Toph, hunt around for downgrades. They're usually floating around.
Personally, I'm having fun on my 1.2. It's been a while since I've played creative and stuck with it other than testing. It's sort of a breath of fresh air. I'll post more later tonight if I find more interesting stuff. Also might post some screenies too.
I renamed my minecraft folder, and then updated to 1.2 to play with it a little.
Climbing vines is neat. I'm playing 100% mod free (I miss my minimap already....)
I haven't ventured more than about 25 blocks from my little cave-home yet, however I lucked out and started mining into a large iron vein. So that helped.
I started in a jungle biome, which is kinda neat. Some of the trees are basically 2X2 logs thick with vines on em.
No sight of ocelots or kitty's yet.
Lava makes a popping sound when it shoots little lava goblets out now.
I'm deep enough in a cave that hopefully I'll come across some diamonds soon. It would be a nice place to set up a strip mine if it weren't for all the lava.... *sigh*
Tonight I plan on venturing away from home a bit. No zombies breaking down my door yet. If I come across new stuff, I'll post screenshots.
For those who want to check out new content without worrying about losing your current MC version, here's how to do it:
*** NOTE *** This is for Windows 7! Windows XP will be similiar, but the file path will be different.
Click Start
In the Search Programs box, type %appdata%
For Windows 7 64 Ultimate, this defaults to the ROAMING folder. If yours doesn't, double click the ROAMING folder.
You'll see .minecraft.
Right click and choose RENAME
Rename it to something like minecraft11 or something.
Launch your Minecraft executable.
Let Minecraft Download.
You're now on version 1.2.
Now, to revert BACK, repeat the above steps, renaming your newly created/downloaded .minecraft to minecraft12 or something.
Now the tricky part. Windows won't let you rename a folder with a . in front of it, as it wants to treat it as a file extension. So to get your old version back, follow the below steps AFTER you've done the above steps to rename the 1.2 folder.
In the Search Programs (Run Box for XP) type CMD
You will get a black box with white text in it. This is called the COMMAND PROMPT
The current path should read: c:\Users\YourUserName (For me it's Figment... Yes, that's my computer name too..Shut up)
On that line, type the following EXACTLY (Replacing YourUserName with whatever your username is on your computer, and replacing OldMineCraft with whatever you named it before. If you followed my advice, it'll be minecraft11)
rename c:\Users\YourUserName\appdata\roaming\minecraft11 .minecraft
This will rename the minecraft11 folder (Your OLD .minecraft folder) back to .minecraft
Launch Minecraft
Chose Not Now when asked to update.
Good luck and enjoy 1.2
Just repeat the steps above any time you want to swap between methods.
There may be batch files or hand written stuff out there that'll do this easier for you, but this is the way I do it.
Just an FYI, if your forum avatar isn't displaying, go into your profile. Re-download the avatar from there by right clicking it and choosing SAVE IMAGE (Unless you still have it saved), click on the CHANGE button on your picture, and re-upload it. Fixed mine right up.
Just wanted to give everyone a bit of a heads up, but my playtime this week will be a tad limited with post-Academy Awards work going on. I'll still be popping in and out, just not as much as usual until this weekend most likely. :smile.gif:
I'd like to congratulate and welcome the newest member of our vRep team, Yenshosia87!
Yen has shown considerable dedication and commitment to the clan and it's ideals.
We look forward to his service as a vRep. :smile.gif:
I was gonna mention this as well. Might wanna re-name your map. Someone created a SkyLands map ages ago. It's still used today, VERY cool map.
Indeed..... You're trying awful hard to give away a "secret" crush...
Oh, and...Boobies.
That is all.
Personally, I'm having fun on my 1.2. It's been a while since I've played creative and stuck with it other than testing. It's sort of a breath of fresh air. I'll post more later tonight if I find more interesting stuff. Also might post some screenies too.
Climbing vines is neat. I'm playing 100% mod free (I miss my minimap already....)
I haven't ventured more than about 25 blocks from my little cave-home yet, however I lucked out and started mining into a large iron vein. So that helped.
I started in a jungle biome, which is kinda neat. Some of the trees are basically 2X2 logs thick with vines on em.
No sight of ocelots or kitty's yet.
Lava makes a popping sound when it shoots little lava goblets out now.
I'm deep enough in a cave that hopefully I'll come across some diamonds soon. It would be a nice place to set up a strip mine if it weren't for all the lava.... *sigh*
Tonight I plan on venturing away from home a bit. No zombies breaking down my door yet. If I come across new stuff, I'll post screenshots.
For those who want to check out new content without worrying about losing your current MC version, here's how to do it:
*** NOTE *** This is for Windows 7! Windows XP will be similiar, but the file path will be different.
Click Start
In the Search Programs box, type %appdata%
For Windows 7 64 Ultimate, this defaults to the ROAMING folder. If yours doesn't, double click the ROAMING folder.
You'll see .minecraft.
Right click and choose RENAME
Rename it to something like minecraft11 or something.
Launch your Minecraft executable.
Let Minecraft Download.
You're now on version 1.2.
Now, to revert BACK, repeat the above steps, renaming your newly created/downloaded .minecraft to minecraft12 or something.
Now the tricky part. Windows won't let you rename a folder with a . in front of it, as it wants to treat it as a file extension. So to get your old version back, follow the below steps AFTER you've done the above steps to rename the 1.2 folder.
In the Search Programs (Run Box for XP) type CMD
You will get a black box with white text in it. This is called the COMMAND PROMPT
The current path should read: c:\Users\YourUserName (For me it's Figment... Yes, that's my computer name too..Shut up)
On that line, type the following EXACTLY (Replacing YourUserName with whatever your username is on your computer, and replacing OldMineCraft with whatever you named it before. If you followed my advice, it'll be minecraft11)
rename c:\Users\YourUserName\appdata\roaming\minecraft11 .minecraft
This will rename the minecraft11 folder (Your OLD .minecraft folder) back to .minecraft
Launch Minecraft
Chose Not Now when asked to update.
Good luck and enjoy 1.2
Just repeat the steps above any time you want to swap between methods.
There may be batch files or hand written stuff out there that'll do this easier for you, but this is the way I do it.
Yen has shown considerable dedication and commitment to the clan and it's ideals.
We look forward to his service as a vRep. :smile.gif: