General Rules
- Minecraft related creations only
- Do not post content made by others. Only post your own content.
- Do not post your content in the threads of other members; instead create a thread of your own.
- Do not post threads which require a member to subscribe to you in return for inclusion in any projects (giveaways).
Videos and Screenshots
- Any videos which involve swearing/griefing are not allowed.
- Please don't forget to embed all videos and screenshots, only providing external links is not allowed. (How to embed videos -- How to upload pictures)
Art Shops and Requests
- In the Art Shops and Requests sections, selling your creations and/or art-related services for money or trading for other services is allowed, however we provide no assurances or protections for customer and seller. Any complaints about sellers or buyers will be ignored.
- In the Art Shops section, do not request free art from paid shops. Only the OP can decide whether they will distribute any samples or not.
- Art Shop owners: Reviewing/evaluating the quality of other shops is not allowed.
Added: Parkour for noobs, Where is santa, peppermint hill, Panda park, Super mario galaxy PI, and Christmas snowball
Repo updated to have Sprint Parkour and NEXX's parkour
i recommend you try both
Repo updated:
Now it has Toy Story 2, Redstone Alternatives, washing machine, and the island
Hello! I have saved over 25 pi/pe v0.6.1 maps into one repository. Some maps were taken from mcpi-repo.
I recommend playing Quest of the Assassin, Game of Death, and Prison escape. Please note that some chests do crash the game, since there are illegal items.Feel free to add more maps by creating pull requests. Use MCPI-Reborn.
Some map screenshots: