(My real username is 19Baker96 not 19baker96 if you think that is the probeblem please change it to 19Baker96) IT Says im not whitelisted I guess if u want to try 19Baker96
it will help :tongue.gif:
Have you ever been banned from a server?: yes but come on there are always Server owner who are dicks.
Why do you want to join Echo?: Its a RP server,war,faction,class thingy it sounds awesome and I will follow the rules
What have you built previously?: alas I have not been playing latley because school starting,homework etc But im looking for a nice Rp :biggrin.gif: but i have built a giant Bank using minecart chests and rails
Have you read the rules?: Yes
Prove it. Name two rules:
2: DON'T ASK A MOD OR ADMIN TO SPAWN YOU ITEMS OR TP YOU. (so annoying! >:ohmy.gif:)
What is the building restriction rule?: DON'T disobey race/town build restrictions, which are: building a elf in a tree house a human in a medeivl type house and orc in a hut with lots of netherack :biggrin.gif:
Example: a elf building in a medievel house with mossy cobble and netherack NO NO
Why should we add you to the server: I just want a rp server where i can be like a orc beastmaster and have some lore behind it I will respect all rules Please add me it looks AWESOME
Any thing else: IDK if this allowed i would like to be a peaceful orc like have a hut and all travelers welcome i will help them Because i do not approve of the war between the 3 but if i cant be that i will just be a regular beast master
No, I thought it was for back when people bought the game in alpha, like I did, they get all future updates and expansions. Where as beta buyers only get the future updates and not the expansion.
Either way its really just a bunch of Alpha buys who think they deserve more, or beta buys who are butthurt. Which ever one is right will be determined soon enough. Also, how can notch not give alpha buyers everything if thats what he said on the website.??
Minecraft Name: 19baker96
Age: 15
Why do you want to join: This server sounds awesome plus i looovveeee the class idea ;D
Define the word "Mature": Knowing when you need to stop talking following the rules and just enjoying yourself :biggrin.gif:
Did anyone refer you? and who?:firestarian
Will you be willing to possibly donate: Maybeh
Pictures of creations will help.... alas i do not have any v-v
Plus a mod app if i can :biggrin.gif:
Minecraft Name: 19baker96
Why do you want to be a mod:I love helping people and making a server a better place plus ive been admin/op/mod on 7 diffrent servers now
How will you help the server by being a mod: Enforce the law and make friends count me in on all building i love building banks
Are you willing to help advertise the server: yes
Define the word "Mature":Knowing when you need to stop talking following the rules and just enjoying yourself :biggrin.gif: (same as up there >.>)
Will you be willing to possibly donate: maybeh
Have you been playing on the server? How Long? no... but i wana start :smile.gif:
Minecraft Name: 19baker96
Age: 15
Why do you want to be a mod: Because this server looks awesome i like the classes plus ive been mod on over 7 different servers!
How will you help the server by being a mod: Enforce the law but be nice at the same time i will bring a friendly smile and a great builder i will Help everyone everywhere :biggrin.gif:
Are you willing to help advertise the server: Yes
Define the word "Mature": Mature is knowing when you go to far and just to stop talking,Following the rules and Doing everything a person of higher power tells you to
Will you be willing to possibly donate: Yes
Have you been playing on the server? How Long? Ive not been playing on the server but if i dont get mod this counts as a normal player app i hope thank you :biggrin.gif:
Name: Dan
IGN: 19baker96
Age: 15
What do you want to apply for? Mod/admin/semi-admin
Experience: ive been admin on so far 7 servers now
How long will you play daily? 3- 10
About Yourself: Im nice can keep a firm fist and will invite friends I love Rp servers :biggrin.gif:
What can you do for the server? I can bring a nice smile a Great op and add some Nice atmosphere XD
Will you donate? (Better Chance of Getting What you're Applying For)Not saying it is a NO not saying it is a YES idk i will decide later
Yeah, diamonds definitely shouldn't burn in lava. They should just sit there as if you'd dropped them in water. Then if you poured water on it would turn into a solid block so (with minecraft's physics being what it is) the diamond would pop up or sideways.
Also I think/hope you mean Finite Liquids. IMHO that's a pretty awesome mod that does a great job of fixing the water physics.
Finite Water! Yes! Sorry for the error, that mod is the one I mean. I had it, but I got rid of it because it turned all the SMP iron black and pink.
Sorry for the spelling errors, the grammar errors, and I'm sure theres punctuation errors in there too :tongue.gif:.
Gravel- Useless, we could get flint from something else imho, Or make it so it only generates on the surface in gravel beaches or something.
Also, just change the physics of liquids and you'll be fine. I mean seriously if Notch was to add the Finite Water Mod then the game would be way better off.
Oh, and another thing wouldn't it be cool that if you dropped diamonds into lava and then turn that lava into obsidian and break it, you get the obsidian AND diamond. Since the diamond wouldn't melt. Also, I'll link you guys the article if I can find it, but I remember reading once that way way waaaay farther underground are basically superheated/super strong diamonds. The carbon structure of the diamond get crushed under all the weight and it makes it stronger. Replace bed rock with lava and just have single blocks of super diamond randomly generate. That way we could have a use for a heat suit, but we could get a new type of ore that would be super hard to get.
