- 13thMurder
- Retired Staff
Member for 13 years and 19 days
Last active Sat, Jun, 27 2015 12:43:14
- 3,557 Total Posts
- 955 Thanks
Apr 1, 201413thMurder posted a message on An April ApologyI was hoping it was a prank, but they're actually making me enforce all this, so...Posted in: News
Apr 1, 201413thMurder posted a message on Minecraft Gets New Developer, Sells to EALooking into this, it isn't all too bad.Posted in: News
Some of the potential DLC i've found mentioned in other offsite articles looks nice.
I'll definitely be getting the Fancy Blocks Pack. I mean, $9.99 is a bit much for so few new blocks, but the marble and obsidian tiles seem like they would be really nice for building.
The Bird Bundle looks good too, although from everything i've read, the cassowaries seem a little over powered. I hope they reveal what the beaks will be used for soon.
One question though, will i automatically get an Origin code for Minecraft once 1.8 comes around and the current launcher is phased out, or will i have to purchase it again if i want to continue playing? I mean, if i have to, i guess it's fair. I've had a good long run with minecraft as it is, so i guess i've gotten my money's worth. -
Sep 12, 201313thMurder posted a message on Snapshot 13w37a Ready For Testing!I think i found Grum.Posted in: News
Do you ever stop and wonder what exactly went so wrong in Grum's life to traumatize him so badly that he feels the need to hide all the time? ...or is he a spy? -
Jun 15, 201313thMurder posted a message on Snapshot 13w24a Ready For Testing!Posted in: NewsQuote from Shourin
You have to use the texture pack folder not the zip file. If your useing your texture pack as a zip file UN-zip it then run the converter.
Doing that seems to crash the converter. It just closes instantly when i do. -
Jun 14, 201313thMurder posted a message on Snapshot 13w24a Ready For Testing!The texture pack converter doesn't work. All it does is unzips my texture pack into a folder, turns some of the folders within the texture pack into unreadable corrupted generic files (it shows the type of file to be 'file', is the same name as the folder it replaced, and is 0bytes in size)Posted in: News
And it rearranges the names of a few textures improperly... needless to say it doesn't seem to work... unless the new format invloves using unzipped folders? -
Feb 2, 201313thMurder posted a message on Snapshot Support in the Curse Client, Now Beta Testing & MoreI'm not sure i understand the system...Posted in: News
So for example, do only the top 100 content creators of that month recieve any points at all, but give nothing to the less popular creators who are still getting a thousand or so downloads a month? or do the top content producers simply get more, but everyone getting downloads gets points?
Or, is it a matter of a certain amount of downloads translating to a certain amount of points added up at the end of the month by figuring out the ratio of total downloads to points in the pool, and distributing them accordingly?
Most content creators out there are using adf.ly. in what ways is this a better alternative? it's certainly intriguing, though reading the FAQ doesn't answer many questions i have about, in fact, it simply creates more.
One very important question i have:
Where does the money come from? Is it simply sharing the ad revenue with content creators because they are one of the main reasons the website is visited, or will this require people to pay to use the site, or download content? For example, i have a texture pack. It would of course be nice to get something in return for the huge amount of work it is making such a thing (this year puts the project at its one year mark) but at the same time, id rather my texture pack be available to anyone, not just those who can afford it, no matter how low the price, i would never charge people to use it. -
Nov 3, 201213thMurder posted a message on DON'T PANIC -- Regarding "Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer!"Posted in: News
Nov 1, 201213thMurder posted a message on DON'T PANIC -- Regarding "Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer!"Posted in: News
just so you know...
PUP = possibly unwanted program = most likely tracking cookies -
Nov 1, 201213thMurder posted a message on DON'T PANIC -- Regarding "Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer!"lazy ad providors don't check their content at times...Posted in: News
a good thing to use is the noscript addon. it helps to prevent malacious things from ads (and in websites in general) getting into your computer. if you click on dangerous ones, then what happens to you happens, so be careful. but if you come across bad ones that you avoid, then it keeps you a bit safer.
note: noscript isnt an adblocker, so youll still see ads. adblockers don't necessarially block scripts though, therefore if you are just using an adblocker you might just not be seeing ads that are still there, and if they're dangerous, they'll still be dangerous. with noscript, all of the scripts running on a page will be blocked until you choose to allow them, so if a website isnt working correctly, that may be why, you simply need to give noscript permission to let them through, which is easy to do. -
Sep 28, 201213thMurder posted a message on Manly Tools Mod Spotlight - Camera Craftsacheverell turned into tomato sauce XD no... man sauce. ew.Posted in: News
anyway, this seems like an amazing mod. i do quite a bit of photography irl, and ive actually searched for a camera mod before and always just found... well, nothing that was actually a camera mod. mostly things that modified the player's viewpoint.
this looks excellent. -
Jul 22, 201213thMurder posted a message on Lawsuit Filed Against Mojang - This Time, For Obscure PatentAppears to be a patent troll. I do not care for those.Posted in: News
Mr. Richardson should be recieving a creeper in the mail shortly... hopefully* he can outrun it.
*13thmurder uses some words to promote a sense of geniality he simply doesn't have. -
Apr 30, 201213thMurder posted a message on Change Your Minecraft Name? Possibly In The Futureive had this username since i was 10. im now 20. yep... weird to say, but ive been using the same username for a decade.Posted in: News
i gotta say, people compliment my name a lot. i guess i just came up with something that worked well, so i stuck with it. -
Apr 20, 201213thMurder posted a message on PureBDCraft Texture Pack, Unbelievable Shaders Modhow do you get your shaders like that? all that happens when i try is my screen goes all blurry and i get intense lag.Posted in: News
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I want to continue texturing, but i don't have a whole lot of time. I will make an effort to do some textures here and there. I have a few .xcfs on my desktop of half done textures that i just work on occasionally. I usually focus on one at a time so i have real progress to show, but i dunno, my method's gone odd lately. I'll finish a few as soon as i can and post them.
Could be a while before i fully get back into it, if ever. Things are very not good right now.
Anyway, i did do a trapdoor though.
Quartz, gravel, glowstone, and a few more ore blocks it looks like. Plus all the 1.8 stuff.
Crazy people with googly eyes stuck on their gas masks, snail print pants, straight jackets, and pink tutus.
Might make it a submarine or something.
New obsidian.
Stone bricks. Went with plain, boring stone bricks. I vaguely remember that i used to be creative at some point in the past.
I could tweak the colors and such, or make it into some kind of embossed or carved thing as well. Any ideas?
Mold is rarely such a vivid green though.
To be fair, have you ever actually seen a butcher cutting meat on a slab in minecraft?
Anyway, mossy cobble:
It's just a 1 block high double slab, right? Look at the last picture, you can see on the left what that looks like. It might work as a sort of... decorative craft bench.
It looks like a slightly obstructed jack o lantern face, or maybe a hastily carved one.
But are you not just an older 3-year-old?
The gold looks like a jack o' lantern face.