I knew that I couldnt make it look exactly like a deku scrub due to not being able to change the model but sadly This being my first skin edit I'm having alittle trouble figureing out which part of the skeletons body is what.
Besides not being papercraft impaired is ther any way to figure this out easily? Because I love this mod and I'd enjoy giving a helping hand.
Hey sorry I did not reply right away had to work. But this really amazes me and I'm definitley going to look into creating some monster skins.
This would be my first attempt at some skins but lets see.
What would a creeper be?
also thanks for looking into the glass for me.
Did you try reskinning the zombie into a redead?
The skeleton could be that friggin Deku Mobs that shoots seeds at you... But it shoots arrows so it means replacing the arrows with another thing.
A deku scrub eh? Is there a possible way to edit it so that they only shoot deku nuts? would that not change the arrow texture too? Remmember this i based off of the snes zelda and not ocarina of tim even though it has some items from other games.
also if I had a better template than whats in the skeleton.png I would be able to try this
Well I had already found it but thankyou anyway. Just for the record this texture pack is good luck. It found me my first set of diamonds keep up the good work and get everything switched over!
*PS Ive done some testing of this great texture mod and I'd like to say only one thing needs some tweeking, and that's the glass it's hard to see and would look alittle better filled out.
Also you can see my attachments right?
Besides not being papercraft impaired is ther any way to figure this out easily? Because I love this mod and I'd enjoy giving a helping hand.
A deku scrub eh? Is there a possible way to edit it so that they only shoot deku nuts? would that not change the arrow texture too? Remmember this i based off of the snes zelda and not ocarina of tim even though it has some items from other games.
also if I had a better template than whats in the skeleton.png I would be able to try this
This would be my first attempt at some skins but lets see.
What would a creeper be?
also thanks for looking into the glass for me.
*PS Ive done some testing of this great texture mod and I'd like to say only one thing needs some tweeking, and that's the glass it's hard to see and would look alittle better filled out.