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    posted a message on What should I build on this beautiful mountain side?
    Is the direction you're facing either east or west? If so, I would build my house right where you're standing and add a nice porch so you can watch the sun rise or set.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Need help deciding how to build a large structure
    For the floor, I like the 2nd and 5th pictures the best. (Picture #5 looks like sunlight streaming through the window to me) I would outline the glass floor windows with the darker floor color for contrast.

    As for the rest, I like the shape of the arches. My personal preference would be to use something like stone brick for the frame of the building. Then use the stained clay to fill in the gaps. I think the stone brick looks more "sturdy" or something and you can use slabs and stairs to round out your windows even more. In my opinion, stone brick also seems to contrast well with most colors either light or dark.

    Depending on how tall you make your structure, using a dark color on the inside of your roof can make it seem even taller. (Just my opinion) It seems to me that looking up to a black ceiling makes it look farther away and more mysterious than something bright like red. I suppose it depends on what you're going for here.

    Please post a picture of your build once you've finished. I'm interested in seeing what you come up with.

    Happy crafting,
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Please help? I am moving? (In Minecraft)
    If you've already got a nice setup, don't move! (Of course you can if you want, this is Minecraft afterall) Do like what some have suggested and bring the villagers to your place by making a long track from your current location to the village. Or, if you've watched the portal video, build a track in the nether between portals. Push the villager in from one side, then at the other end, push him through the next portal so he pops out back at your base.

    The other option is to cure some zombie villagers. It shouldn't take too long to find a few.

    Do you have a zombie spawner close by? Set up a trap so that you can easily kill the zombies as they spawn at no risk to you. A steady stream of zombies is bound to get you a carrot/potato drop at some point. This would be another good way to find a zombie villager. As a bonus, you'll get experience from killing all the zombies.

    Happy crafting,
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Protecting Mules
    One of my horses broke the lead tying it to a fence today. When I got back, the lead had despawned but fortunately the horse had not wandered far. I would recommend digging a pit or making a dirt fence for the mule if you plan to leave it for any length of time.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Baby zombies in vanilla world!
    The last update added them. Baby zombie pigmen too!

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Is it even possible to repair this..?
    You might be stuck. Have you tried repairing it with a plain sword that's halfway used up? In my experience, if the sacrifice item is partially worn, it reduces the amount of XP needed to repair the original sword. (I think the max amount of repair is limited to 40XP) If a half used sword doesn't work, try one that's even more worn. At some point though, you'll have to start questioning whether it's worth repairing.

    *Ninja'd: Thanks, IronMagus, didn't think to check there. Last time I looked at that page, I guess the wiki wasn't updated.

    OP, enjoy the sword while you have it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Fell in a hole with some villagers...can't get out
    If they're not valuable villagers and you want to live (maybe you've got a lot of XP) just kill them. If you have a few villagers above, the village should repopulate before too long. If you want to kill yourself, try jumping up repeatedly. This will deplete your hunger bar faster. If you're on hard, you'll starve to death.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Yet, Once again, Slime problems.
    If you really need to kill slimes for the slimeballs, just go to a swamp. Those suckers are everywhere after dark.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Your storage room designs..
    Quote from rodabon

    I'm liking the look of that one also. I may steal that concept. (A whole double chest for CAKE?!!!)

    Haha, I HAD a double chest full of cake. But, I got hungry...
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers breeding out of control?
    No idea what to tell you about the villager spawning since I'm a noob in that regard. However, that mushroom village looks pretty cool. :Diamond:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Best Armor: Pumpkin or Helmet?
    Quote from Frog81

    Ahem, the answer is inbetween. Using enchanted books and an anvil to make an enchaned pumpkin helmet that keeps you safe AND keeps away endermen.

    Whoa, you can do that?! You can enchant a pumpkin with protection or something?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Whats a decent FPS?
    Any FPS that you can play without feeling "laggy" is a decent FPS. So, if you don't notice anything wrong and the game feels like it's moving ok at 30 FPS, there's not much reason to try upping your FPS. That said, mine goes from 100-60 depending on which texture pack I'm using at the moment. Never had any FPS problems myself.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Speed vs Speed II
    I like extended speed. In pretty much every scenario, I would rather have the potion last longer rather than have to chug/brew a few of them. Cuts down on used inventory space when I can have a couple long potions vs a bunch of shorter timed potions. Also, redstone is much more plentiful and I prefer to use my glowstone for lighting purposes.

    For me, the above reasons apply to any redstone vs glowstone brewing decision.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Stuck in the nether with a desactivated portal
    Quote from madkillaspyro

    Glad to hear you got back home safe. Here's some advice to prevent this from happening in the future.

    1. Build something around the portal (preferably made of stone, cobblestone, stone brick, etc.) to keep it (and yourself) safe from ghasts.
    2. Place a chest in a safe place in the Nether and put a spare flint and steel in it.

    Also when/if you build your 'Nether home' you can also build a few windows on it if you'd like. Ghasts can't see through them.

    Iron bars also work well as windows in the Nether. Ghasts can't see through them and the fireballs won't break them.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Would you just use cheats instead of hardcorely survive in survival mode?
    Quote from GeneralEagleEye

    dude... really? Ive known for a while not to dig straight up, and water buckets are for wimps.... that was back when I was a n00b to clarify things a bit more

    You just said that you dug a diamond out of a ceiling and the gravel that subsequently fell on you pushed you into the lava. Not sure how you managed to accomplish that without digging straight up. :P

    "water buckets are for wimps" lol! But apparently,"cheating" to get back diamonds lost from a mistake you made isn't wimping out huh?

    Ok, I'm done.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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