I beleive right now, the staff are busy building a new map for us to play on, so i think we should just leave the whitelist thing alone until they give us some status update on it eventually.
IGN: 42nd_hitchhiker
Age: 15
Location: United States
Timezone (collected to determine time): Eastern time Zone
Why do you want to join Eclipsies: I've found that I tend to do a lot better in smaller RP servers, even if they grow rapidly. I'm interested in this as an RP server, and i'm somewhat jumping onto it early before several others come on.
What will you do to help (2-3 sentences): I can handle tons of redstone gimmickry and creating traps for the towns, so I could do well as an defensive person, building fortifications, gates, and such.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
(Optional) Any more information you want to give us: I"ve done several large RP servers, and i was at a point part of staff on some larger ones, and i've built several contraptions.
IGN(in game name): 42nd_hitchhiker
Age(be honest): 15
Experience with minecraft: Was around since the free weekend, got premium in late alpha.
Do you know how to use WorldEdit?: I know how to use cuboid, and that's about the same thing...
Are you responsible: Pretty much, I can't bother with doing irresponsible things.
Are you a griefer: Unless i'm in single player, no.
What would you like to help out with: Pretty much general things, doesn't really matter.
How many hours a day on average do you play minecraft: about 1-2 hours, depends on school load.
Are you nice: yeah.
Do you help people and follow orders: yup.
Do you complain or use foul language a lot: I only use fowl languge if something really goes wrong.
Why do you think you'll be a good admin/mod: Well, i've done it several times before, and i'm very level-headed. I never ban really, i do use /kick though.
Would you hug a creeper: Yes, i'd hug it to death lol
Extra Info: I'm pretty much an general all-rounder, but I'm bad with aboveground structures. I'm best when it comes to RS wiring.
InGameName: 42nd_hitchhiker
Age: 15
Skype(Optional): None
Microphone(Yes/No): No
HowLongHaveYouPlayedMinecraft: Late Alpha, right before Beta Release
HowLongAreYouOnADay: Depends, about 1 Hr nowdays
CreatingVillage(Yes/No): No
JoiningVillage(Yes/No): Yes
VillageInfo: If OpacusMortu's village is open to me, I'll join
AnyOtherInfoAboutYourself: I'm looking for a new server to join, last one i was on crumbled to bits.
So uh, it's been a while. I haven't seen any sign of this server updating to 1.8, but i think that's partially Notch and Jeb's fault. They've been releasing 1.9 pre-release jars so often, i think everyone's waiting for an 1.9 that actually works before getting updated servers. Unfortunately, that means nobody's really motivated to get 1.8 server up, since 1.9 could come out rather soon :dry.gif:
Here's to hoping that the server will rise from the ashes once more, like a phoenix.
Well, did anyone keep the 1.7.3 Jar lol? I recently went on, and there was nobody to be seen at all. I have an 1.7.3, an 1.8, and an 1.9 pre-release jar, so i' m jumping game forms a lot.
Well, endermen should be souped up, so they're stronger, and more fearsome. However, wandering through an abandoned mine, and seeing an enderman is pretty scary, actually did that once.
Endermen are pretty fearsome, but a bit weak, if they were stronger, i'd be wearing a pumpkin forever.
I've changed my mind lol, i'll be staying on this server for a while. I think the greifing scared me off, but i think the server's good enough to support a while longer...
BTW, if you left because i left, i apologize lol
I have decided to hand in my resignation. I shall be moving on to new servers, since this one is pretty much dying/dead now. Everyone, Have fun wherever you end up eventually.
IGN: 42nd_hitchhiker
The Desired Race: Dwarves
The Desired Class: Warrior
Age: 15
Why you want to join: I've allways enjoyed faction servers, and this one seems like an very interesting server. The idea of floating islands is allready attracting me, and the wars between factions seems interesting, as long as it's not continous seiges on one faction lol.
Experience in pvp and building settings: I've done a few faction servers, and i've built some pretty large structures in several servers before. I'm not excellent at building exterior, but i do well when it comes to supplying with resources and redstone gimmickry.
Anything else we should know about: Well, I found out about this server from a freind of mine, hifivedrew, and i don't really have anything other notable to say.
About you, personal and Minecraft related: I'm very calm and rational, and when it comes to servers, i tend to distance my base to prevent greifers, but since there's protected plots, it should be fine.
What job would you like to have? List your first and second choice: I'd go with a farmer job, and if that's not possible, i'll go as a hunter.
What is your wish to do on this server if accepted?: Pretty much create an interesting base and farming system using the new update's materials
What do you like to see out of a server: A good server with clear distinct faction/job systems, and people who are sociable
Do you see yourself as a mature player? Yes, i'm very mature
Why should we accept you? I've been whitelisted to several other servers, never banned, and have had several higher jobs such as moderator or admin.
I'm not fully sure if i'm getting any boosts from this update. I used to get like 150 FPS on multiplayer servers, but in singleplayer nowdays, i get like 100 at most. I have no idea why my FPS has seemingly dropped, i never used the GL thing. I'm using all the same settings, but i do notice holding a map makes my FPS drop slightly.
In Game Name: 42nd_hitchhiker
Have you read the Rules carefully? Yeah, the rules are the same standard ones that most servers use, so i understand it fully
Why do you wish to join: I just need a new server, and this one seems pretty good. I did enjoy the last faction server i was on, and this one has craftbook, so i have interest.
