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    posted a message on find the pie
    I shoot the troll with my Gauzz rifle, I put a pie in an ultraliks corpse
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on What would you do if you woke up with the person above you ?
    Go back to sleep
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Are modders going to stick with 1.8.1
    The bigger mods won't be updated until there is a more official patch...
    Although smaller mods like TMI are updated regularly
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on An inventory suggestion
    The Delay in opening the inventory would be annoying and people may think its lag and then complain...

    What if your running away from a creeper and perhaps you forgot to equip your sword, you would have to either run for your life or open you invent with a delay...

    What if its accidentally pressed and mobs are after you???

    I think its a good idea except for the delay...

    This could also allow us to be hunchbacks!!!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on 'The End' video
    Thats looks like quite smooth animation!!!
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Solution for taming dragons arguement
    Quote from deedvanick

    I guess they'd try to destroy the block, it makes sense.

    and same with the male dragon :tongue.gif: unless he could turn it back into item form and pick it up which would result in an epic chase scene ending with you killing the dragon and reclaiming the egg.

    But then it wouldn't hatch because the egg needs direct access to sunlight (in all directions but the bottom?) so putting it on top of a hill would be the best and most dangerous.

    Some smart-ass would just build a giant dirt pillar with the egg on the top to protect it from mobs but then the dragon would come and steal the egg from the top of the pillar, GG :tongue.gif:

    Couldn't you enclose the egg in a glass chamber? if it need direct sunlight... and have it on top of a mountain?

    Unless its DIRECT sunlight and sunlight through blocks is not an option...
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Updates Added to Old Maps
    Are you talking about making a world, having stuff placed on the map and then villages come along in the next update and you want them placed on the map???

    Because this won't happen mainly because villages are chosen at the beginning of world creation...

    Also how would breeding be added to maps???
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Strongholds? why.....
    U need to go into a stronghold to go into the Ender...
    that;s why there's a portal and why jeb made it easier to find them...

    You make an Ender eye thingy to find the portal then you place 8 (ish) more on the portal to make it work...

    Eventually the strongholds will probably be full of things, like bosses and portals and plenty of booty
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Solution for taming dragons arguement
    First of all would the dragon actually be worth it after all this hard work???

    And when you say mobs are attracted to the egg and go for it and so forth will they try and destroy the block? or the player who can re spawn and come back to defend?

    Also when the male dragon comes back how is it going to damage the egg? or destroy it and so forth???

    If you wanted to keep your egg safe wouldn't it be smartest to have in underground? Away from all these things? this seems like an obvious suggestion... Just leave in in a closed of area underground with sufficient lighting...

    other than that it seems pretty well thought out...
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Why More prereleases are a stupid idea
    Quote from Bgbba

    I disagree with some of the OP's point, but I will stand by him when the only opposition is made of little toolbags who use atrocious grammer, tell people to get over it , and tell people to not update. He cares, and frankly he has a point. If he made the effort to make a post, then at least be nice and listen to him. Also, it just pisses me off that assholes like you even bother to use the forum. If you want to kiss Notch's ass, then do so, but not at the expense of legit threads.

    Well think about it...
    How many people do you see on the fourms talking about wanting the updates to come out NOW?
    They keep complaining and notch needs to try and make them happy so he releases the PRs...

    I know its hard and possibly a pain but you should just stay on 1.8.1, there are still a variety of things to do...
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is anyone getting tired of all the new stuff?
    Quote from Azathoth

    I still wish farm-able food was more effective. : (

    Melons are quite effective...
    once you find seeds there easy to farm
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Help My Game Crashes When i Load Minecraft 1.9 pre release
    1. Back up all your worlds
    2. Start off with a fresh new minecraft (delete .minecraft then re install)
    3. download the minecraft.jar from wherever...
    4. simply drag the minecraft.jar into where it goes
    5. should work fine now...
    6. I don't think you need to delete META-INF or use 7zip/winrar to drag the .jar
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is anyone getting tired of all the new stuff?
    Quote from Xilver

    The only thing I'm not a fan of is the auto-healing and hunger bar. Makes the game way too easy...

    This makes the game much harder...
    Mainly when your in a fight because you can't instant heal...
    Which is very annoying...
    You have to have about all the hunger slots filled except maybe the last 2 if you want to heal...
    This is mainly why everyone hates it
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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