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    posted a message on Light "Rays"
    I've been thinking about an addition to the current lighting system. Essentially a block or other light source emits a "ray" of light in one or more orthogonal directions. Along the length of the ray, the light decreases slower than light normally does (1 level per block), but radially away from the ray the light dissipates normally.

    The ray mechanic is similar to how sunlight works: it beams directly down from the sky at full strength until it hits something that blocks it. Of course, if any other ray were to be put in and it was put horizontally, it would have to have some sort of decay, otherwise it would continue infinitely across the face of the map until it either hit something or went beyond view distance.

    I'm not sure how this mechanic would actually have practical uses, but there may be some. I've seen a thread about mirrors, which I would presume turn a sunlight beam into a ray, and maybe some horizontal rays could be added to Beacons. Or maybe a fancy redstone spotlight contraption. Plus, I'm sure mods could have quite a fun time if such a mechanic were implemented into vanilla minecraft.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ctrl-Shift-Click moves all stacks
    I just tried that but I only got one stack to move. Perhaps that functionality is added by a mod you have that I don't?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ctrl-Shift-Click moves all stacks
    When you're a hoarder like me and you've got chests full of cobblestone, but then need to move the chests somewhere else, you're going to have to do a lot of shift-clicking to move all of those identical stacks from the chest to your inventory and back.

    So I propose that the key combination Control-Shift-Click moves not just the whole stack, but as many stacks of the same item in the first inventory that can fit into the second inventory.

    For example, say I just went on a mining expedition and have 5 full stacks of cobblestone and a partial stack of 37. I go to my cobble chest and ctrl-shift-click one of my stacks of cobblestone in my inventory, and all the cobble stacks I'm carrying attempt to move into the chest. Unfortunately, there is only room for 3 stacks plus 12 of cobble in the chest, so it moves only the 3 stacks plus 12 and leaves the remaining 2 stacks and 25 in my inventory. It leaves the iron ore and coal I dug up alone.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Recipes for Sand, Clay, and Flint
    Sand, clay, and flint can be difficult to acquire in quantity, depending on one's circumstances. Here I provide additional methods of obtaining these in case the usual ways don't work out.

    Sand: Put dirt in a furnace; sand is produced.

    Dirt is essentially small rock particles mixed with organic matter. If the organic matter is burned away, one would be left with the rock particles, or sand. Sand can be found in abundance if one is near a river, swamp or ocean, but if one is not it can be quite difficult to find. And personally, I like making the walls in my houses out of glass so I can gaze out to the countryside.

    Clay: Put dirt around a bucket of water in the crafting grid; clay (either balls or a block) is produced, leaving the bucket behind.

    Many common soils are mostly made of clay; indeed, many "bricks" made by primitive people were simply made from common local mud, dried in the sun. The clay in dirt can be separated from the other components by mixing with water; the particles will sort by size and density, leaving easily harvested clay. Similar to sand, clay can be naturally found in abundance in rivers, swamps, and oceans, but some unlucky seeds lack proximity to these features. In addition. clay is being given new importance in the upcoming 1.6 update, so it would be nice to have a supply.

    Flint: Place gravel on the crafting grid; flint is produced.

    As we all know, gravel occasionally produces a piece of flint when broken. If one needs a supply of flint but only has gravel, one would need to repeatedly break and replace all the gravel manually. Instead, one can simply sort through the gravel by hand and find the flint one desires.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Growable Flowers
    The tulip fields of Holland are truly a stunning sight to behold. How about we do the same? A red or yellow flower can be used on tilled farmland to plant it; after a while, it grows into a mature flower crop. When harvested, it yields a number of the same kind of flower planted. This is essentially the same mechanism used to grow potatoes and carrots, where the product is resown directly as the seed.

    This will allow the proliferation of roses and dandelions without having to rely on exploration or bonemeal. In addition, the sheer beauty of fields of flowers would be a sight to behold!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New Dispenser Ability: Drops/Fires Activated TNT
    The dispenser has several uses now: it can fire arrows and eggs, spawn mobs from spawn eggs, and recently gained the ability to shoot fireballs.

    I propose that the dispenser also be able to use TNT from its inventory to either drop an activated tnt block so it falls straight down (and explodes) or fires it out much like an arrow in a ballistic trajectory (where it will soon explode).

    It should be fairly simple, and will be an improvement over these convoluted TNT cannons that often promptly destroy themselves or kill anyone standing too close.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bait and Fly Fishing
    You have a point; except in the very early game when one hasn't set up a wheat farm to make bread or to breed animals, fishing is not one of the most time efficient food sources. I mainly want it improved because there is no other option to feed cats.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bait and Fly Fishing
    [I felt like this would probably already be posted, but I took a look and didn't find anything other than wishlists and ungrammatical posts.]

    I've been fishing a lot in my world to feed my cats; made a nice little lake and pier. But the actual fishing itself is painstakingly tedious. I figured I would probably catch fish faster if I put some bait or a lure on my pole.

    For a lure, I would recommend feathers. For bait, we can put a piece of Rotten Meat on a crafting grid and get some sort of Grub out. Then each time you cast your fishing line, it would use one feather, one grub, one of each or neither depending on what you have in your inventory, similar to a bow using arrows for ammunition.

    Having either a lure or bait on your line would increase your chances of catching a fish per tick by a certain amount (say, 20%? more?) over normal, and having both would increase it more (say 50% more likely per tick). [Numbers are rough.]
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New World Types: No Hills, Extra Thick
    I seem to have a fear of getting lost in tunnels or endless underground mazes, which makes caves a really bad match for me. I have no problem navigating ABOVE ground, but underground in a cave system I would just lose my way and might never get out again and I can't stand that. Perhaps this makes me an atypical Minecraft player, but for this reason alone I and perhaps many other people would love to have the option of eliminating caves.

    Going off on a tangent, to get redstone and diamonds and other rare minerals I have a mine down near bedrock that I just keep excavating into a huge cavern - mine as high as I can reach and extend horizontally in all directions. But the reduced view distance away from skylight really <creeper>s me off. I can't see ten meters in front of me even though the cavern is well lit and excavated. I've had to install a patterned floor on top of the bedrock so I can find my way back to my ladder. If there was a way to turn this view distance limit off, that would be awesome.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Terrain Seeds Are Useless! And Here's Why (Poll Added)
    I thought this thread was going to be about the things that grow into wheat. Back to the farm I guess.... :DHOE: :....: :||||: :////:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New World Types: No Hills, Extra Thick
    Quote from humodz

    I don't think the waterneed to be 1-block deep. Full support.

    I'd like the 1-block deep water so a) there's still water and b ) it's easy to fill in when I don't want it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New World Types: No Hills, Extra Thick
    Quote from Dmanory

    no to the 2x thick one because the ores will be in the same places witch make you go down 64 blocks to find coal.

    Quote from 3Davideo

    ... and scale up the height that ores can be found at the same time (so like if Iron can be found up to 64 on a regular world (sea level) it can be found up to 128 (sea level again) on a 2x thick world). ...

    No Dmanory, the ores will be found in the same *relative* places, so if coal can be found the whole thickness, it still will, and if iron can be found at and below sea level it still will even if sea level and ground level are twice as high, and if gold can be found halfway down in a regular thick it can be found halfway down in a double thick or a triple thick - which means on a double thick you'll have twice the thickness that gold can be found in!

    I see the arguments about how more thickness would slow things down - more to load since air doesn't have to be loaded. I guess it could be an extra option for those with extra computing power. Wouldn't be surprised if a mod came out to make extra thick instead of going in vanilla.

    Here's an example of "No Hills":
    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :Leaves: :Leaves: :Leaves: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :Leaves: :Leaves: :Logs: :Leaves: :Leaves: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :Leaves: :Leaves: :Logs: :Leaves: :Leaves: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :Logs: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :YFlower: :: :: :Logs: :: :: :: :RFlower: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
    :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :grass: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water:
    :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil:
    :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :sand: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil:
    :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New World Types: No Hills, Extra Thick
    I named it No Hills so it wasn't confused with Superflat. Perhaps Flattened or Flat Biomes? Or how about Smoothed or Smooth Biomes?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New World Types: No Hills, Extra Thick
    Personally I loathe caves; they make it hard whenever I'm building underground and they're a pain in the creeper to navigate. And I don't like things jumping out of the dark at me either. Wish there was a "No Caves" option...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New World Types: No Hills, Extra Thick
    Glad you guys like No Hills. What about Extra Thick, what do you think about that?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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