Real life age: 15
Have you ever been banned from another server for any reason? I think once, but that was because of some hacker, who went on a banspree on every member of a server. Other than that, no.
History: I'm an minecrafter from alpha period, and i've done a few servers before, mainly survival and prison servrers. I haven't really done any RPG servers, because none have appealed to me, but this one seems interesting, and i like to join small growing communities before the train zips off.
Requested Job: Builder or Engineer (Redstone stuff)
Any Experience with Permisssions? : I've been OP, mods, and admins on quite a few servers, so i have some experience, but i'm not an whiz with them. i rarely mess around with permissions if i have those powers- allways goes badly.
Anything else: I'm just sociable and i tend to wander somewhere to live, if there's no whitelist. if there is a whitelist, then i tend to live closer to centralized locations. I'm also somewhat good at creating redstone contraptions, but i'm not an great one.
Age: 15
Location: United States
Timezone (collected to determine time): Eastern time Zone
Why do you want to join Eclipsies: I've found that I tend to do a lot better in smaller RP servers, even if they grow rapidly. I'm interested in this as an RP server, and i'm somewhat jumping onto it early before several others come on.
What will you do to help (2-3 sentences): I can handle tons of redstone gimmickry and creating traps for the towns, so I could do well as an defensive person, building fortifications, gates, and such.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
(Optional) Any more information you want to give us: I"ve done several large RP servers, and i was at a point part of staff on some larger ones, and i've built several contraptions.
Age(be honest): 15
Experience with minecraft: Was around since the free weekend, got premium in late alpha.
Do you know how to use WorldEdit?: I know how to use cuboid, and that's about the same thing...
Are you responsible: Pretty much, I can't bother with doing irresponsible things.
Are you a griefer: Unless i'm in single player, no.
What would you like to help out with: Pretty much general things, doesn't really matter.
How many hours a day on average do you play minecraft: about 1-2 hours, depends on school load.
Are you nice: yeah.
Do you help people and follow orders: yup.
Do you complain or use foul language a lot: I only use fowl languge if something really goes wrong.
Why do you think you'll be a good admin/mod: Well, i've done it several times before, and i'm very level-headed. I never ban really, i do use /kick though.
Would you hug a creeper: Yes, i'd hug it to death lol
Extra Info: I'm pretty much an general all-rounder, but I'm bad with aboveground structures. I'm best when it comes to RS wiring.
Age: 15
Skype(Optional): None
Microphone(Yes/No): No
HowLongHaveYouPlayedMinecraft: Late Alpha, right before Beta Release
HowLongAreYouOnADay: Depends, about 1 Hr nowdays
CreatingVillage(Yes/No): No
JoiningVillage(Yes/No): Yes
VillageInfo: If OpacusMortu's village is open to me, I'll join
AnyOtherInfoAboutYourself: I'm looking for a new server to join, last one i was on crumbled to bits.
Here's to hoping that the server will rise from the ashes once more, like a phoenix.
Endermen are pretty fearsome, but a bit weak, if they were stronger, i'd be wearing a pumpkin forever.
BTW, if you left because i left, i apologize lol
The Desired Race: Dwarves
The Desired Class: Warrior
Age: 15
Why you want to join: I've allways enjoyed faction servers, and this one seems like an very interesting server. The idea of floating islands is allready attracting me, and the wars between factions seems interesting, as long as it's not continous seiges on one faction lol.
Experience in pvp and building settings: I've done a few faction servers, and i've built some pretty large structures in several servers before. I'm not excellent at building exterior, but i do well when it comes to supplying with resources and redstone gimmickry.
Anything else we should know about: Well, I found out about this server from a freind of mine, hifivedrew, and i don't really have anything other notable to say.
Thanks for your time lol
Location: Virginia
About you, personal and Minecraft related: I'm very calm and rational, and when it comes to servers, i tend to distance my base to prevent greifers, but since there's protected plots, it should be fine.
What job would you like to have? List your first and second choice: I'd go with a farmer job, and if that's not possible, i'll go as a hunter.
What is your wish to do on this server if accepted?: Pretty much create an interesting base and farming system using the new update's materials
What do you like to see out of a server: A good server with clear distinct faction/job systems, and people who are sociable
Do you see yourself as a mature player? Yes, i'm very mature
Why should we accept you? I've been whitelisted to several other servers, never banned, and have had several higher jobs such as moderator or admin.
Have you read the Rules carefully? Yeah, the rules are the same standard ones that most servers use, so i understand it fully
Why do you wish to join: I just need a new server, and this one seems pretty good. I did enjoy the last faction server i was on, and this one has craftbook, so i have interest.
Real life age: 15
Have you ever been banned from another server for any reason? I think once, but that was because of some hacker, who went on a banspree on every member of a server. Other than that, no.
History: I'm an minecrafter from alpha period, and i've done a few servers before, mainly survival and prison servrers. I haven't really done any RPG servers, because none have appealed to me, but this one seems interesting, and i like to join small growing communities before the train zips off.
Requested Job: Builder or Engineer (Redstone stuff)
Any Experience with Permisssions? : I've been OP, mods, and admins on quite a few servers, so i have some experience, but i'm not an whiz with them. i rarely mess around with permissions if i have those powers- allways goes badly.
Anything else: I'm just sociable and i tend to wander somewhere to live, if there's no whitelist. if there is a whitelist, then i tend to live closer to centralized locations. I'm also somewhat good at creating redstone contraptions, but i'm not an great one.