Please let me know if you need me to explain it better. :tongue.gif:
-edit- I read up on whats currently stronger than diamond and its man made, Its basically super heated graphite and the carbon atoms are hexagons instead of cubes. Also it looks like there is one that isn't as strong as the one I just said, but can withstand greater heat so if it can be efficiently produced it with be use for mining. ironic.
Why do you want to join? Sever looks awesome, I've been an admin on other servers and I can build nice building so I think I'll be good asset to your server
it will help :tongue.gif:
What race do you want to be?:Orc Beastmaster
Do you have your races skin?: yes
Have you ever been banned from a server?: yes but come on there are always Server owner who are dicks.
Why do you want to join Echo?: Its a RP server,war,faction,class thingy it sounds awesome and I will follow the rules
What have you built previously?: alas I have not been playing latley because school starting,homework etc But im looking for a nice Rp :biggrin.gif: but i have built a giant Bank using minecart chests and rails
Have you read the rules?: Yes
Prove it. Name two rules:
2: DON'T ASK A MOD OR ADMIN TO SPAWN YOU ITEMS OR TP YOU. (so annoying! >:ohmy.gif:)
What is the building restriction rule?: DON'T disobey race/town build restrictions, which are: building a elf in a tree house a human in a medeivl type house and orc in a hut with lots of netherack :biggrin.gif:
Example: a elf building in a medievel house with mossy cobble and netherack NO NO
Why should we add you to the server: I just want a rp server where i can be like a orc beastmaster and have some lore behind it I will respect all rules Please add me it looks AWESOME
Any thing else: IDK if this allowed i would like to be a peaceful orc like have a hut and all travelers welcome i will help them Because i do not approve of the war between the 3 but if i cant be that i will just be a regular beast master
Please Whitelist! Thanks
Either way its really just a bunch of Alpha buys who think they deserve more, or beta buys who are butthurt. Which ever one is right will be determined soon enough. Also, how can notch not give alpha buyers everything if thats what he said on the website.??
Age: 15
Why do you want to join: This server sounds awesome plus i looovveeee the class idea ;D
Define the word "Mature": Knowing when you need to stop talking following the rules and just enjoying yourself :biggrin.gif:
Did anyone refer you? and who?:firestarian
Will you be willing to possibly donate: Maybeh
Pictures of creations will help.... alas i do not have any v-v
Plus a mod app if i can :biggrin.gif:
Minecraft Name: 19baker96
Why do you want to be a mod:I love helping people and making a server a better place plus ive been admin/op/mod on 7 diffrent servers now
How will you help the server by being a mod: Enforce the law and make friends count me in on all building i love building banks
Are you willing to help advertise the server: yes
Define the word "Mature":Knowing when you need to stop talking following the rules and just enjoying yourself :biggrin.gif: (same as up there >.>)
Will you be willing to possibly donate: maybeh
Have you been playing on the server? How Long? no... but i wana start :smile.gif:
Age: 15
Why do you want to be a mod: Because this server looks awesome i like the classes plus ive been mod on over 7 different servers!
How will you help the server by being a mod: Enforce the law but be nice at the same time i will bring a friendly smile and a great builder i will Help everyone everywhere :biggrin.gif:
Are you willing to help advertise the server: Yes
Define the word "Mature": Mature is knowing when you go to far and just to stop talking,Following the rules and Doing everything a person of higher power tells you to
Will you be willing to possibly donate: Yes
Have you been playing on the server? How Long? Ive not been playing on the server but if i dont get mod this counts as a normal player app i hope thank you :biggrin.gif:
Name: Dan
IGN: 19baker96
Age: 15
What do you want to apply for? Mod/admin/semi-admin
Experience: ive been admin on so far 7 servers now
How long will you play daily? 3- 10
About Yourself: Im nice can keep a firm fist and will invite friends I love Rp servers :biggrin.gif:
What can you do for the server? I can bring a nice smile a Great op and add some Nice atmosphere XD
Will you donate? (Better Chance of Getting What you're Applying For)Not saying it is a NO not saying it is a YES idk i will decide later
Finite Water! Yes! Sorry for the error, that mod is the one I mean. I had it, but I got rid of it because it turned all the SMP iron black and pink.
Sorry for the spelling errors, the grammar errors, and I'm sure theres punctuation errors in there too :tongue.gif:.
Also, just change the physics of liquids and you'll be fine. I mean seriously if Notch was to add the Finite Water Mod then the game would be way better off.
Oh, and another thing wouldn't it be cool that if you dropped diamonds into lava and then turn that lava into obsidian and break it, you get the obsidian AND diamond. Since the diamond wouldn't melt. Also, I'll link you guys the article if I can find it, but I remember reading once that way way waaaay farther underground are basically superheated/super strong diamonds. The carbon structure of the diamond get crushed under all the weight and it makes it stronger. Replace bed rock with lava and just have single blocks of super diamond randomly generate. That way we could have a use for a heat suit, but we could get a new type of ore that would be super hard to get.
Please let me know if you need me to explain it better. :tongue.gif:
-edit- I read up on whats currently stronger than diamond and its man made, Its basically super heated graphite and the carbon atoms are hexagons instead of cubes. Also it looks like there is one that isn't as strong as the one I just said, but can withstand greater heat so if it can be efficiently produced it with be use for mining. ironic.
How old are you? I'll be 15 on monday!
Why do you want to join? Sever looks awesome, I've been an admin on other servers and I can build nice building so I think I'll be good asset to your server