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    posted a message on Space Station
    No words…can describe the awesome…. :ohmy.gif:
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Design Challenge: free-floating, self-powered flying machine!.
    Quote from sancarn

    HA! I have it! The ultimate design! You have to use voxel sniper though. I saw a post about using stairs and making them turn invisible with voxel sniper. Well I found out that you can use wool and wood too! Just set the data value to be equal to -1! Then you have an invisible block right? So you have an invisible trail. Sure theres still a block there but it is invisible so it LOOKS like its literally a flying machine. This way you could use regular hexahedron's flying barge and it will look like its literally flying! Sounds good to me Yet I would like to see the outcome of the corkscrew that MightyAnonym comes up with!

    We're trying to do this without Mods, etc. We appreciate your suggestion, though.

    Quote from Jippiedoe

    I really like the goal of this thread, but it seems to be going to the way of placing and destroying blocks and levers, and although it may look like it's flying you could say that it's actually using a rail that you are destroying behind it.

    Well, it's not prefect, but these are just the early stages.

    One can't expect the Flying Machine to be created overnight. The airplane certainly wasn't; if the Wright brothers had given up after their first couple of tries, imagine how much different transportation would be today!

    The same goes for us. Just because it hasn't been done yet doesn't mean that it can't be done! :smile.gif:

    And, on a side note, I think that we've made remarkable progress in the last few days. The communicating power of the internet astounds me! :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on need help!
    Mnopjh's design should do the trick; a simple block switcher might be able to solve your problem. Hopefully it fits within the dimensions of your chamber.

    Remember, don't be a stranger: if you ever need more help, don't be afraid to post a topic or PM another member.

    Although Mnopjh beat me to it, I'm glad that I could offer some assistance to you and your friend. Have fun! :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on need help!
    Alright, I think I see where you are having your problems….

    I've replicated something close to your design, so hopefully I'll have something soon.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on need help!
    Are you using sticky pistons in your design? This question pretty much determines how to go about solving your problem.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on need help!
    A little bit…I think I know what you're talking about, but would you mind posting a few more pics? I could really use one looking down at the whole thing from an angle.

    In the meantime, I'll get started! :wink.gif:

    Wait, another quick question: you are using sticky pistons, right?

    EDIT 2:
    Also, you want them to both move up and down, or the glowstone to move left and right and the bookshelf to move up and down?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on need help!
    Wow, just found a smaller version.

    Using the same abbreviations as earlier:

    P BT P

    SO much more compact!
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on need help!
    No problem. We were all new at redstone wiring at one point or another.

    I'm still figuring things out! :biggrin.gif:

    Anyway, to solve your problem:
    It sounds to me like you want one piston to be extended while the other end isn't, both controlled by a switch in the middle, right?

    Here's how:

    In diagram form:
    P is a piston
    W is wire
    T is a Torch
    B is a block
    and L is the lever (switch)

    (the Underscores ( _ ) don't represent anything, i.e., an empty block, as the forums won't let me indent!)

    P W W W BT P

    ...with the torch in the upper right being placed on the side of the block closest to the piston (opposite the Wire).

    Hope this helps! :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Design Challenge: free-floating, self-powered flying machine!.
    Quote from TheMightyAnonym

    Here is my design for carrying cargo.

    Notice that I have two rails rather than one dedicated to each cart; this is because if there is only one rail, the cart will repeatedly get pushed forward until it pops out the front of the machine. This may have applications elsewhere, but not here. This could be used to have three teammates fire arrows at another barge, over the course of a race. I used unpowered powered rails, as they act as breaks and keep the carts nice and steady.

    My current idea is for some sort of 3x3 corkscrew pattern, in which the very back piston is operated as a BUD. If it could be given power as such, then it would power the rest of the machine and then the machine would power it. One possible way to do this would be to use sponges as mentioned earlier, although it still leaves the problem of making the rear pistons into BUDs to begin with.

    Very clever; so long as you can flip levers or push buttons faster than the fire, the destruction of blocks will be automatic and leave no trail.

    Hmm…the corkscrew is plausible.

    Also, one problem with the consumable wood trail: you also need to be able to place the blocks faster than the fire, thus making it more useful for SMP than SSP: in SMP, one person could flip switches and light, while the other places blocks and switches.

    Btw, nice cargo design!
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Design Challenge: free-floating, self-powered flying machine!.
    R.H., love the idea of a cargo bay.

    Quote from Draco18s

    Uh. No. The "off" signal is sent when the dirt block is destroyed. A button would turn off before the person would be ready for it(and/or leave a trail of dirt and buttons behind).

    Wait…what? I've actually built one of these (first to post a pic of R.H.'s design, actually, as well as adding the pistons on the other side to make it go backwards), and I have to say, buttons are WAY more efficient.

    Well soon you'll be able to create "silk touch" enchanted pickaxes to collect redstone/diamond/etc. ore without breaking it.

    Moving a block to the surface automatically is straightforward though, you just need a bunch of pistons designed to push it up, to the side, up, to the side, up, to the side, etc. over and over. It's a pain to build since you need a LOT of pistons and wiring and you need to dig up that entire path, but it's not complicated at all really. Just time consuming.

    I moved up diamond ore legit just by digging a straight shaft to bedrock and repeatedly breaking and placing a piston behind them, while placing ladder to climb up behind them. It's not a repeatable automatic system, but it was much faster. I used the ore to decorate my portal frame at y=64.

    Dropping items are allowed, but there are obvious advantages to a infinitely reusable system.

    The barge design actually gets much faster if you don't bother to break and re-collect levers and blocks and are content just leaving them behind you as you travel. And that's actually convenient since you can use that trail of blocks and levers you left behind in order to make the return trip, or to travel back and forth.

    So basically the fastest way to travel through the air without a rail is to create a rail :tongue.gif:

    The bolded text is the problem; I discovered the same issue yesterday. While breaking and replacing blocks and levers (or in my case, buttons) may be efficient for SMP and PVP, I have to raise some concern about efficiency in SSP; without a track, it takes forever to get anywhere. Also, with a track, it really isn't self-contained.

    I'm still hopeful that there is a way to power the barge that can be efficient in SSP.

    TMA's idea definitely carries weight (simple rail clock), it just needs to be put to the test….

    I'm going to continue to explore alternative power sources, and see if my research can turn up anything useful.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Design Challenge: free-floating, self-powered flying machine!.
    I went ahead and built Regular Hexahedron's variant on the Abdiel Flying Craft, with an added feature that allows for two-way travel.

    Hope this helps.

    Btw, I think the hardest part of this is creating a machine that is self-powered. Creating one that runs on a track with ease is no easy feat.
    This truly is the last frontier.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on "Downgrading" Minecraft
    Quote from Rufus

    Yes, and it's actually a lot easier. Force update will just return you Minecraft to the latest official version.

    Alright, thanks!
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on ORE PARKOUR - New Minecraft Game?
    Quote from ajleece

    It was really really fun!

    How often do you guys make these? You're really funny!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on ORE PARKOUR - New Minecraft Game?
    This..is hysterical! XD
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on "Downgrading" Minecraft
    Quote from Joseph17Prophet

    yep it'll download the missing files

    Some other people said to Force Update; will this produce the same result?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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