better. (If i where lazy i wouldn't have done all that).
Hey I was wandering if you could make eggs of the npc's so i could spawn them faster and use them in a map. Like if you bought them. Version 1.7.10 and 1.7.2.
Hi! I am making a adventure map and i need some help. I need the npc's to actually have to look at you to see you. When i get near them (and yes i set it to attack when seen) they automaticaly turn and attack. There is no sneaking up on them. PLease help.
Add me... 4SeaBass. I have been playing mcpe for about two and a half years now. I have never actually gotten to join a server like this :-)
So please add me if you have a opening and God bless :-)!
Sounds cool :-)! Will have to try it :-). I actually am new to making maps to :-)
I have made two maps in total. One is clone defence and the other is zombie defence. Try them out if you want :-)!
If you ever want to make a map together P.M. me :-)!
Hey noppes, if you get this please put it on your list of things to do.
I would like you to put a button or choice on the jobs or duties tab. You can call it zombie or whatever you want. Basically if this is selected it makes it where if the npc kills another one that npc respawns as the killer, same skin and options, maybe not its items. And like trader, under that tab if you can set it to drop everything its wearing and holding and or on of those. And maybe also have a option were it spawns with the killers items he/she has. You could make cool games, movies or skits with that. Please add that and I will most likely be happy.
This is a amazing mod and i really would like the assasins job for npc's to be added! Thx and God Bless!
No...i am making clash of clans and i have made barbarians, archers, giants, archer towers, cannons, clan castle, balloon guys and wizards. I need a system where you can buy eggs of a barbarian and then spawn them in the battle field. Or craft the eggs. So no i am not lazy i just need that system to make it better. (If i where lazy i wouldn't have done all that).
It is called zombie defence and I have another one called clone defence.
Edit: I got it! You have to have block launcher pro to use it.
You can download the apk online.
Problems: When I press button it says open menu. It doesn't do anything?
Please fix.
So please add me if you have a opening and God bless :-)!
I have made two maps in total. One is clone defence and the other is zombie defence. Try them out if you want :-)!
If you ever want to make a map together P.M. me :-)!