[PvP] [Towny] [iConomy] [mcMMO] [Medieval Theme]
[PvP] [Towny] [iConomy] [mcMMO] [Medieval Theme]

Server Description
BaggMC is a new PVP server, primarily focusing on creating a Medieval looking world. You will be able to build castles, towns, even complete nations can be created. Medieval looking skins are recommended, but not required.
More screenshots coming soon.

Server News
Server news has been moved to our forum.
More details
PVP is enabled in the whole world, including the spawn town. However, city mayors are able to toggle the PVP status for their own town. PVP in the spawn town is not allowed, but enabled, to simulate a bit of realism. Players caught fighting in the spawn town will be jailed for a while.
-Building rights
Outside the cities, you are free to build wherever you want. Building rights inside a city can be managed by the mayor. Prepare to pay for your own plot, though, as city upkeep isn't free. The advantages of building in a city are:
== Block protection, manageable by you.
== Switch protection, also manageable by you.
== Your items will be safe, if you make sure nobody is able to enter your chestroom (simply done by adding a wooden door. Standard permissions do not allow anyone to switch, build and destroy on your plot.
== You're always close to a city shop, so you can sell your items without the danger of being robbed.
However, building in a city also has its disadvantages:
== Getting your own plot costs money, and the city owner has to put a plot up for sale.
== You have to build efficiently, as you are not allowed to buy more than two plots (a plot is 16x16 blocks).
== Every city has a limited amount of plots, only growing when the city grows.
Apparently MCmmo causes crashes. Please be patient while this is being researched.
McMMO is a plugin which adds a skill system, together with some nice powerups. It consists of 11 skills, divided in 3 classes; Gathering, Combat, and Miscellaneous. The longer you perform a certain action, the higher your skill level will be, offering different advantages.
Plugin list
-A bunch of administrative tools
General rules
== Respect other players. Be nice.
== Be mature. Don't rage on somebody if he killed you. Avoid massive amounts of swearing.
== If you don't agree with something, you're best off sending me a PM.
== Don't cheat. If you are unsure about a certain mod, contact me. The final decision about certain mods goes to me.
== If these rules do not cover a certain situation, the final decision about it goes to me, or another admin.
Building / playing style Rules
== Stealing and raiding is allowed. Hide your chests if you don't want other people to find your stuff.
== Use a medieval style. Make your building look realistic. Look around if you need examples. If your building doesn't look realistic, we may ask you to change it. If it looks completely horrible, with clearly no effort put in it, we will remove it.
== The previous rule already says it, but I will emphasize it once more: Cobblestone/plank cubes are not the building we're looking for. Use variation as well; it makes buildings look much better. If you aren't able to create a building which looks right, I'm asking you to either look around for some tutorials on building a nice house, or to find another server.
== Stealing from chests is always allowed. Currently though, we are preparing for 1.8. For administrative purposes, chest protection is currently enabled, but will be removed when the server is in 1.8 for about a week. So be prepared, and do not rely (too much) on chest protection.
== The following blocks may be stolen as well: diamond, gold, iron, TNT, wheat, lapis lazuli.
== Abusing shop protection to protect your own items (by selling items for an extremely high price) is not allowed.
== Random 'griefing' is not allowed. Randomly placing and detonating TNT, for example, is not needed, and will be considered griefing.
== Hide your mines. Not only because a world full of holes looks horrible, but also because other people can go in, kill you while mining, and steal all your stuff.
== Don't ask/beg for items. Play legit.
== Build away from other houses and cities. It's safer, and it looks better.
== New cities may not be created directly next to the spawn city/any other city. If you're unsure about the distance, just ask me.
== If you want to create a new city, make sure you have at least 3 other people who will join in your city. I won't give city building rights if nobody wants to join the city.
The one golden rule:
== You're expected to be mature enough to know for yourself what's right and what isn't. Use common sense: If something doesn't feel righ, it most likely isn't.
This rule also means that you can't go tell me "But I didn't know that was not allowed!" If you don't know if something is allowed, ask me. Common sense should take care of the rest ("But I didn't even wonder if it could perhaps not be allowed").
Violation of any these rules may result in a kick, temporary ban, or a permanent ban. If I think somebody deserves a punishment, I reserve the right to do so.
Want to build a city? Read this first!
Building a city is not as easy as it may sound (or not :tongue.gif:).
There are some rules every city has to follow, in order to get the advantage of being an official city.
When you want to start a city, you'll have to find some supporters. If you don't have at least 3 other people who want to be your citizens, you can't create a city. And if the city gets less than three people within its first week, its city status will be removed.
Creating a city costs a lot of money. It costs you $5.000 for the first block, and $500 for every next town block you claim.
Your city must have a city wall. If your city doesn't have one within a week after creating your city, the city status and its advantages will be lost. Exceptions can be cities built in cliffs, and the spawn town, because it must be able to grow very fast, and it usually doesn't participate in war events.
The general building rules apply here as well (Read below).
If you are a good builder, and you are taking the idea of building a city seriously, you can ask me to help building (in-game). Keep in mind that I also play legit here, so don't ask for my help if you only want free building materials, because you are not going to get these.
Titles & Tags
These are the ranks used by everybody. A higher title will replace the lower one.
Only for the most trusted players. Don't ask, these are hand-picked. Admins should be able to run the server without me.
This too, is a rank only for the more trusted players. If you think you would be a good moderator, you can send me a PM. Only people with the [Paladin] tag have a chance to become a moderator.
This rank is a rank you can earn. Be a nice player, play often, and you will be promoted to this title. Paladins also have some very basic moderation commands. Again, no PMs. I make this decision for myself.
This rank is for the players who don't just hop in and leave again. And again, you can't ask for this title. You will get it when I think you have earned it.
You get this rank as soon as your application has been confirmed.
Guest Rank. Currently not in use.
Application Format
Copy and paste this in your post.
What is your Minecraft username? How old are you? Why do you want to join?
Server IP
This server uses a DNS service to redirect to an IP. Just type the following in the Server IP box: baggmc.net
Donations are appreciated, and go directly to the server upkeep, and to improving the server.

If you donate at least $5, you get:
- A suffix. i.e. Azrabad The Great. You can think up one yourself, and PM me. I'll then change it for you. It can be
changed/removed at any time later; just PM me, and I'll arrange it for you (Commands to change this automatically
are coming up).
- Access to the /tpa command.
- Total awesomeness :wink.gif:
- A tag showing you supported the server by donating.
People who donated. Thanks!
- GWigWam
- lfshammu
- RobRoss
- asmdz
- X10n
- ChristianSK
Want to support the server, but don't want to donate?
Consider doing the following, thanks in advance!
- +rep this post.
- Vote up the server on Minestatus.net.
- Click this link (Redirects to our forums. These are still under construction.)
Planned features; currently working at:
-Command list (95%)
-Forum (100%)
-Minestatus.net membership (100%)
-Online map (15%) Currently low priority
-Automatic save&Backup schedule (100%)
-Website (65%)
-Huge plugin update + restructuring (40%)