The Ant Farm series is widely known for its variety, crazy terrain and unique mechanics.
Over 2 million total downloads & widely acclaimed!

Munduno (Mix-up of the words "Mundo Uno", meaning "World One" in Spanish) is my main world in Minecraft.
I started working on it in October of 2010, and in just 2 years, lots of things happened here.
No design plans (mostly) no schedules, not a single idea of how everything was going to look in the future. A work of trial and error, of constant improvement.
Also, since summer 2012, a friend has been taken major action in the world, so it's fair to say it's now a project of two.
It was never planned to be the biggest, prettiest, or most amazing Minecraft world, just the one i liked, and at least, that goal was accomplished.
-14 Main skyscrapers.
-4 multi-purpose buildings.
-2 Housing Complexes.
-Metro network (2 lines).
-Pokemon's National Park replica.
-Large caves system completely reformed, with smooth surfaces, lights, seats...
-Underwater tunnel.
-Stadium and indoor pool.
-A restored stronghold fully lightened.
-And much more!
..........................................................Download Links
..........................................................Pictures and progress
1 (January 2012 to February 2012)
2 (March 2012 to 3rd week July 2012)
3 (3rd week July 2012 to 4th week July 2012)
4 (5th week July 2012 to November 2012)
5 (December 2012)
6 (April 2013-October 2013)
7 (October 2013-February 2014)
8 (February 2014-August 2014)
9 (January 2015-Onwards)
Now, starting at this point, is the original post i made when i first wrote the original post in this thread. All you're about to see in this post starting here, is now VERY obsolete, so please look at the newer posts which links i added before to see the most updated news and pictures.
A year ago, i showed my skyscraper complex, called The Pinaculum, but things have changed a lot, and i think it's time to show what happened since.
I tried to play with the stock game, but it was impossible. Now, apart from Single Player Commands and TooManyItems, i also changed some textures as i liked, like the iron door, which is now a glass door, but with an iron frame, the torches, which are now LED torches (without smoke or flames) or the glowstone block, which now looks like a modern day light source.
Also, very little was planned. Almost everything was made using improvisation, that's why some things can look so random. And the last thing i have to say, the materials i used to build everything were not legit, but all the works are. Brick by brick, without flying, using no-clip, or things like that, since it's not like the most amazing thing made in Minecraft, i thought hacking the inventary was enough.
Let's start.
Join my discord for the latest information: https://discord.gg/9xZuaA4
If you dont want to loose items or blocks in 1.7, make sure to open your worlds with the latest 1.6.4 atleast once.
Want to show your support? Buy me a drink
Latest update video
Always backup your world before updating.
Read the Todo List before making suggestions
Read the Frequently Asked Questions and Starting Information before asking questions
Custom NPCs Download alternative
German download: here
This mod adds a set of tools to create npcs with different roles/jobs and other functions. It gives Creative Players a way to liven up their world with fully Customizable NPCs.
Main developer: Noppes Co developer:
Ex developer
If you are using mcpc+ there are multiple permissions you can use
customnpcs.npc.gui customnpcs.npc.create customnpcs.npc.edit customnpcs.npc.delete customnpcs.npc.reset customnpcs.npc.freeze customnpcs.npc.ai customnpcs.npc.stats customnpcs.npc.display customnpcs.npc.inventory customnpcs.npc.advanced customnpcs.spawner.mob customnpcs.spawner.create customnpcs.global.playerdata customnpcs.global.bank customnpcs.global.dialog customnpcs.global.transport customnpcs.global.faction customnpcs.global.quest customnpcs.global.recipe customnpcs.global.naturalspawn customnpcs.mounter customnpcs.pather customnpcs.villager
Tutorial/Show Off by SCMowns
Without these guys this mod wouldnt have been possible, they are awesome. Thanks for all your support.
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/833003-"><img src='http://i.imgur.com/m6yxj.png' /></a>
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/833003-"><img src='http://i.imgur.com/MZMYs.png' /></a>
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/833003-"><img src='http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/7007/customnpcbanner3.png' /></a>
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/833003-"><img src='http://i.imgur.com/42bg6.gif' /></a>
I have been on these forums for around 10 years, first as a simple user and then very early on as a contributor with my one and only Glimmar's Steampunk resource pack.
