Everyone knows a troll in life, whether it be in life or in the forums.
I have a proposition to make...
For those of you who hate minecraft then have a look at these steps.
1. Leave Minecraft
2. Get off these Fourms
3. Wait for a mod to fix all you problems
4. Get some initiative and try and make your own mod fixing the issue and then share it with the community
I'm not complaining about minecraft itself but those complaining about minecraft.
So lets all get over minecrafts let downs and have some fun exploring!
Just wait for The game to finish!
You've seen it time and time again, if you try and push the update it becomes a bug fest and then no ones happy with it!
So either complain and get a bug infested update or wait until the update and get some bug spray...
Animals aren't hard at all to find!
The Hunger Bar was implemented to add a cost to sprinting...
Although healing is very messed up how would the cost of sprinting be if there was no hunger bar?
Food Isn't hard at all to get...
Now with stackable foods it makes it easier to take food with you therefore not making the hungerbar that much of a problem, except you can't get 5 hearts after eating something...
why can't you just be happy with riding pigs?
Enough said
Even though you don't actually spawn in it...
People seem to have trouble finding strong holds so your lucky
Amazing right?
Hell Yeah!
Nothing could be cooler, right?
But I wanna look at myself from the front!
Well I have some news for you!
Since the 1.9 pre release if you double tap the F5 key you can see The front of yourself!
this allows you to see your skin from other peoples point of view!
Awesome eh?
this help you?
click on that lil green botton!
Over there ---------->
just scroll down to the bottom...
I have a proposition to make...
For those of you who hate minecraft then have a look at these steps.
1. Leave Minecraft
2. Get off these Fourms
3. Wait for a mod to fix all you problems
4. Get some initiative and try and make your own mod fixing the issue and then share it with the community
I'm not complaining about minecraft itself but those complaining about minecraft.
So lets all get over minecrafts let downs and have some fun exploring!
You've seen it time and time again, if you try and push the update it becomes a bug fest and then no ones happy with it!
So either complain and get a bug infested update or wait until the update and get some bug spray...
The Hunger Bar was implemented to add a cost to sprinting...
Although healing is very messed up how would the cost of sprinting be if there was no hunger bar?
Food Isn't hard at all to get...
Now with stackable foods it makes it easier to take food with you therefore not making the hungerbar that much of a problem, except you can't get 5 hearts after eating something...