Server Support and Administration

Support for technical problems with servers.
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
can connect to one server but not another... >>
by redhawk97
2 369
Multicraft server settings help >>
by boxopen
1 505
Brony Server Name Ideas? >>
by XavierTheGreat256
2 472
Players cant join my server because they get disconnected >>
by kobebeef
0 314
Pex and WorldGuard HELP! >>
by FallenRealityServer
1 717
How to find where players have been. >>
by balmoraman242
2 465
Can someone explain how to allocate more RAM to a server like I'm 4? >>
by RealtreeByGod
5 545 connection timed out no further information: >>
by portablesndwhich
1 662
Default Name Color >>
by Chance9025
1 439
Running multiple servers on one dedicated gaming server >>
by murderersrow
4 418
How can i allow certain groups to get better kits? >>
by BLiiTzyHD
3 5,706
Server World Loading VERY Slow >>
by CPCheebs
4 9,460
I am trying to turn my craftbukkit server into a Modpack server (Attack of the B-Team) and every time I press "start" it flicker >>
by KobyLazar
1 489
My Minecraft Server >>
by yoyumink7
1 319
Kits - They won't work >>
by Consgrove
4 715
Trying to change my single-player map to multiplayer? >>
by Slakah
0 448
is it possible to run 2 minecraft servers on one mac? >>
by gecko465
2 397
Need Tips and Mods for my Upcoming Server >>
by TyphoonGamingAdmin
2 381
Server crashing when it opens up >>
by Silverlight
6 1,112
Authme issue need Help :| >>
by Stealer_93
2 1,621
Server won't update to 1.7 >>
by neonblaststars1
0 332
Why is it I can't spawn at my bed? >>
by confusedtoomuch
3 886
Etiquette for hosting a server? >>
by HarryVoyager
2 793
My Vanilla Server wont be online to other people! >>
by Twiggy101
6 713
How do I claim LARGE area with factions? >>
by Gurman8r
5 8,314
java.netConnectException: Connection time out: no further information: >>
by Twiggy101
0 808
Help! A Dark Hole Appeared >>
by Ridgedude
1 403
How to fix io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException >>
by matt6090
3 1,355
server how much ram needed >>
by thesupremedalek
4 522
[GroupManager] Ranks Not working In-Game! {Help} >>
by MCFUser2612451
1 334