I just want to say the very biggest and warmest thanks to all of you who have come along and shared in the experience over the years. I have conversed with so many of you in what is a unique an excellent environment for the exchange of ideas, support and encouragement. There will be nothing similar to these forums and Minecraft will never be the same without this place.
I am too old and too busy with RL at the moment to start over anywhere else, but if Curse/Forge/Twitch isn't effected by the Minecraft Forums closure then I will still hopefully be updating from time to time over there. Links below to my latest GS updates direct you to my CurseForge page, so that will hopefully continue.
My legal copyright licence, which also comes with the pack, will always be in force, so if I'm not updating as often as we'd both like, it is not a signal for anyone to take over and redistribute my artwork on any other website. This resource pack and the work therein is NOT being abandoned by it's creator, Glimmar.
Minecraft Forums was always my 'go to' place to meet with you all and to reliably find out info on Minecraft, to share ideas and be inspired. Nothing else compares...period.
Please keep an eye on my CurseForge page for updates:
My sincere thanks to Citric Squid for making all this happen in the first place and for help over the years and especially to you all for keeping this place so civilised and welcoming. I will miss not being able to post pics and videos and then getting your wonderful input by way of encouragement and ideas. Seriously, I have been very fortunate indeed to have such great support from all who have passed through.
At least I can say I was there at the beginning...and stayed standing through to the end!
End of an era.
.....Glimmar's 'Cinema Fantastique' Link
.....Glimmar's 'Gallery Eccentrique' Link
.....9 years and counting
I'm now in my 9th year of work on this pack. As added encouragement to continue even longer, I'd appreciate a click on my little green 'reputation' button (right at the bottom of this post - bottom left). Much appreciated if you do!
CURSE/FORGE Texture Pack Section: link
.....Awesome Patrons!
If you would like to continue to support my texture pack more actively outside this thread, please consider using my banner in your signature (space at the bottom of your posts) ...thanks again!
***Glimmar's Steampunk v.16 onwards contains a huge amount of new material. Commencing 2nd February 2015 all Glimmar's work, including the latest download, is subject to new conditions - for anything other than personal use, you must agree to these conditions before download and use***
To get the very best out of Glimmar's Steampunk please first install Optifine. Here's the link: https://optifine.net/home
The Optifine mod makes use of my CTM 'connected textures', my animated 'BetterSkies', random animated extra mobs and villagers, animated GUIs, extended range of animated paintings, Better Colors, BetterLighting, etc.
Without Optifine you will be missing out on all of the above and much more! This pack is now designed to take full advantage of the appropriate version of the Optifine mod.
Glimmar's Steampunk resource pack will still work without installing Optifine, but your 'in-Minecraft' experience will not compare with what you see in the above showcase videos or pics.
Please note: If minecraft begins to lag severely for you after installing Optifine, this is most likely due to the number of extra animated blocks, items, gui, mobs, etc. included in the GS resource pack. To fix, play around with options within Minecraft where, if you have installed Optifine, you'll now be able to switch off animations, and alter many other video settings, etc. I believe this can greatly increase frame rate for some, whilst still retaining the benefit of all those thousands of extra ctm textures.
MINECRAFT FORUMS Texture Pack Section (you're here now)
CURSE/FORGE Texture Pack Section: link
By downloading and/or using my 'Glimmar's Steampunk' texture pack, you agree and validate my licence and conditions of use, as laid out in my 'Legal' section above.
***Important note: all previous permissions granted for use of Glimmar's Steampunk are now deemed invalid as of 2nd Feb 2015. see my 'Legal' section above for new conditions.***
Main Pack Download: Glimmar's Steampunk
.....Special Thanks & Credits
.....GS Alternative Textures
Download: Glimmar's Steampunk Alternative Textures
Download: Glimmar's Steampunk 'User' Made Textures
.....Fan Made Mod Support
Link: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/glimmars-steampunk-mod-support-resource-pack
.....Old Mod Support
.....9 Years of Fan Made World Views
Imgur Gallery link: http://imgur.com/a/2M7ep
Please note: Many images depicted here may be displaying very modded or outdated textures.
.....9 Years of User Videos
.....So...What to Build in Your Own Steampunk World?
.....Free P.A.S.C.I.B.O.R.D With Every Pack
Portable and Spatially Compact Inventory Box Of Relative Dimension
Alright, so there's this idea I've been working on for the past few weeks. You heard me, weeks. Basically, it's boats. Boats than you can make bigger, slap a name on, armor, choose what propulsion system it has, and carry stuff in.
