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    posted a message on [V1.6.6] epinull's Mods SME update
    Quote from Raposa318 »
    Quote from 0Figment0 »
    This is gonna sound really silly... But what's the recipe for the dispenser?

    Cobblestone around a bow i think

    Newp...Didn't work. :sad.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [V1.6.6] epinull's Mods SME update
    This is gonna sound really silly... But what's the recipe for the dispenser?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on "MOD" Creation Question
    No answers? :Skeleton:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on "MOD" Creation Question
    I guess MOD is probably the wrong way to word it, as it's really only going to be a schematic. But before I post it (Still needs some work) I wanted to get some questions answered. What I'm going to eventually post isn't something very practical as I've seen mods that'll do virtually the same thing as what I've built. But it was a learning experience and since I learned from another "mod" I downloaded, I thought I'd share my creation as well.

    I'm going to have several "versions" of said schematic. The first is nothing more than normal game items. Other versions will make use of mods I've found on the site. So a couple questions:
    1.The version without mods (Raw Game stuff) would that be considered a MOD or a Schematic for posting purposes?
    2. If I use other peoples' mods within the schematic, should I get permission from those people first before posting something using their stuff?
    3. More of an assumption than a question, but once I get permission (If needed) I assume I'll need to include links to their mods in my post so that people can install those mods. Otherwise the Modded versions won't work properly, correct?

    Thanks for any feedback provided. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [MAP] Ammorth's Minecart Station - Version 2.1!
    Well, I guess I'll update a little. (Can't WAIT to see what you come up with next. :biggrin.gif:
    I finished my 3rd track our from the station. So far there are only 2 things that are REALLY irritating...
    1: Creepers.... I've had those damn things blow the snot out of 2 different sections I was working in so far.... So I've given up working at night as torches keep them from spawning in the area, but not from coming into the area.
    2: Barnyard Animals.... If one more pig hops in one of my booster carts while I'm riding around..... I swear I'm going to fill my inventory with TNT and just put a big hole in the world...

    Incidentally, when clearing paths for my railyard I found it quite fun to climb the trees, set 4 or 5 TNTs about 4 blocks apart, light one and run. HUGE fun to watch the chain reaction.

    Anyways, not trying to derail the thread. Got this baby bookmarked. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    I had an idea, but not sure if you've thought of this.
    The dispensing system for your station: Would it be possible to implement something like that as stand-alone?
    For example:

    Your main station gets you to point A, B, C depending on which you choose.
    Out at Location A:, I simply have a cart glitch booster setup to return to the station. But it'd be neat to be able to walk over, step on a plate and have a cart dispensed and launched just like in the station.
    In my head, it would be simpler than the entire station because you would only have 1 track coming in and out.
    Is this making sense? It would in essence be the same launcher you're using for Departures, but without the selection logic in place because it just needs to send the cart down the track.
    Set up a hopper like you have in the station so you can load it. When people arrive at the destination, they give the cart a shove and it store it. They step on the plate, a cart pops out into the water, and away they go back to the station.
    I will pave the ground under your feet with gold if this sounds like something you could do. I've been working on something like this for the last 2 hours... But I simply haven't learned enough about tracks and redstone yet....
    I copied your station into another world and started dismantling it.. So I can try and see what you did, how and why.... My brain hurts now. lol
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [MAP] Ammorth's Minecart Station - Version 2.1!
    Quote from Ammorth »
    Quote from Yamdel »
    Thats epic!
    Although for some reason one time I ended up coming out the overflow section...

    There is a bug sometimes within Minecraft itself, in that pressure plates and buttons either don't active at all (when pressed) or activate on an extremely small period. This causes the switch that checks for a person to not trigger the track piece to send the play out of the station, causing you to go through all the internal stuff, smack your head, and either come out of the overflow section, or end up in the hopper. I know because it has happened to me once while debugging the station.

    Sadly, there is very little I can do about this, as it is a bug in Minecraft that happens randomly.

    So Ammorth, I don't know about you but when I create something (Website, Graphic or video) that people like and use, I get a kick out of seeing it in action. So I thought I'd throw what I have so far on Youtube for you and everyone to see. It's still a work in progress and I only have one destination done, but for what it's worth here it is. Enjoy!

    Hmm.. Can't embed youtube for some reason...
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [MAP] Ammorth's Minecart Station - Version 2.1!
    Quote from Ammorth »
    Quote from Yamdel »
    Thats epic!
    Although for some reason one time I ended up coming out the overflow section...

    There is a bug sometimes within Minecraft itself, in that pressure plates and buttons either don't active at all (when pressed) or activate on an extremely small period. This causes the switch that checks for a person to not trigger the track piece to send the play out of the station, causing you to go through all the internal stuff, smack your head, and either come out of the overflow section, or end up in the hopper. I know because it has happened to me once while debugging the station.

    Sadly, there is very little I can do about this, as it is a bug in Minecraft that happens randomly.

    Hehe, Randomly or when you start flipping a station around in MCedit when you don't know what you're doing regarding the rules of track turns....
    I will say this. I got inside the station and started poking around trying to see if I could "figure out" the problem... I am so amazed. Do you mind if I ask how long it took you to get your first working station done?
    I'm proud of myself it only took 2 hours to lay redstone wire for a switch activated door. (Granted I've just LEARNED how to use Redstone Dust) But I can't IMAGINE building something on this scale.
    There's the guy who built the ALU computer... But that seems more basic to me than what you've done here. Just on a larger scale.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [MAP] Ammorth's Minecart Station - Version 2.1!
    Quote from Yamdel »
    Thats epic!
    Although for some reason one time I ended up coming out the overflow section...

    That's what was happening to me. I'd get a half-ride through the place, hit my head 3 or 4 times, then end up in the cart corral. But as mentioned, I was rotating inside MCedit, which was screwing everything up.

    I FINALLY got everything in place and working. Now I'm working on learning "hands-on" to get tracks going where I want them and still make them return.

    I'm using the glitch method of boosting for returns as this is a SP world. I don't have to worry about multiple people using it. I just wanted a faster way of getting to each place I've made.

    I've figured out how to get carts to hit the return track...Now it's just laying the track.......... *groan*
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [MAP] Ammorth's Minecart Station - Version 2.1!
    Ammorth, you are my new hero. That was exactly my problem. I imported the schematic again without rotating, worked fine. So I downloaded the updated version so I can face it the way I want. Thanks SO SO MUCH for the fast response.
    I've only been playing for about 2 weeks now and I'm completely hooked. I've decided I'm going build some "attractions" such as ruins, an observation platform and so on to learn how some of the finer parts of the game work. (I just did my first combination lock. Only took me... Oh, 3 1/2 hours? I'm so proud.... Stupid Redstone....)
    Anyways, I'm going to look forward to more mods from you in the future.

    Thanks again for the prompt response. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [MAP] Ammorth's Minecart Station - Version 2.1!
    Quote from Ammorth »
    Quote from 0Figment0 »
    I absolutely LOVE this station. My wife, who has NO interest in the game was even impressed with the detail and amount of time and effort that had to be put into this.

    Thank you, I'm glad you and your wife enjoy it! Hopefully we can work out the kinks so you can have even more fun!

    If you want to email me your world, or upload a link to it, I would be happy to troubleshoot it directly. That being said, I did create a schematic from 2.0 and uploaded it here. Try that schematic and see if it works (I tested it quickly and all seemed good). Also, are you trying to rotate or mirror the station while importing? Although MCEdit seems to rotate everything correctly, some of the track (especially the parts that switch) may act differently due to the south-west rule. This would most likely be the culprit. The solution would be to invert the redstone to the tracks that are causing issues (if it is important you need it facing a certain way). Otherwise you should be able to use it without rotating it. Please tell me if this helps. If I have time (mid-terms comming up) I'll try rotating it in all the directions and add them to the map (with the corrected circuits).

    Grrr... You know what? I bet that's EXACTLY what's happening. I HAVE been rotating it. I'll give it another go in a bit. I'm working on a combination lock .....which has me stumped... :smile.gif: I'll repost and let you know how it went.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [MAP] Ammorth's Minecart Station - Version 2.1!
    I absolutely LOVE this station. My wife, who has NO interest in the game was even impressed with the detail and amount of time and effort that had to be put into this.

    That being said... I've got a problem.
    I imported this as a .schematic in MCedit into my world. (From years of graphics editing and website design, THANKFULLY I back up stuff before I tinker...)
    So I imported it, and just kind of stuck it in the ground. This proved flawed because the exit tracks are now underground and you run into a wall.
    So I fixed that problem by grabbing more of the area around the station. However now when I import it, then go to test it out in-game, I end up hitting my head on blocks and the cart doesn't go where it's supposed to. I end up taking a ride to the overflow tank instead. Also, the only way to take a ride is by dropping my own cart in the chute, and then jumping it. It stopped dispensing them as well.
    When I copy it, it looks like I'm grabbing all of it, and this is somewhere internal.
    I created a test world and started breaking through a few things to see where something might have goofed up, but this proved futile as I have NO CLUE what's going on with all the logic circuits and whatnot.
    So, what could I be doing wrong? I count as many as 3-4 times I hit my head on the ride, and the cart doesn't go where it's suppose to.
    Any help? Purdy Please?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [128x][1.5]World of Warcraft texture pack (alliance pack up!)
    Hey Puppy,
    First off FANTASTIC SKIN. I've been playing WoW since Release, and just got hooked on Minecraft. Def gonna download this and try it out.
    As for Blizzard, here's where you're most likely going to stand:

    Blizzard has released Fan Site Kits for every expansion they've done. These fan Site kits include graphics, web code, etc for people to use. There are "catches" though. One of which being you cannot claim to OWN the images.
    Secondly you cannot try and charge people for your pack. Not even donations. Because you don't own the content.
    Technically, even SCREENSHOTS that are on YOUR computer from inside Warcraft are still Blizzard's intellectual property.

    So, give Blizzard their credit (Which you have) and don't charge or accept donations (Which so far you aren't) and you should be fine.

    Keep working on this pack. It looks great!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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