Full idea in spoiler:
And the Reddit post is here:
http://www.reddit.co..._modular_boats/ (Archived)
Due to popular demand, I give you this:
Add this to your signature if you like it!
<a href="../../../topic/699830-boats-evolved-bigger-modular-boats/"><img src="http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss136/elitemandalorian48/besig-1.jpg" alt=""></a>
Important Things to Know for the Unfortunate Few Without Common Sense (aka posts I've gotten a million and one times and wish to halt):
Download link to the original SketchUp models: http://www.mediafire...55l1cnm1npgkbgl
Links of Interest:
Digimobs Forum -- Come join up and possibly even submit models for the game!
Digimobs Wiki-- Looking for information about the Digimon or items in the game? Look here.
Feedback Survey - Want your opinion to be heard? Please take a few moments to give feedback on the mod through this survey.
Follow development on Twitter!
Official Digimobs Server
Digimobs Adventure - digiadventure.ddns.net
You can download our official modpack!
This mod requires the proper version of Forge.
Download Forge Here
Warning: Using older versions of forge may make the game crash!
Current Download
Download Digimobs HERE
How to install:
Current Team
Cyan- A little bit of everything
SuperFuzzyGoat-Models, Server Administration
Change log for Digimobs can now be found on the Digimobs Forum
Show your support!
Insert the code into your signature for the banner of your choosing!
FAQ(Also known as "Questions Cyan is tired of being asked")
Q. How Do I..
A. Stop right there. Your best bet is to use the wiki, as 99% of the information contained on it is up to date. It saves everyone from having to answer the same repeated questions over and over again by taking a few minutes to check out the Wiki.
Q. When will you get rid of the block models and make a Pixelmon clone??
A. Never. This mod is for block game, this mod will remain blocky. The fanciest you will ever see our models will be the ones made by SuperFuzzyGoat. And even those are still entirely made of blocks. We aren't Pixelmon, and we won't ever aim to be.
Q. When will you add *insert digimon*?
A. When the model is completed. Everyone requests something different, which makes it impossible to accomodate everyone, which is why we don't take requests. We have an outline of digimon in a certain priority to make. The best way to ensure the digimon you want is put into the mod quicker than we get around to it, is to make it and submit it to our forum.
Q. Help! My digimon is bugged and I can't make it move!
A. It's starving. Feed it.
Q. HELP! I can't do anything with my digimon it's bugged helphelphelp
A. You didn't go to the wiki, did you?
Q. I don't like you/when will the mod kick you out/you're ruining this mod.
A. This mod is mine, and has been mine from the very beginning. Many people have joined and left the team throughout the years, and I'm sure many more will follow. If you do not like what I do, leave constructive criticism and I will take your feedback into consideration. Being demanding/otherwise acting like an entitled brat will just get you put on my ignore list. This mod is in the WIP section, which means it is a Work In Progress. Things are going to be changed and adjusted constantly until I am happy, and the majority of the users are happy with the product. You can either contribute to it, or be a nuisance.
Q. Where can I find you if I want to have a serious discussion about things in the mod/leave a bug report/help out with the mod?
A. Sign up for our forum!(Link located at the top of the page). I check messages there daily, and it is currently the only guaranteed way to reach me.
Btw, had a hard time finding the chicken for March 12.
-Mac/iOS devices are extremely user-friendly, and fairly easy to navigate.
-Windows/Android devices can do more stuff.
On a side note, while everyone is entitled to their own opinions, can you at least take the flaming somewhere else?
It's the Mojang logo!
THAT IS AWESOME!!! :biggrin.gif:
EDIT: Oh, and there is a cross made of water in the middle; good for church builders, etc.
EDIT: Just reread my post: props to the one guy who gave me a +1! :smile.gif:
Sea, if you're reading this, I think that you should have this topic locked until the update occurs. You obviously don't need the stress right now, especially with college and everything else that has been going on in your life. There's more to life than Minecraft and Pokémon, after all, and I think that's a lesson that a lot of people in this thread need to remember.
Mod making is about quality, not quantity, so take your time. Don't let strangers on the internet bully you around and suck the fun out of your project. It's your mod, and it's about time that you stood up for yourself: as a creator, and as a person.
You're doing an amazing job, man, and I can't wait to see the fruit of your labors! Keep up the good work! :biggrin.gif: